To My King, My Partner in Crime, my Life,To the only one that matters, my love,who felt my aches and pains while we were separated by the evil demon of distance...
Love is a moment and a
lifetime…It is looking at him across a room and feeling that
if I don't spend the rest of my life with him, I'll have missed
the boat. Love is working together, growing together, laughing
together. It is respect for each other and the people each cares
about, however difficult it is sometimes to like his relatives or
his friends.
Love is wanting to shout
from the rooftops the successes, little and big, of one another.
Love is wanting to wipe away the tears when failure comes. Love
is liking the feel of each other. It is wanting to have children
together because they are the exclamation point of love! Love is
laughter, especially in the middle of a quarrel... Love has to be
lived fully to know its worth.
Love is a theme of a
thousand songs, the cause of elation, joy and heartbreak. It's
unprejudiced, unexpected and at times totally unpredictable. But
whether it strikes like a bolt from the blue or develops slowly
through friendship and respect, a relationship based on love
needs care and attention to survive… Even a lifetime would
be less to understand this mysterious thing called
"love"…Love is giving…
What ever "it" is … I have finally realised its