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Body Politic
Hi, all, here is a piece of comment which I have posted to various guest books on the 8th of March - the Women's Day.
Very nice to hear more and more people (both men and women) think that it's time to change the world!
Today is the Women's day. I read from newspaper that they are talking about 'Body Politic'. In short, one of the point is that they fight for the right to wear anything they want.
They don't want to be forced to wear skirt/dress, high-heels and pantyhose for work. Some of them even want to propose tie and suit for women!
Of course I totally agree! Why should a person's dressing style be confined by the norm, which in fact is also changing from time to time!
So, why we men are not 'allowed' to wear dress/skirt, high-heels and pantyhose? I can be very beautiful when I dress in them!
In a lesser extend, why must I wear suit and tie for work? Wearing them in hot summer days is really a non-human action! If I can choose, I actually prefer pantyhose, skirt and high-heels more than tie if talking about comfortable! (Some ladies may comment high-heels are bad. Yes, I understand and what I can say is feeling is subjective.) I ask, 'In hot summer, why a suit is a MUST???'
Are there any organisation we can join so that we can do some well planned actions??
I am not an expert in the area of 'Body Politic' and in fact I first know this only a few days ago. Some women organisations briefly explain 'Body Politic' as follow -
(If anybody who knows more on this topic, or I interpret wrongly above, please mail me so that I can correct them immediately!)
Recently, more and more people realise the above. A proof is that more and more companies now design both skirt and pants as a female's uniform. All female staff have choices! Another fact is that people is now more casual for work clothing.
As in the past, women in 'executive', 'sportive', 'cowboy' looks etc. were totally unimaginable. Now they are widely accepted.
Also, recently some designers have made some men's suit in flower pattern background! That is absolutely so called traditional 'feminine' thing! We can see the trend there!
Now the question is - When will it be possible for men to wear so called women's clothing without being negatively labelled?
I would say we should speed the process up so that we can still enjoy the change before it is too late for us.
Here is part of a letter I receive from a Colombia friend.
I was first astonished when I saw your page (as the first page seen) - really astonished because I didn't expect to find this human behavior. I am not a socialist, or an antropologist -in fact, I am a graphic designer, my name is not Alan Brando and once again, i am a male heterosexual colombian, 26 years old middled class fella-; but the theme really interests me because if this freedom was to be able, I would be the one to take out all my curiosities out of my closet in order to wear them. Unfortunately, I suppose my grandsons are the ones who if they do agree with the social roles of their times, are going to get full advantage of it.
I will be sad if only my grandsons can enjoy it, BUT the world changes very fast that in 60s women in pants for work is not so popular and it WAS popular in several years time!
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