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Kim' s Closet is one of many
places for TG/TV/CD and TS oriented. I'm glad you found your way
here and hope YOU will bookmark this site (add to favorites), so
you can find your way back here more easily. Even though I'd like
this place to be an international one, I'd like to ask everybody,
those living in the NETHERLANDS in particular, to contribute to this
page by leaving their URL or (f)e-mail address either in my
guestbook or my mailbox. I am extremely sorry, that I have not been able to answer a lot of mail lately - hopefully thats gonna change - but keep writing as I really DO appreciate your mail ! The LINKS are being updated regularly,
so just drop by every now and then to check for new sites or
The things that keep me alive:
- Crossdressing, music, computing, building my
first webpage, reading Your mail !...

fe-mail address
Web address

You might mail me too, if you' ve got any suggestions,
interesting links, or if you' d like me to link your page; also
feel free to place a link to my page on your homepage !

Since January 30th there have been
visitors to my homepage. Please, come
back soon!
I hope i'm not interfering with anybody' s Copyrights, but
should this be the case, please mail me and i' ll remove the item
in question!
Last revised:november 2nd 2002