Personal Page of Jan Boggan
I may be rushing it a bit for some of you, but I'm ready for spring!!! So I've planted tulips on my website (you won't catch me outside doing it). I have a few new projects done. Since I had foot surgery on Dec. 18, I have had to stay at home and accomplish more. I'm fine, but it takes awhile to get over the soreness. Since I always seem to be short of space on my site, I have deleted some old tutorials mostly regarding older software that many of you no longer use. I have them so if you miss anything, let me know, and I'll send it to you. I hope to add some useful hints as I go along learning new and better ways of doing things. If we stay up with technology, we will be constantly learning something new. Those old tutorials reminded me of the early days when we were all scrambling for new knowledge--we've come a long way today in 2009. Our hoops are bigger, our machines connect to the computer or a flash drive, cd's and many new and better techniques. I believe the home sewing artists turned the embroidery world on its head for awhile until it caught up with all our ideas. Remember coffee filters for stabilizer because we couldn't find anything else to use?? The vendors got busy and now we have lots of terrific designs, stabilizers, threads, etc., etc. What a great time to be sewing and creating!!
The main table of contents is still here further down the page, but if you just want to view the newest additions, click on these updates.
Added 3-10-09 |
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Revised 3-10-09 |
If this is your first visit, this is a little about me. I am an avid sewist and machine embroiderer. I own a Husqvarna Viking Designer SE and a Pfaff Creative Vision, but this site is for all sewing enthusiasts. My purpose for publishing this page is to show you things that I have created with enough information, hopefully, to help your creativity to flourish.
On my "Site Seeing" page I have provided some of my favorite places to visit and some also have wonderful designs to download.
I plan to update this site as often as possible with new embroidery projects and other sewing projects. You will find some things I have done on my Projects Page. I hope to provide enough information about each project that you can try it yourself, or maybe you will just get ideas and inspiration for creating your own. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts and comments.
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