Death Valley Photo Shooting (6/99)

These pictures were taken one cool morning in Death Valley in June 1999 - and there ARE
cool mornings up in the mountains around the Valley. We managed to find a nice place away
from our campground and started taking pictures a few minutes before sunrise. All pictures have
been taken on Illford XP400 film material, the scans had been retouched only a few percent of
brightness (to let you see more glove details). And - finally - many thanks again to my 'model'
for leaving her sleeping bag at 5 in the morning ... ;-) The gloves are from Roeckl - you can see
them also in a few other 'Collection' links here on my site. Hope you'll enjoy the pictures.

Ahh, one important thing: All pictures have been uploaded
with an inprinted copyright message - sorry for that, I hate this, too.
But some of my pics have been misused in an EBAY auction and this isn't why I put them online.
Friends can send me a mail to get a copyright-free version or everybody
can get these pictures as real high quality b/w prints - ask me for details.


Death Valley 1999 - 1

Death Valley 1999 - 2
Death Valley 1999 - 3

Death Valley 1999 -4

Death Valley 1999 - 5
Death Valley 1999 - 6

Death Valley 1999 - 7

Death Valley 1999 - 8

Death Valley 1999 - 9

Death Valley 1999 - 10

Death Valley 1999 - 11
Death Valley 1999 - 12


(click on the thumb nails for a larger image)

Any questions, suggestions or secret wishes ...
send an e-mail to: