Look, who' s been to see me!

HeatherHerron - 11/12/00 02:53:50
My Email:heather57us@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: another website brought me here
Your hobbies: crossdressing, cooking

Looking forward to coming back for your ideas and help. Thank You in advance Heather

- 10/07/00 15:51:18


Kelli - 02/23/00 05:52:57
My Email:suitsfc@aol.com
How did you find me?: Surfing
Your hobbies: Movies, music, disneyland

I'm 57 years old and I've never had the support that's now available to others as I was growing up. If I were young now, there would be no stopping me from living the life that I love. I wish all the new and up coming Crossdressers all the support the wor d has to give.

Rachel - 02/16/00 16:29:50
My Email:rachel38c@webtv.net
How did you find me?: cd-friend
Your hobbies: dressing-

so glad you have this web page so that no matter where we live world wide --we all know we have sisters evey where---good luck in what ever you do

Deborah Rostenberg - 01/06/00 17:17:14
My Email:debbieboyd06811@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Truecrossdresser club
Your hobbies: Art @ Music.

I am very impressed by your openness and the creativity of your web page. I would love to have a dialogue with you. Debbie

Paul G Jutras - 11/10/99 22:36:11
How did you find me?: TG Directory
Your hobbies: Anime, Photos,

My main crossdressing is what I can hide under my male clothes. Any size suggestions for shirts and pance for someone 5 feet 8 inches would be helpful.

Claire - 08/10/99 04:43:10
My Email:grahamcommander@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: web
Your hobbies: crossdressing and housework

Very good I shall had this to my Favorites and vist often

Jannie - 07/18/99 08:31:07
My URL:/WestHollywood/Village/2450/
My Email:janniecd@geocities.com
How did you find me?: http://crossdress.t-data.com/cdg4/e4engold.htm
Your hobbies: crossdressing / computer / sex

Just say hello and your site is very nice. Bye for now, Jannie

daniel beurket - 07/17/99 08:26:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Cafe/8604/
My Email:dbeurket@idsi.net
How did you find me?: browsing
Your hobbies: cross dressing, brewing, imaging

im 40 and just starting to come out i understand the shoe problem ive got us size 15 feet also have problems finding dresses for 195cm height looking forward to trying some of the make-up tips havent used much make-up yet

ChristyC - 06/07/99 21:14:15
My Email:ChristyC34@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: just surfing the net
Your hobbies: riding my motorcyle

Love you pages...thanks

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 04:14:46

Bonjour. I votre homepage est intéressant. Combien de temps avez-vous été sur l'Internet? Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois aller vague déferlante plus de pages de Web. Bon e Chance!

lola - 02/20/99 17:36:36
My Email:lolalee54@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: brosing
Your hobbies: wood working, remodeling, enjoying life

I really like to thank you for sharing a little bit of your life with us. Girls like me who are still hiding like to learn about others like themself. It shows that there is hope. Lola

- 02/16/99 07:24:34


- 02/06/99 22:14:45


Leo Kosley - 12/01/98 18:34:06
My Email:lgkos@mayn.de
How did you find me?: clicked on the right thing
Your hobbies: music, computer, crossdressing (of course)

Since you're living in the Netherlands, I was wondering if you new of any stores (on line or otherwise) that handled women's shoes in 47 or larger. The stores could be in Germany also as that is where I now live. Thanks for your time. Please reply. Sincerely, Leo

Collette - 11/21/98 16:12:04
My Email:figjam1@ozemail.com.au
How did you find me?: Brousing
Your hobbies: Bagpipes, cars

Hi! I'm from Melbourne Australia. A great helpful web site for a new girl like me who has only recently discovered the 'Enfemme' and the inner girl in me. I need details of any good CD specialist shops and CD club contacts in Melbourne. Can anyone tell me how many members there are in the Melbourne clubs. How many CD's are there in Melbourne, I want to exhcange fe-mail with a nice sweet girl with big heart from Melbourne. I enjoy cross dressing in silky petticoats, panties, lingerie and silk stockings. I haven't yet progressed to high heels, make up or other 'femme' clo hing as yet, but given time, and as I learn, I surely will. Can't wait !!!!! However, I'm embarressed when I go shopping to run of the mill stores. I am a hetrosexual, married, 50, and don't yet want shave of my moustache, who just loves the both sides f me, especially the inner girl, my wife doesn't know. I'm not gay or interested in kinky things, just CD. So I'm on my own. No kinky fe-mail accepted. Please fe-mail me with any assistance to figjam1@ozemail.com.au Lots of kisses, Collette

Collette - 11/21/98 16:09:05
My Email:figjam1@ozemailcom.au
How did you find me?: Brousing
Your hobbies: bagpipes, cars

Hi! I'm from Melbourne Australia. A great helpful web site for a new girl like me who has only recently discovered the 'Enfemme' and the inner girl in me. I need details of any good CD specialist shops and CD club contacts in Melbourne. Can anyone tell me how many members there are in the Melbourne clubs. How many CD's are there in Melbourne, I want to exhcange fe-mail with a nice sweet girl with big heart from Melbourne. I enjoy cross dressing in silky petticoats, panties, lingerie and silk stockings. I haven't yet progressed to high heels, make up or other 'femme' clo hing as yet, but given time, and as I learn, I surely will. Can't wait !!!!! However, I'm embarressed when I go shopping to run of the mill stores. I am a hetrosexual, married, 50, and don't yet want shave of my moustache, who just loves the both sides f me, especially the inner girl, my wife doesn't know. I'm not gay or interested in kinky things, just CD. So I'm on my own. No kinky fe-mail accepted. Please fe-mail me with any assistance to figjam1@ozemail.com.au Lots of kisses, Collette

Don (Dawn) - 11/11/98 20:05:49
My Email:dong@BIH.NET.ba
How did you find me?: by accident
Your hobbies: crossdressing, music

Hi, happy to have made contact with you! While I've enjoyed "dressing" most of my life it has only been the last few years I've become comfortable with my hobby. Currently I am working in Bosnia and not able to enjoy so I'm just exploring hoping to make a link somewhere. I will return to the US next September and resume my transition. Hope to hear from you.

leah - 10/21/98 21:16:33
My Email:mizleahlove@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: surfing


marcia - 10/19/98 18:28:22
My Email:markafrazierusa@netscape.com
How did you find me?: thru crossdresser's guide
Your hobbies: staying alive in this world

i wish i had been a woman

Larey - 10/13/98 21:50:08
My Email:A1CD@aol.com
How did you find me?: just looking around
Your hobbies: crossdressing

Just love your bio and the picture of you in the orange top with a black skirt. I do not have any picutres of me. I am 5 feet 7 inches and about 175 pounds, 63 years old having been retired for about 8 years and have lived alone for the last 15 years. I just love to dress every day, but do not have the guts to go out in public. I have saved your site in my favorites place will visit you from time to time. If you want to you can E-mail me at A1CD@aol.com Thank you very much for you site and will say goodby for now LaRae

Lisa - 09/29/98 03:07:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/2380
Your hobbies: crossdress, computers

op mijn site staat een leuke kleding winkel, BIBELOT genaamd, misschien heb je daar iets aan. XXX L i s a

David - 09/24/98 13:42:14
My Email:dshelto@bellsouth.net
How did you find me?: browsing the web
Your hobbies: dressing up

keep up being a girl we need you for support for the rest of us who have to hide

Cindy - 09/08/98 11:57:16
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kathy Estherman - 09/08/98 11:57:16
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com
My Email:zecrets@usa.net
comment: I like this...... Visit mine thanks

Edie - 09/01/98 02:57:04
My Email:edie 1953@aol


Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 08:25:11
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

- 06/21/98 19:54:59


Paola - 06/06/98 20:21:03
My Email:nicmar@tn.village.it
How did you find me?: surfing on
Your hobbies: classical music,car races,etc.

HI FROM ITALY, CIAO !!!!!!!!!!

vladimir - 05/16/98 16:56:30
My Email:vladimir.stajduhar@pop.tel.hr
How did you find me?: surfing through net from trangender.wie.net
Your hobbies: crossdressing


Tonya - 05/05/98 00:13:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/tonyatv
My Email:tonya2000@webtv.net
How did you find me?: my guestbook
Your hobbies: raising my kid, cd, piano, golf

Hi Kim: Thanks for signing my guestbook. You look great! Love your page. Please visit again.

elmars - 05/04/98 23:14:29
My Email:elmucis@usa.net
How did you find me?: so...
Your hobbies: computer arts

i also wana to be a girl, but i'll like to contact only with girls. So i am crossdressed lesbian, yes? what i must to do first to get a girls illusion??? Elmars (i like name Nika) Im from Latvia

MoniCD - 04/13/98 22:28:28
My URL:http://geocities.com/WestHollywood/5850
My Email:MoniCD@aol.com
How did you find me?: Your mail
Your hobbies: crossdressing, computers

Hi ! Fine you found my site... Now I'm looking at your site :-) Moni

Andrea - 04/11/98 01:14:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/3305
My Email:andrea@attractive.com
How did you find me?: your guestbook entry
Your hobbies: of course "crossdressing" !!!

Hi Kim, Just want to say that I love your HP and pictures. Greetings from Hamburg/Germany Love & Hugs Andrea

Sylvana - 03/13/98 18:48:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/5025
My Email:sylvana@geocities.com
How did you find me?: also verry easy
Your hobbies: dressing,shopping and shopping

Hi Kim, glad I am the second here:),great site hon, carry on.Hope to see you soon in Amsterdam (I was there last night). *HUGS* Sylvana.

Kim - 03/12/98 22:56:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:kim13@geocities.com
How did you find me?: Oh, That was' nt too hard
Your hobbies: Same as yours ?

It' s just myself, testing, but then - somebody' s got to be the first.

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