The Collection - Part 1
Driving gloves ... hm, I love driving gloves. They look so powerful, so strong. It's a pity not very much women actually do wear such leather gloves while driving their cars ... or even outside ...
Most of you know these gloves - and ordered them from Madova - the legendary 8-pol-style for US $ 12,50. And what a quality for this price. They are very tight (this seems to be more the French cut, made for smaller hands).
... and I'm sure, lots of you love gloves the tighter the better ... . And you really do get something for your money. So don't hesitate, go to the supplier section and choose Madova ... 
These nearly shoulder length gray leather gloves are among my very favourites. I bought them on a flea market last year. They had been worn by a lady once at a Misoni fashion show and then for a dinner party.
Oh how I love this, to see a lady smoothing her gloves. And it does look so perfect if they nearly reach the shoulder. 
They each have three push buttons on their wrist. This is not the old glove style, but it's a little bit easier to close (and, too bad, open) them. But the fit quite good - not super-tight, but good enough.
... very RED ... and a frivolous zip on the back hand ... imagine what you can do with them ...
If you wear red leather gloves outside, that's like an explanation mark. "Hey, look, I'm self- confident, I know what I want". Everybody will watch you, your wonderful red leather gloves ... try it ! 
(click on the thumb nails for a larger image)
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