Hey! Welcome to my page! If you're wondering what it's all about, it's mostly about me. I'll add some other cool stuff on here later just for fun but basically this page will still be about me. There's not much on here now but the rest is coming soon so bookmark this page and you can check it out later! Thanks for stopping by and please sign my guestbook!

My Mini-Bio This is all about me... I'm sure you're dying to know...

SK Freshman Basketball Cheerleading Squad See the champions of the 9th region!

My Picture Page Click here to go to my album. It's still under construction but there's some things up already.

My Top Ten Lists This is something I made for no reason but I thought it would be neat. It has my top 10 favorites of everything. Check it out!

There aren't many links here now but these are some cool ones that I like. Check back later and there might be more...

Sarah and Tama's Page Sarah and Tama are my friends... so I made a link to their page.

Bryan's Page This is my friend Bryan's page... so I made a link to his page also

Dawson's Creek This is the Dawson's Creek official site. I put this on here since I like the show!

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Thanks again for visiting my page! Keep visiting because there'll be more soon! E-mail me with some of your ideas and things I can add to my page!