Hi, what took you so long getting to my information page, my
statistics tell me most people first go to my modeling pages, am I surprised no,
the main thing is you are here Right Now.
I am in the early stages of finishing my web site, so this
information page will evolve in it's depth. For information regarding my
commercial photography, it will be on
commercial page.
The main thing is to help you to understand what I offer.

Head and Shoulder Portraits.
A head and shoulder photo shoot can be a
very simple
shot or you can discuss with me a mood you would
like to convey, or you can leave it to me
to direct you
which way to look or pose etc, whatever you
feel is best.

Head, Shoulder, Chest Portraits.
A head, shoulder, chest shoot can also be very simple
shot or you can discuss with me what mood, color of top
you would like to wear, or you can ask me my opinion,
and I can also help with posing selections, not a problem
not even a worry.

Length, Body Shoot
A full length body shoot can also be simple fun shoot in
which you can plan the whole shoot in advance, the mood,
what outfit you would like, or again, you can ask for ideas
and then make a decision, in either case you always have the
final say.

Outdoor, Location
A location outdoor shoot is also a lot of fun, unless it's
40 below zero, or a wild wind storm. Weather permitting
you pick a location, the outfit and the mood you want the
photo to convey, or it can be a joint decision regarding
the above, either way, it's all good.

Whatever type of photo shoot you want, I will try hard to
accommodate you, I try to make sure everyone is happy.
As for my modesty, I follow the styles and trends of the
society I was born into, every generation and society has it's own
set of values, just 80 years ago it was illegal to
photograph a belly button, now days it's not a issue in "western societies".
So likewise, different groups and individuals within a society
also have different thoughts as to what is acceptable.
I offer a wide range of styles, moods, locations, to select
from, to keep everyone happy even you, yes and even you.