Darby Shaw - 12/20/00 01:35:50
My Email:me1darby@hotmail.com
Hi, Olga!
Wonderful site!
viktor - 05/20/00 21:56:13
My Email:docvit@hotmail.com
Nice pictures/ great body- beautiful background.
Traveling part is excellent.
Is Moscow really best place on earth?
James McQuaid - 03/27/00 13:50:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/2781/dogs.html
My Email:ohjim@voyager.net
You are very beautiful. I was particularly impressed with the photos of you in dark hair.
Jeff Beeler - 03/03/00 18:37:47
My Email:jabeeler@ebtech.net
WOW! what a combination of brains, style and fashionable good looks!
Fred T. Nettles - 02/25/00 21:13:42
My URL:http://www.modelsearch.inpronet.com
My Email:www.frednettles.com
Yor are looking good. whare are you frem.
Model Consultant Fred.
Ron Dwyer - 01/29/00 05:57:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bigdawg773
My Email:Ronaldjd@hotmail.com
Found your site while looking up Detroit on Geocities. I am from Detroit as well. I do website design if your ever looking for some help in developing and maintaining your site. My business site is http://www.visionfusion.net Best of luck in your modeli
g career. Like you need any (lol).
Dan O'Shea - 10/11/99 21:35:16
My Email:doshea@gateway.net
Thank you for the wonderful portfolio. Your natural beauty shows through in all the photos.
Best of luck in the future.
Dan Vinet - 10/09/99 00:51:50
My URL:http://www.eaze.net/~dlvinet
My Email:dlvinet@eaze.net
Olga, I stumbled across your site this evening and I am very impressed with the class that you exhibit, not to mention your beauty. I am an aromatherapist and I would consider it a priveledge to design a personal fragrance for you.
Dan V.
Sergey - 08/13/99 10:40:23
Privet! S udovol'stviem posmotrel tvoyu stranichku, vse ochen' simpatichno i milo. Osobenno fotki. :) Celuyu . Do vstrechi.
Robert Juengel - 05/16/99 00:24:29
My Email:rjuengel@vallnet.com
Lovely site, wondewrful taste in music and charmingly beautiful woman. My God, I do believe I've stumbled into Heaven quite by accident. Thank you...
Joseph - 03/30/99 05:18:50
Excellent site!Beautiful photos and Chopin in the background-I love it!
Chip Stoddard - 03/29/99 16:34:43
My Email:CHppr101@aol.com
Hi Olga! Great Site! Asked your Agent for new pics Before checking your site. I'm going thru him to try and set a shoot. Must say, Very Nice! Beauty and Brains, Glad you're in Detroit! E-mail me soon. Love to hear from you.
Ryan P. Ford - 03/15/99 07:06:30
My Email:Rpf752@aol.com
Lee Higgs - 02/26/99 04:06:52
My URL:http://www.KinkyMachine.com
My Email:lee@kinkymachine.com
You have soe great new shots up. Very nice work.
kevin - 01/30/99 04:10:44
My Email:dieppe@aol.com
I'm checking out many sites to prepare in building my own (photographer). First time I ever bothered to comment. Love your site and most of your shots--especially the full-length shot of you running and looking over you shoulder. Love your sense of hum
Must make one critical observation though. The fourth shot down at the geocities site is not your best friend (tight head shot, favoring your left side.) Doesn't make your eyes look thier best, though they look great in other shots. You could afford to
just loose this one. Please accept this as from somebody who wishes you well.
Pepper - 01/21/99 03:57:23
My Email:pepper@mafia.com
I wanted to become a research chemist, but my legs were too long.... Any advice?
- 01/15/99 13:40:32
Doug Bostrom - 12/31/98 04:20:30
My URL:http://www.sharpdesigns.com/bostrom
My Email:dougbostrom@bigfoot.com
Very nice! Both the model and the site. If you are ever in Colorado e-mail me. I'd like to discuss a photoshoot.
Ryan Bollens - 12/13/98 07:02:06
My Email:112231.1713@compuserve.com
I'm just starting out in modeling and would appreciate any inf on what to avoid and consequently what to look for when charting a course of action. Thank you,Ryan Bollens M/age21
Terry Harrison - 12/12/98 14:48:51
My Email:THarrison@m1.Cambrex.com
I'm doing a photo shoot in northern MI. If interested, you would wear vintage clothing and the shoot would be in old mining and ghost towns. I'm looking at doing this in May 1999. I by and sell vintage clothing and thought this would be a great marketing
ool. I would also like to take pictures of you in swimsuits and lingerie in the same setting let me know if this is of interest to you
Robert Wilson - 12/10/98 01:27:32
My Email:RJWilson77@aol.com
Great web Page, your very beautiful
Madame Mikhaylova - 12/04/98 03:27:48
My Email:imikhaylov@hotmail.com
Bonjour!ça va? I found you on Internet!!! Quelle suprise!!! Are you still learning French? I wish I could, but don't have time-I go to WSU school of pharmacy now. Well, maybe in summer. Get in touch!!!
roger - 11/04/98 22:08:10
g0thb0y - 10/24/98 09:09:55
My Email:g0thb0y@usa.net
i like the site. i am from MI i lived in RO and abrest. i tried the whole model thing there. but Noir and incog had thier herion puppies. sigh. you are pretty. i hope you get your day in the sun (or moon) you choose. ;p
L. Alvarez - 10/22/98 19:41:26
My Email:LALVA13482AOL.com
You are a very beautiful woman, would love to work with you sometime. Let me know if your ever in Georgia.
April - 10/15/98 01:58:40
My Email:apriljb@mindspring.com
Hi Olga!
Gerald Brack told me to take a look at your site because you might be joining the P.M.A. with us! I have to admit that I normally don't like sites with music because I don't care for the music people choose, but I loved yours and was disapointed when it s
opped...it's so classical "gothic"! I especially like the photo in the blue turtle-neck sweater and the dancing shot. I am a former competition dancer (tap, ballet and jazz) and that's refreshing to see. Also, I speak English (obviously) and German and I'
learning Russian now in my car, by tape! I hope to go to Russia next year with my husband and our church on a mission for children's church camp. I hope to meet you in the P.M.A.! Sincerely, April http://www.mindspring.com/~apriljb
Gerald E. Brack - 10/11/98 00:59:34
Cindy - 09/08/98 12:00:45 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Kathy Estherman - 09/08/98 12:00:44 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com My Email:zecrets@usa.net comment: I like this...... Visit mine thanks | Comments: |
We enjoyed seeing your pics. Very Artistic. We are always looking for models for our PinUp Art Project, at The Temple of the Howling Wind..... please visit us at http://windtemple.com .
Amythes and Johnny
Ron Herner - 08/19/98 16:13:05
My Email:Ron@gr8pix.com
Maybe some day since you are in Detroit and I'm about two-hours' drive from there in North-Central Ohio. Looking to expand portfolios . . .
- 08/17/98 04:31:28
Chris Newton - 07/31/98 08:46:23
It is great to see the wonderful photo's of your travels and of yourself. Great idea!! Come to Leeds and take some photo's.
Take Care and good luck!!
Your friend,
JONATHAN HART - 07/27/98 19:15:02
My Email:JonathanRH@aol.com
Marcel - 07/24/98 20:25:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/4568
My Email:marcelrichter@geocities.com
I enjoyed the great design of the page and the wonderful pictures!
Would you like to join my Beautiful Peoples Photography Ring? (see
Heartly greetings from Vienna (Austria),
![]() |
This Beautiful People`s Photography Ring site is owned by
Marcel. |
![]() |
nice to see your work,,,
when in grand rapids, Mi some time, stop in and
see our studio...Denny / bucksot
Larry Niven - 07/03/98 06:05:08
My Email:lniven@direct.ca
Excellent photos. I also like your personality.
Larry (a Vancouver Photographer)
James Egbert - 07/02/98 03:09:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/canopy/3672/models.html
My Email:beholder@globalkey.net
I really like your presentation style and the variety of your images. Well done! I would like to present to you my url and if you are ever out my way and want a photographer I am almost always available to help!
max - 06/30/98 19:04:19
My Email:maxwork@pacbell.net
Felina, i telling you you are perfecto +++.
I would like to send you a whole bunch of flowers.
With my pleasure, Maxim.
Jan A Olausson - 06/25/98 12:36:37
My URL:http://www.suresite.com/ny/w/wholetenn
My Email:jayaytenn@webtv.net
Dear Olga, you have created one of the absolute nicest modeling websites! Looking foreward to working with you. I know that images of yourself dancing and flying on the court would beautifully promote fitness & tennis. ~Jan~
Jim - 06/12/98 03:15:33
My Email:jimcot@chewgum.demon.co.uk
You have the looks, the brains, the talent of
a perfect woman. You're too GORGEOUS for Playboy!!!
Ron Herner - 06/11/98 23:34:10
My URL:http://www.gr8pix.com
My Email:Ron@gr8pix.com
I think that E-mail address works; the URL isn't up yet though. Anyway, yes, I'd like to consider working with you sometime in the future. As we met rather unexpectedly at Tracey's Ogden Dunes and all, I thought you were very pleasant personally. And seei
g the images show imagination AND ability . . . especially the hand stand! Keep at it!
Byron Huff - 06/08/98 18:53:41
My Email:b-huff@nwu.edu
You look outstanding? Send me an update of what you are doing? Bye for now.
Jan A Olausson - 06/06/98 01:15:21
My Email:Jayaytenn@webtv.net
Very nice website, nice photos of a classy lady, beautiful pianomusic by Chopin, interesting information. I love your hobbies Olga and the photo by John Fisher is outstanding! All the best to you. ~Jan A Olausson, holistic fitness & tennistr
iner as well as photographer~
- 06/05/98 18:27:16
Caroline - 06/02/98 19:29:43
My URL:http://come.to/topmodels
My Email:frauen@aol.com
Worldwide Pretty Women Network is looking for
new Top Models to join us
Laura Flinn Baechtel - 06/02/98 12:54:32
My URL:http://www.atch.com/babe911/models/lb/index.html
My Email:westech@earthlink.net
Check out my web page at Babes 911!
Birdman - 05/29/98 04:14:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Kasie7
My Email:birdman2@iname.com
I've viewed lots of pictures of beautiful women in my day, and you are one of the best. I would love to see some more of you. Just a really great site
Mark Fairshter - 05/22/98 02:38:24
My Email:markjfairshter@hotmail.com
New production company in Seattle are starting out with video and stills - digitals. Do you work in the video industry and if so what are your interaction capacities. Mark.
Roberto Allende - 05/22/98 00:56:33
My URL:http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~allende/photo.html
My Email:allende@rcf.usc.edu
Hello: I'm a photographer and I'm just trying to learn more about acting and modeling. Good luck.
Dana Lloyd Kehr - 05/21/98 20:52:34
My Email:dkehr@unidial.com
Olga ... how do you say in Russian, "Hot! Very Hot!" Great site. I spend way too much time here looking at you. (Sigh!) Dana
Stan Gregg - 05/21/98 17:38:18
My Email:PhotobySGregg@Protigy.com
Beautiful photos! I don't do a lot of model photography but I will keep you in mind if I do.
The grist mill is in Saugatuck. Send information about yourself to Sue Kirchen, Casting Group Inc., 4830 N. Parma Rd. Parma, MI 49269
Best of Luck!
anthony - 05/21/98 15:19:52
My Email:gorf@insync.net
This is a great site, its wonderful that you are able to accomplice and see so much of the world. Hope for you to see more.....
Heather Wynters - 05/20/98 18:40:13
My Email:hnicole@geocities.com
It's obvious to see why you have what you have. You work at it. I wish you only the best of success in your modeling career. Several of the pictures I found especially intriguing and wish somebody - anybody - could get my make-up to look as good as it
oes on you.
Keep working. All that travel and photography and education may pay off in ways you can't begin to understand at this point in time.
It seems I am in good company. I obtained my degree in Microbiology in 1975. Congratulations.
Heather Nicole Wynters
Diego Rua - 05/20/98 13:07:54
My URL:http://www.science.wayne.edu/~drua
My Email:drua@sun.science.wayne.edu
Stopped by to see beautiful pictures again!! :)
Tisha, Trisha, Lexus - 05/16/98 06:28:26
My URL:http://home
Mama, come home, pleeeeeeze!!!! We missed you so much!
Sal - 05/10/98 12:20:07
My URL:http://www.bellissime.com
My Email:Beautyg292@aol.com
You real looking great, I hopes you will enjoy registry with us too. Best luck on career,
Peter M Grimaldi - 05/09/98 13:16:31
My Email:PicsbyPete
Looked at your composite and like to say nice work Olga.
Esben Andersen - 05/09/98 13:04:28
This is the best!!
Harold Murphy - 05/08/98 05:10:00
My Email:murf_photography@hotmail.com
Nice pics. Got your URL from Fashio Net.
Robert John - 05/06/98 17:23:07
My Email:rns-international@mci2000.com
your past work is excellent. our studio is in Raleigh,NC and Atlanta,GA we're always looking for new talent. please forward your rates regarding swimsuit and glamour if interested in a summer shoot near Myrtle Beach,SC
Ken - 05/06/98 14:53:36
My URL:http://www.tropicaldream.com
My Email:kcurtis@tropicaldream.com
You're not only very pretty, but a very nice girl also. I wish you great joy and success in all you do...
Brody Hall - 05/02/98 20:54:09
My URL:http://www.bluemoondesign.com/smp
My Email:smphotos@hotmail.com
Great site! Hopefully I can get you into my portfolio one of these days..:)
"Star Bug" - 04/30/98 04:39:57
My Email:jrcent@gateway.net
I really enjoyed viewing your photos. You appear to be a real natural. I like the way you seem to feel at ease with the camera. Unfortunately, I am no pro photo type guy. I only take photos for fun of friends and such. Best of luck.
- 04/28/98 23:15:56
Wow! What a babe. On your mini portfolio the 3rd, 5th, and 8th photo, do not do you justice. They are awkward and/or overflashed. I'd take those off. The rest show you to be a fantastic model.
Diamond swimwear magazine - 04/23/98 05:02:05
My URL:http://www.bikinionline.com
My Email:paradisemodels@cheta.net
You look great. We are always looking for very fit swimwear Models. Please submit some shots to Us for consideration to:
Diamond swimwear magazine\
229 Merrimon Ave
asheville,n.c. 28801
Tim - 04/22/98 18:03:52
My Email:tfoye@ici.net
If you are ever in se mass, look me up.
Stan Williamson - 04/22/98 16:26:37
My URL:http://www.scescape.net/~swmson
My Email:swmson@scescape.net
Nice page, if you ever travel to South Carolina,
let me know I would like to get you in from of some of my lenses.
Producers - 04/21/98 20:24:46
My URL:http://www.moviecasting.com
My Email:go@moviecasting.com
Hi we enjoyed your site:
You have the beauty of the "Bond" girls.
We are soon casting movie AGENT ACTION! 2
VISIT: www.moviecasting.com
jen - 04/05/98 21:03:09
My Email:blondeforhire@hotmail.com
Hello, Olga. I like your approach. My favorite picture is the one with your legs in a stag-stretch position. It is simple and breathtaking-I just stared at it for a while! Way to go. Good luck.
-A fellow model out there.
Peter F. Hennessy - 04/03/98 05:43:53
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/p/e/pete349.html
My Email:phphoto@pilot.infi.net
Absolutely wonderful!
Rob Baron - Photography - 04/02/98 22:00:57
My URL:http://www.modelspage.com/phtgdat2/925-256-9929.html
My Email:rob@robbaron.com
Following up on our e-mail.
Yes, I too think you're gorgeous.
Please make a note of my address and phone.
If you plan to be in the San Francisco Bay Area, surely we can work out a shoot. I do admire your sense of self as sculpture.
Leo and Dan - 03/18/98 18:40:18
Please come home, we miss you!!!!
SAVANNA - 03/08/98 20:33:44
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/s/a/v/savannamodel.html
My Email:savanna-model@usa.net
I am also a Michigan model. Just starting out. If you have time and want to check out my portfolio, let me know whatcha think! *S* Thanks! PS. My favorite picture of you is the one at the top.. I think you have a blue turtle neck on? You look just like th
girl on THE PROFILER. Good luck.
Yvette JK - 03/06/98 19:32:57
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Yvette_JK/index.htm
My Email:ipebg@rocketmail.com
Just to say hello to one beautiful woman from Bulgaria.
Jeff - 03/04/98 00:20:22
My Email:jtew@gmr.com
I would enjoy working with you sometime if you are
Rhoddi - 02/28/98 06:03:57
My URL:http://www.silk.net/personal/rhoddi/
My Email:rhoddi@silk.net
I have to agree with Greg. I read the model's forum because I am going into the photography field, and want to learn as much as I can about models, photographers, and the stuff in between. On that particular forum, it seems like almost everyone likes to
go after each other for these little stupid statements. Here's a way for people to help one another and instead they slam each other. I was beginning to think that model photography was full of intense, hyperactive people with little regard for others,
ut your post changed my view...thanks.
Greg - 02/27/98 05:16:08
I'm paige's manager; she was recently slammed by a well, let's say slammed by someone who has no place insulting someone as lovely as paige just for being different (on the webmodel's forum).
Anyway, I was really impressed by your statement about people saying nasty things about each other. It is rare to see kindness in a woman of your caliber, when you could just as easily be as nasty as those mean people on the Webmodels forum
Rick Athearn Photography - 02/27/98 02:22:09
My URL:http://www.honza.com/athearnphoto
My Email:fathearn@concentric.net
You have a very nice web page. Congratulations on such good pictures. If you ever get to the Denver, Colorado area look me up. Please do have a look at my web page.
David C. Kaltz - 02/18/98 16:13:18
My Email:Cenobites@Hotmail.com
Hello Olga:
My name is David and I just finished viewing your site and enjoyed it very much. I work as a free-lance photographer and can tell you I could only hope to work with a Woman of your Beauty and Caliber.
Sincerly, Yours
David C. Kaltz
P. Sheeba (HSB) - 02/15/98 17:30:06
My URL:http://www.photo-one.com
My Email:princess.sheeba@linq.com
Dear Olga,
If your travels take you to Montreal Canada, please give me a ring (514) 851-0264.
I am a contemporary female photographer who is now being published in some prestigious photo art magazines. I always look for fresh faces. I do not pay my models. However if I like them, they can stay in my home at the private guest bedroom during the sho
t. And in return I give them signed mounted prints.
Why I don't pay models? So far I had no need to pay. Many wonderful women travel from far to be photographed by me. You'll see why, when you will see my works.
I congradulate you on your web site. It is done with a lot of taste.
If oir paths do not cross I wish you lots of sucess in life.
Tom Fineran - 02/01/98 17:13:10
My Email:tfineran@glblnet.com
I liked the photos VERY MUCH.
You seem to have a very good
sense of humor. The story of
your travels was very interesting.
Bill Petros - 01/29/98 03:04:11
My Email:bpetros@erols.com
Very attractive, beautiful woman, will she pose in
lingerie or nude?
Bill Petros - 01/29/98 03:04:03
My Email:bpetros@erols.com
Very attractive, beautiful woman, will she pose in
lingerie or nude?
Tiffany Hufford - 01/16/98 20:23:39
My Email:Tippy118@aol.com
First of i'd like to say that i loved the music that was played when i was looking into the web page.. second i'd like to add that i think your really pretty :-)
Madina A. - 01/14/98 22:09:15
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/m/a/d/madina16.html
My Email:madina@noln.com
Hi! I was posting a message on a forum and decided to take a look at your homepage. Hey! How's it going, Russian? I am Russian also. I am in PA right now, it's my first year of college. Anyway, I liked your homepage, ecspecially the part about traveling.
retty cool that you visited so many places! Anyway, good luck in your modeling careeer and feel free to e-mail me! :)))))))
Kayleigh - 01/13/98 08:06:34
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/westwood/karan/21/tksgallery.htm
My Email:luv2model@yahoo.com
Hi Olga!
Saw your post in Web Models and wanted to check out your site. I model too and am constantly viewing others so that I can make mine better! Your pictures are great! Hope you do well with your career!
Udachi vam
Peter - 01/08/98 16:32:56
My Email:peterb@nftp.sk
Very nice!
Dave - 12/31/97 13:33:23
My Email:straight@polarnet.com
Beautiful and Happy New Year from the Arabian Desert.
Ricardo - 12/29/97 08:43:32
My URL:http://www.ampsc.com/~ricardo
My Email:ricardo@ampsc.com
Dear Olga, just a few words to let you know that I finally found my way through to your website. Congratulations! I will keep you in file for future reference. Best wishes, Ricardo.
CHRIS - 12/22/97 15:35:34
My Email:Studiochris@hotmail.com
Good Photo! Will you be in Stuttgart Germany,
any time soon?
Kurt Baumann - 12/18/97 14:40:12
My Email:kdb@psi.com
Nice. I like sucess stories, and you certainly look like you are one! Congrats on making it here in this country.
-Steve - 12/13/97 18:12:01
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~sasm/
My Email:sasm@earthlink.net
Very beautiful woman. Your photos show enthusiasm, versitility and poise. If you are ever in my area, look me up. I'd love to photograph you.
Steve Shanks - 12/09/97 19:15:01
My Email:sshanks@sirus.com
Hi Olga, I just spent a few minutes admiring your portfollio. I am a beginging Photographer, and was wondering if you might have any suggestions on how to get models in my area (Holland MI). I don't want to come off as a wierdo with newspaper solisitation
( unless that is the best and most effective way).
Also what would a normal photoshoot cost as far as the models fee for a starting model?
anyway, Thanks in advance & good luck in your modeling persuit.
Best Regards,
Andreas - 12/09/97 14:30:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/xdream6
My Email:a_kolar@hotmail.com
Sorry,but you have a really nice body and in my opinion figure or (and) fine art (nudity including) is o.k.. It's more important who makes
the pictures and how.
Jim - 12/09/97 04:54:29
My Email:IMALIVEYR@aol.com
Great versatility Olga! I have dated a number of models who have done quite well. However, I think that you have what it takes to do exceptionally well in the modeling industry. Keep up the great work!
Pete Bliss - 12/09/97 04:36:57
My URL:http://www.bikinionline.com
My Email:paradisemodels@cheta.net
Very nice site and photos. I will submit Your photos to the magazine. You should get a lot of attention then!!
Pete Bliss
Diamond swimwear magazine
WW - 12/08/97 00:00:56
My URL:http://www.wyattworld.com
My Email:warren@wyattworld.com
Nice web page, I was born in Detroit, great city!
If you ever come to Orange County, California - look us up....
Tony Lee - 12/06/97 07:04:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/fotografo
My Email:tonyl@theoffice.net
your pics are betterstrighton, not the profile shots. otherwise, a pretty girl. good luck! have a ice christmas...
Roy V. - 12/04/97 04:01:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/2269/
My Email:royv007@usa.net
Hi Olga, great looks & nice web design too.
Roy V.
VRman Graphics - 12/03/97 11:29:10
My URL:http://members.aol.com/VRmanGraph/index.html
My Email:vrmangraph@aol.com
Wow, what a life you have lived so far....
You have great looks.....
We would be interested in using you in some of our art work. Please take a peek at our web pages and be sure to read the info page too!
Very best wishes and regards
Rob Jacobus aka VRmanGraph
LzheDmitrij - 12/02/97 03:02:43
My Email:leman@unforgettable.com
Privet, Ol'ga!
What a nice surprize! Everything looks great. It even sounds just like you too ;-))
Good luck with your career,
Danmar Imaging - 12/01/97 01:07:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DMImg
My Email:danmar.imaging@usa.net
Beautiful as a blonde, increadably hot as a brunette. Loved the "Life is Travel" section. A true woman of the world. Would love to work with you when in Baltimore-Washington area. Good luck with your modeling. Dan...
Positive Negatives - 11/29/97 23:55:44
My URL:http://www.posneg.com
My Email:studio@posneg.com
You are very beautiful. If you're ever in the Maryland/DC area, I invite you to stop by my studio. I would love to work with you sometime.
Dave Blecman
Positive Negatives
Robert Mossack/Enchanted Visions Photography - 11/29/97 21:45:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RobertMossack/index.html
My Email:rmossack@clandjop.com
HI Olga!,
You are a very beautiful woman and have alot of differant looks for a photographer. If you are ever in the Joplin, Mo area, maybe we can work together. Good Luck!
Robert Mossack
Binbin - 11/27/97 15:45:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/4021
My Email:binbin@rocketmail.com
Very nice. Go and see my page if you want to be a miss.
Joe Miller - 11/26/97 02:36:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Prophotoman
My Email:joemill@webtv.net
Hello, I enjoyed your homepage. You certainly have a lot of different looks that you can achieve; that is always a bonus for any photographer. I wish you luck in you career....
Ron - 11/24/97 06:37:52
My Email:Rong@Charleston.net
I really enjoyed the "Life is Travel" section of your web page.
Thanks and good luck.
W.B. Terrell - 11/21/97 21:55:44
You have a very professional portfolio and you are beautiful.
Askar - 11/21/97 03:51:28
My Email:okuchumo@med.wayne.edu
Privet, Olya! What a pleasant surprise! Everything looks great. Wish you the best of luck in this competitive business!
Dwayne Hathaway - 11/19/97 03:32:01
My URL:http://www.pcisys.net/~dshatha
My Email:dshatha@pcisys.net
Nice page..If you are ever in the Denver area
drop me an email.
Take a look at my page and let me know what you think.
Carl Nielsen - 11/19/97 02:27:45
My URL:http://www.cnphoto.simplenet.com/index.htm
My Email:cnphoto@ix.netcom.com
Very nice home page, and portfolio.
I will be adding your page to my models listed by state.
Carl Nielsen
Salt lake City, UT
Vadim V. Aristov - 11/17/97 01:08:06
My URL:http://www.aristov.com/
My Email:vadim@aristov.com
What a nice page!