Done with this site? So inspired you want to see some fashion sites from stores and brands? If so -- you've come to the right place!

Fashion Links

Delia*s Online It's finally up! The online catalog is yet to go up, but I will DEFINATELY check every day, and let you know when it's there too!

Airshop Airshop sells some of the coolest clothes from various labels, not to mention a Web Site that shouldn't be missed!

Alloy One of the best online catalogs around! They have lots of options, expecially for the expected (hopefully!) warm weather!

Dollhouse Clothing Dollhouse clothes are shown in many stores and catalogs, such as Delia*s, The Icing, etc. The label has their own web site that offers many clothes you may not be able to find anywhere else.

The Gap Home of the famous dress-up shockwave game!

Claire's Accessories Need the perfect necklace to show that outfit off? They also own The Icing, which is a pretty cool store that hold clothes, shoes, and accessories!

GUESS Jeans Guess jeans and clothing, what could be more classic?

Paris Blues Jeans A major junior label jean company, not to mention a pretty spiffy website!

Lucky Brand Jeans Lucky you! Here's the website that makes you feel lucky all the time!

Hard CandyHard Candy supplies the coolest shades in make-up and nail polish. They also have a few items of clothes!

Moxie Girl A place to chill and hang out or order a copy of their catalog.

Bongo Jeans Go see all their cute clothes!

Skechers Shoes A beautiful site of Skechers shoes!

Model Links

Whew, it's hard to find GOOD sites of models! Most of them are made by guys and are VERY sexist! (WOW! She is SO hot! *GRUNT* *GRUNT*) I'll try my hardest to weed these out so you guys don't have to!


EmmeEmme is one of the most popular plus size models out there. This site is great, because it show a beautiful woman that is happy to be the way she is. Even though a little preachy about weight in my opinion, it's still great to see. It also has good information and help about eating disorders.

Krissy Taylor

It was very sad to see one of my favorite models pass away mysteriously a few years back. These two sites are in tribute to her beautiful personality.

Krissy's Tribute Page This page, designed by her mother is a beautiful rememberance to Krissy. There are many things said and done on the behalf of Krissy since she passed away on this page.

Krissy: Goddess of BeautyAnother page written in memory of Krissy. This one has pictures of her and her family, eulogies, and possible answers to her sudden and tragic death.

Zine Ads

Interested in a newsletter zine? Here are some to look at!

GLAMMER099has created an E-mail zine and has just finished her March 1998 issue! Mail her and ask for a copy!


Are all you girlies ready for a club that will blow your mind? One with tons of totally AWESOME columns with totally AWESOME wrters? Well, then join my club, Dudette!

The following columns are in it: Shape Up, Pet Peeves, Popcorn! Candy! Soda!, Muzic Profile, HoRosCopEs, Sites 2 See, PoLL, Laughter: The Best Medicine, Ask A Guy, Why Me?, Chew On This, Something's Buggin' Me, Nails, TrEnDz, Your VOICE, Holleywood Buzz, Advice Gurl, Short Story, Listen Up, Fashion Kraze, Contest!, In Your Own Words, GuYz.

If you wanna join Dudette, e-mail me, WWJC4me!

Dudette Staff

Prez ~
Vice Prez ~
Editor ~

Luv ya,
T i f f y
Prez of Dudette

"If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it was meant to be and if it doesn't it was never truly yours."

If you are interested in advertising your zine ad here, mail Kristin and let her know. Please attatch a current or previous copy of your newsletter zines. Not all zines submitted will be posted here.

Didn't see your fave site? I'm always adding and would like your suggestions! Tell Kristin!

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