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butt1.gif (1328 bytes)Fall Extravaganza Mailing List

butt1.gif (1328 bytes)Fall Extravaganza Press Release

butt1.gif (1328 bytes)1st Annual Summer Adventure Recap

butt1.gif (1328 bytes)How to get to Babyland General

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September 1st through 3rd

Cleveland Georgia


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The Fall Extravaganza will take place September 1-3, 2000 in Cleveland, Georgia the  site of Babyland General where CPK's originated.  There will be a registration fee of apporximately $75.00 which includes a Fall Extravaganza t-shirt, two meals, entrance to a very special concert and a chance to win some great door prizes! Registration will begin in January.

So far, this is what's being planned for FE2000:

  • A tour of Babyland General Hospital
  • CPK Seminars
  • Auctions
  • Swap and Sell
  • Book Signings by both Dixie McLaughlin & Judy Morris
  • Pajama Party and concert on the Saturday night!

The FE committee is looking for people to volunteer and help out in next years gathering.  If you would like to help out in this special event please contact Leah Salt or  Carrie Conover and/or read more information in the press release:


The following people are currently on the planning committee

       Carrie Conover, Co-Chair & Registration Director

        Jennifer Flavell, Public Relations

        Wayne Wiltse, Location Coordinator


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