The Collection - Part 4
 Wonderful Ultra Natura kidskin leather gloves from Roeckl. 60 cm in length, size 7, very supple, very soft, very tigh. A dream became reality as I saw them a few months ago in the shop window of a Roeckl store here in Munich.
Black Opera Length Roeckls
Black Opera Length Ultra Natura Roeckl
Black Opera Length Ultra Natura Roeckl
Dream Gloves ...
The price was just o.k. (DM 279,- or ca. US$ 160,-). They have no buttons at the wrist, and they don't need buttons. As we went finally to the shop, the gloves didn't lay in the window anymore. So we asked and one of the two selling ladies opened a drawer and helped my girl firend to slip into them. I think you can imagine this situation - two ladies, one helps the other to get into these wonderful black leather gloves. And they fitted perfectly ...
     Black & dark - coat & gloves    
     Black & dark - coat & gloves    
A black leather coat, black leather gloves ... what do you think about that ? I really love this black & dark combination. And if they are combined with a black leather corset ... aaahhhhh ! 
(and by the way, I sewed the corset myself) 
     Black & dark - coat & gloves 

     Black & dark - coat & gloves & corset     

     Black & dark - coat & gloves
(click on the thumb nails for a larger image)
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