We are proud to PRESENT: KATHY BATES

  • In following the grand scene of TITANIC This Generation Page is dedicated to the actress; Kathy Bates.
  • I must say, the first time I glanced eyes upon Kathy Bates, was the frightening portrayal of Dolores Claiborne. It was the first Stephen King novel I had been able to completely finish; and as soon as the movie was released...I rented it. It starred the queen of paranoia, Kathy Bates; as well as Jennifer Jason-Leighe. The above pic is a shot from that very movie.
  • Intrigued, I went on to revel at her performances in another Stephen King flick, "Misery" for which she won an Oscar. And also, in the recent release; "primary Colors" with John travolta, Emma Thompson, and Ms.Bates. All of which I would recommend. Brilliant movies to see! :) =================================================================