About myself

I' m a fourty year old crossdresser living in Amsterdam, Netherlands and I am just about to emerge from my closet. Having had these urges to dress in feminine clothes, especially underwear, since my childhood, one might wonder why it took me so long, until I finally learned to accept those feelings and do something about it. The answer is quite simple: seeing so many others with similar anxieties about coming out, but also seeing a lot, who have managed to do so succesfully, made me realize, that one only lives once!

Go and read Agnes' CrossDressing Guide,

which is in the process of appearing in

English now as well !


In my current relationship it took me well over a year to reveal myself to my girlfriend (who took this more then well ), a step that I never regretted. When it turned out, that I wanted to do more with it, she started supporting me by letting me have some skirts, blouses and more out of her closet, and we' ve also been out shopping for dresses and shoes; dresses were easy - since we can wear about the same size, she can try them on, giving me an expression on how they actually look. With shoes this is a different matter, since I'm wearing a european size 43/44 (approx. size 10 UK, 12 US); but fortunately, there are quite a lot of shoestores in Amsterdam, that sell larger sizes and are used to serving men as well, the biggest handicap being the prices being charged.

So, not having the need of conceiling anything from my partner, it' s basically up to myself to develop that side of me, that I had been ashamed of for most of my life; the new problem arising, is that now I' m ready for it, I find out that it' s a bloody expensive " hobby ", to get myself dressed in style ( I quite easily spend more money on dressing Kim, than I do dressing my ordinary male self). One' s just got to be patient, I suppose !!!


to be continued...

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