Ms. Michelle Urka


Hi! My name is Michelle Urka. I am a 19-year-old sophomore at the University of Michigan. Here are some pictures of my friends, family, and me. If you do not know me, it is probably pretty boring, but this website is for me, and I like it.

This is my cousin Karlee and me at my house.

This is my cousin Shannon, my sister Mackenzie, and me at my uncle's wedding.

This is my friend Jen and me in my old dorm room.

This is me with my parents at Macaroni Grill.

This is Jen, Andrew, and me at a foam party thrown by Theta Xi, Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Alpha Mu, and Delta Tau Delta. It was totally fun.

This is Andrew and me after we dried off some of the foam.

This is my sorority composite picture. I am a Gamma Phi Beta.

This Tazi, Amy, and me at Rock 'N Bowl.

This is my cousin Kellye, my cousin Megan, me, and my sister Mackenzie at my house.

Here is my best friend Andrew (with Benji.) Isn't he hot?!




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