Hi, I'm Sparkle, also known as Charlene Hutchison.
Currently, I'm a sophomore instrumental (flute and piccolo) music education
major atUniversity of Indianapolis. Some of
my former on-line names include "Psychohamster", and, of course, "Piccolo".
However, due to some pretty evil things happening with the Email world, and my
new life, I had to let my long time, and well loved "piccolo"
account die off... at least for now. Oh! you might be wondering," Just
HOW did you get that crazy name Sparkle?" Well, one of the things I like to
do in my spare time is to create dance, colorguard-ish, and doll outfits...ones
with lots of rhinestones and SPARKLE. Because of this, one of my friends
started calling me "Sparklebutt", and, well, part of it stuck. With
this, I leave you my rhinestone mine...have fun exploring, you might find some
real gems!
-Where To Dig-
A mirrorball
full of fashon, rhinestone, and design links
Fill out my Makeup survey!
Links for all
you fellow band nerds
Friends at North Hall
Who in the HECK
is this SPARKLE lady?
Other places to dig!
Geocities...go here and get plenty of *FREE*
homepage space

Thanks for stopping by!
You are special person
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to visit since
October 6, 1997
© 1997 Charlene Hutchison