• Good day. This page is dedicated to Vincent's choices, for GENERATION NEXT STARS.
    It is his homage to their greatness in their chosen professions; and for their renowned ability to reach perfection in all that they do.

  • The first recipient, is actor LEONARDO DICAPRIO.
    He overprized a mass structure of emotions, and caused the academy to sit up with a nomination for "BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR" for his protrayal of Earney, in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"

  • Leonardo has managed to convey a realm of remarkable characters. From a gay french poet in TOTAL ECLIPSE To a modern-day Romeo in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet

  • Now, with his epic performance in James Cameron's TITANIC Leonardo is sure to reach the heart strings of EVERY living soul.

  • Now on video, is his role as King Louis VII; in "The Man in the Iron Mask"


    Congrats to "TITANIC" for picking up "Best Score from a Movie", and "Best Dramatic Film" at: The 1998 Golden Globe Awards.


  • Total Eclipse
  • The BasketBall Diaries
  • William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet
  • Also, if you have any information about Leonardo you would like to see added to this page...please email Vincent at the below address. Make sure the subject line says "Leo Info"
    This Leo Site is also listed with Cinema World:
    Cinema World
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    This DiCapring site is owned by
    Christian Hirstein

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    A special thanks to the below sites; for pictures from their archives.
  • Japanese Archive Leonardo Dicaprio Fan site
  • All About Leonardo Dicaprio
  • Leonardo and Prince William Info
  • Total Eclipse Home Page