About.com Guide to Beauty and Health-lots of beauty and health info

Hairdos.com- a great site with lots of hairstyles pictures

WebCam Salon- must see...a salon that has a camera on while working

Salon Web- another great site with lots of hairstyle pictures

Hairsticks- hair stick and pictures of styles to do with them

The Hair Salon- a great salon site with lots of info and pictures

Mr. Mott's Hairdressers- a great site with lots of really good makeovers.

Aveda- a great product line

Colin Watkins at Studio 2000- a must see site. He has some awesome hair artwork

Italian Hair Fetish- has lots of pictures showing the steps of cuts being done. Lots of links to other hair related sites.

The Fun Haircut Page- a Japanese site with lots of pictures

Short Hair- just as the name says...lots of short hair

ShortHair's Haircut Shrine- if you are looking for short haircuts, this is another great site to look at.

Heaven and Earth- another really good hair site with pictures and information

George Caroll's Cyber Salon- a great site with lots of hair information and lots of other stuff

Hairstylist.com- a great site with all kinds of hairstyles and lots of other hair related things

Biosynthesis- a new botanically based reconstruction system for your hair

The Hair Boutique- a great site with lots of pictures, other hair links, and much more.

Precision Hair Designs For You- a really nice site with lots of pictures, a messageboard, makeovers, and videos to buy.

LightSpeed- Laser hair removal

The Spa Store- sells upscale skin care products

eine haarige seite- a Germany hair site..that can be translated at the bottom of the front page. They have alot of information here.

Italian Hair Fashions by Max - a great site with makeovers, great haircut demonstration and much more

Baskets & Sweet Things - a nice site with homemade chocolates and soaps.