I am typing this on behalf of all those who have been stepped on, not only by others; but by themselves as well. Living the synical life of a COSMO Model; I have had first hand experience in knowing what it is to be as contreversial as the night is black. I am a writer, and have a novel being released in February of 98; intitled "Inner Symplicity". That myth of "models cannot think" has been pegged upon me; along with hundreds of others. Coming from an abusive family, no support system whatsoever, and, no friends to back me...suicide was my viable option.
I am not saying this for pity, rather for redemption of others. Please, if you get into modeling...KNOW yourself before you begin. I didn't, and I've struggled for it. I have been pulled one way, then another. The differnce? I TOOK control of my careers direction. Now, I have stepped back from modeling for 98, to pursue my writing and acting career head-on.
Going through re-invention, I discovered who I was. And, am a better person for it. I am through the suicidal thoughts, have changed my looks completely, started working out EVERY day, changed my eating habits, changed schools, and, friends. It is the hardest thing to do. To look in a mirror; and truly find who you are. Discover the reaons FOR being who you are. I thank my stars that I've made it through.
Now that I've made it through the pain of the process, and am completely happy with my progress...and am able to type this with sanity. Life is worth the stuggle. If I can make it through the synical, racist, predjudiced life I've thusfar been delt; then so can you.
Now, I don't know who will read this, but it was my New Years Resolution to NEVER step backwards. I grow and change with each day. One goal was to get this out, let others know that without control...You are nothing. Until you can say that you are truly happy with YOU...and are in control of YOUR environment; the faction of reality will only grow in harshness.
I wish all that read this ( especially those who can relate ), true happieness in your lives. Be assured that you are not alone in your pain; and that as long as the world grows and changes; so will you.
I want to end this speech with some positive changes for me. ALL be on the look-out. :) My new look is soon-to-be premered on **DanesDicap** It is a change for the better. My bitterness of life, is gone. The sadness is ended. My cold touch is now warmed by experience. If you ever see me, it won't be hard to recognize me. I'm the one in the 10-inch platform boots, decked in skin-tight black leather/leopard-print; and the new addition...A smile. :)
Good day all! I just wanted to type in an updated version of my life; so to speak. A ton has happened to me since the above memories. I turned 18 on September 9th of 98'...and a whole new world from a career prospective opened up for me. I started to get more modeling job offers than ever. And, used that attention to expand the current Book Tour for "Inner Simplicity" even further. I've also started to act again; and am working with a few producers on new game shows that are to be developed for national tv.
Since last I shared my persona with the world...I've been back in forth through several relationships. For those of you that don't know, I am bi. As of right now, single as well.
God! So much has happened to me, that I really don't know where to start with all of this. I attended a poetry Convention in Washington D.C. in September to compete for Poet of the Year. And, I won Young Poet of the Year!!!! That award has boosted my writing status quite a bit; and I am now in works with some major magazines and talk shows to do interviews concerning the Tour for "Simplicity," as well as other indevors I am pursuing.
I had planned to write this out about a week ago, but just haven't been inspired to do so. Mere minutes ago, I finished watching a movie called "The Object of My Affection" with Jennifer Aniston from "Friends" and Paul Ruder from "ClueLess." It was my first time watching it. And, It truly inspired me. It was the first movie, that I at least have seen that projects a real-life situation with gay's and straights togeather. My applause to anyone involved with that movie. Really loved it!!!
2000 Update
It has been quite some time since my last conversation with the world above. Now, 2000 is upon me. I have had many wonderous and profound things happen not only in my personal life; but professional life as well. I am now, owner of my own record label, Rimbaud Records. I have also taken on a name change. It is no longer Christian Hirstein...but now, Vincent C. Rimbaud.
On top of changes have taken place. To get all of the juicy details...just sign up for and check out the archives of my two newsletter lists.
The first, the !LOUD! Newsletter at:
The !LOUD! Newsletter
And...the Official Vincent C. Rimbaud Fan-Zine at:
The Official Vincent C. Rimbaud Fan-Zine Newsletter
Now...on to what my soul and very connection to present emotion asks me to convey. I am sitting, crying as I type this. So often, I sit up at night and stare at the stars praying...hoping for that day when I am able to look at the sky and be where I want to be in my career and life. To be able to speak and have people hear it. To write, to sing, to create for the sake of humanity. To let the world know what sometimes, I feel I am the only one to hear. My destiny calls me every day. And I hate having so much passion..because I get no sleep. I dream, I write, I tell the stars and God of my plans; and pray for their help in reaching them. It is SO hard to be in the entertainment industry...just for the simple fact that you never know. You never know when you'll make it...If you'll make it. One thing is for certain; I will NEVER give up. One day you will see me on a stage somewhere spilling my soul for the world to see...letting them know true beauty; true emotion. Not a creation by an agent or media mogul. A genuine individual with goals to be what they are meant to be. Celine Dion is playing in the background as I type; and I feel such passion to say to the others in this buisness...don't give up. I am burning with a fire to "be"; and I know that If I can survive the up-till-now 5 years I've gone's for certain you can make it that next year. Pray for me, as I do for the others with destiny-driven pains for the world to SEE and FEEL them.
Can't think of anything else at the moment. I'll add more as I see fit. Later world!! :)
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