#gaycollegeboys Meet gay college boys from around the world!
Brian's Quiz Central Great fun if you were a child of the '80s, like me.
Gay Goth Network A great site if you're into gay goth boys.
Mike J. Allred's Web Thing My brother's site.
Sean Patrick Live! A live webcam site featuring a cute gay guy and his friends.
Vent Personal site for a young gay guy.  Major hottie alert!!

Hate Crimes Prevention Act Go here to find out how you can aid in the fight against hate crimes in your area.

SHOPPING: Auctions A nice alternative to eBay.
Barnes and Noble The best prices on books and an amazing selection, too.
eBay You can find just about anything at this online auction site.  Great for collectors of music memorabilia, like me.
Electronics Boutique The best source on the net for all your gaming needs.
Gallo Design Studio An utterly fabulous San Francisco-based design house.
The Gap If you like The Gap and you're too busy for the mall. One of my favorite online music sites, low prices and a great selection.
Send-a-Scent Top brand scents at unbeatable prices.
Yahoo! Auctions Another nice alternative to eBay.

All About Adam The official website for sexy Britboy Adam Ricketts.
The Definitive Penis Size Survey Get that tape measure handy, this is a quiz for those of you who have one and aren't afraid to tell about it. The official Depeche site is also easily the best.  A vital link for DM fans, such as myself.
Dr. Fred's Laboratory A site devoted to the '80s game, and one of my all time faves, Maniac Mansion.
Groupboard Here, you can draw artwork right on the page and post it for everyone to admire.
Imagine Games Network The #1 site for gamers.
The Internet Movie Database Simply the most comprehensive and thorough source for movie info.
Jem Grrrlz! If you're a Jem fan, and I know you are, this would be the best place to go for all things Jem. The official, and by far the coolest Kylie Minogue site.
Miramax The official site for one of the best film companies around.
ModelsEtc. A super collection of ultra hot male and female supermodels.
Nintendo Power Source The official site for Nintendo, the best names in console gaming, IMHO.
RPGamer News and more from the world of console RPGs.
Tarot Go here for cool, free, automatic online tarot readings.
Test Junkie A nice big collection of personality, relationship, intelligence, and general health tests.
Think Labyrinth, The Movie! What can I say, everybody loves Labyrinth.
Top 25 Emulation Sites A must-have if you're into video game emulation.
VideoGameSpot Another great console gaming site.

I'd be happy to add you to my list.  E-mail me here
