A Personal Statement
1. Why another WebPage about Gloves ?
The reason for establishing this page is very simple - I'd like to express my feelings and thoughts about Leather Gloves, about the significance of gloves to me in my life. And I'd like to get in touch with people who are intersted in this, do have the same ... or totally different feelings, talk to them etc.
2. Who am I ?
My name is Mike, I'm 29 years old, scorpio, nationality is German, currently located in Munich, Germany. 
You can mail me: glove28@hotmail.com
3. Where it all has begun ? 
I really don't know when my intrigue for gloves has begun exactly, but it's present as long as I can remember. My parents once told me a story that I - aged about 2 years - took my mothers longer white leather gloves and drove with my toy tractor through our flat (I was 13 as I heard this story and I know my face turned red ...). Later I went trough this period where you really don't know anything about sex, but feeling very excited when taking Mom's brown soft leather gloves into your bed, smelling the leather, kissing it, slip into the gloves, touching yourself etc. A few years later I realized that this has a sexual meaning, too. 
In my theory my 'glove thing' is based on the following event: My birth was not an easy thing, because I was 3 weeks late to the prognosted date. I then had to stay 3 weeks away from my Mom alone in the Hospital. It was a very cold autumn and on the day my mother took me from the hospital I'm pretty sure she wore here leather gloves (28 years ago it was really common for a lady to wear leather gloves outside). So I think that one of the first feelings I had were my mother's leather gloved hands. O.K., that's just a theory, but I'll never know it exactly.
But I still thought, that this is bad, pervert. And then I had this phase when I discovered 'girls' and I thought: Uhh, this glove thing is a bad one. If you love gloves, you'll never get a girl. So, after my first brush-off I took the scissors ... and the gloves (only 3 pair, one wonderful short brown pair of my Dad's 2nd wife - I'd borrowed them ...) went into the wastebasket.

I told it my first girlfriend after being together with her for more than one year - I was very anxious about her reaction. But she said that it's o.k. for her and in the next few years we purchased some pairs of nice fine leather gloves (I'm pretty sure she wears them today ...). But she didn't really understand me - she agreed and often she took on gloves, but only because of me.
Today I learned to accept or better live with and love my intrigue. Although it's not easy everytime, but my current partner gave me the right kick as I told her about the glove thing: She was very interested, as I introduced her to my glove fascination, she tried it and it was a surprise to her - sometimes she's quite dominant and then the leather gloves give her the distance she needs, they give her the feeling that she can be another person, like playing a role, act totally different than in normal life. And that's a great pleasure for me, too.   

4. What's up today ?
Today I do have a very understanding partner. She herselfs is not a glove loving person by nature. As we met a few years ago she even had not only one pair of leather gloves (... can you imagine that ... ;-) ... ?).   
But we talked a lot of about my glove side and whats the importance for me. This helped me a lot to see this as a  normal aspect of my life (other people like huge breasts ...). Today I can walk into a glove shop, search in the glove boxes, buy a pair - no problem anymore. But I don't talk to other poeple about 'gloves' in the real world - with one exception: I met Henry in real life, and it was very interesting talking to somebody who has similar feelings about leather gloves, to see parallels and differences. 
At this point I see the glove intrigue not as a problem, but more as an extension of my (or our) sexuality. The collection of gloves grows larger and larger:

Finally I'd like to say, that I don't love a  woman because she wears leather gloves - but the leather gloves will make it more interesting, more thrilling, ... sometimes ...
5. Why I'm not a 'Fetishist' ?
I omit the word fetish, because this word has been really missused by media and idiots who pretend to be psychologists in the last few years. One the one hand everything has been called 'a fetish'. Even if somebody wears a sexy leather skirt on a party, this has been called 'fetish dress' by some poeple. And on the other hand, fetishist are supposed to be pervert, totally addicted to their fetish. 
But I'm not addicted to leather gloves. I like them, I love them, love to see, smell, feel, wear ... them. 
Most of the things you read in books, magazines etc. about fetishism is - in my opinion - really bullshit. As I was young I started searching for articles and books about fetishism in the huge library in my hometown. The main conclusion of all these articles is that the fetish starts in the very early childhood, later you'll be addicted to your fetish more and more, if you have a partner, you'll love the fetish instead of the partner ... and so on. Oh yes, and fetishists will masturbate on or into their objects. Do you masturbate into your finest shoulder length kidskin leather gloves ??? Do you love your partner because of the gloves she (or he) wears ? Then something is going wrong ... 
So I think this is enough to explain why I hate the word 'fetish'.
Enjoy yourself ...
and if you want feel free to send me a message: