Bootbabe's Personal Page

Welcome to the home of the Bootbabe. Thanks for stopping by.

This is were I have chosen to put new images and stories that were sadly deleted from the previous Bootbabe Web Page, which was wonderfully maintained by my dear friend Damian.

This purpose of this page is to serve my three true loves:

On occasions this site may carry some of the
leather and boot stories
I or some of my friends have written to share with you.

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Who is the Bootbabe?

That is not an easy question to answer but here goes:
A little bit about me:
Bootbabe is a 27 year old single girl from a regional Australian city. She has worn thigh-high boots since she was fifteen. Not for any great erotic or sadistic purpose, But just because she wants to, for her own pleasure, and for the joy they bring to her friends. She has no major hobbies, but loves to drive her Mazda MX-6 and to ride her BMW K1. She is a fairly good skier, but never has the time.

This page is so she can share her love of boots and some of her other personal joys with people she wouldn't normally get to meet in the course of her everyday life.

Click here to mail me

This site would not be possible without my close friend Damian. If you're interested in web site design and programming like this site let me know.

Thanks for visiting Bootbabe

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