So.. by coming here I assume you want to know something about me. Well.. I can start by saying that my name is Jamie. I am an 19 year old female from Montana. I have red hair and blue eyes; I'm about 5'7" and weigh somewhere from 115 to 120 lbs (exciting stuff, I know). However, if you had wanted to know what I looked like, you've probably already have gone and looked at my "My Pictures" page.

Ok, now on to more interesting things. I was raised in the outdoors, so I guess you could say that I'm somewhat of a nature girl. I love to ski (used to race giant slalom), snowboard, hike, rock climb, white water raft, camp, waterski, wakeboard, cliff/bridge jump, and mountain bike. Other than that, I am somewhat of a "normal" person... I like to party, hang out with friends, go to the movies...all that fun stuff. I'm also an avid reader. I love books of almost any kind, save the formula novels in grocery store aisles. I'm really into the music scene. I go to concerts and local open microphone nights as much as possible. Some of the best concerts I've been to are: BB King, Carlos Santana, and my personal favorite, Tool. I've seen quite a few more, but those three musicians stand out because of the spectacular show they put on--true talent. If you ever get a chance to see them, I'd advise you to do so, especially Tool. I have a few hobbies... the one I will discuss is photography. I plan on taking a few photo classes in college to further my high school photo education. I only have a few of my photos on here, but for now that should suffice. If you want to see some of my work, go to my Photography page.

I love to travel. I've been to almost every state in the US, minus Hawaii and Alaska. I've also been to Canada, Mexico, Russia, and Brazil. I went to Russia at the beginning of the summer to visit my father, who has been working over there for the past 2 years. (He is an oil executive.) I visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sahkalin Island.
I went down to Brazil for The Carnival. I had a BLAST! It's pretty much the biggest party in the world. However, I wouldn't advise going down there unless either A) you speak Portuguese or B) You have someone you know down there. It can be a dangerous place... which makes it all the more exciting to visit. I've been down to Mexico twice, though most wouldn't consider the city--Tijuana--to be part of Mexico. In someways I agree, it's an alternate universe. I wouldn't stay down there after nightfall if I were a girl... and I'd NEVER get in a taxi... I've heard too many TRUE horror stories.. but it's definitely worth going to during the day.

Alas, to finish off this lovely "about me" page, I'm going to put to rest those worrying minds: I will be going to college. I'll be attending The Montana State University come fall. I plan on getting my major in Fine Arts, and to further my schooling post graduation in an art school for interior design, which is what I truly want to study. Hopefully I will be going to school abroad in the next few years, possibly even go abroad for design school as well. I'd like to study somewhere in Europe, preferably in southern Italy.

Alright.. thank you for reading all of this crap about me... you have a lot of patience.. *feels like a narcissist writing so much about myself*. If you have any questions, be sure to ask! I'll be more than happy to answer them (for the most part... NO PERVERTED ONES!! *lol*)

Be sure to sign my book!