Mickeyluver - 12/08/00 20:37:49 My Email:Mickeyzgirl@mediaone.net Favorite bracelet style: All of them Do you like: Great!!! | Comments: I luv this web site. I hope you keep up the good work and maybe some day I'll see your work and buy some. |
Ashleigh - 11/23/00 19:27:13 My URL:http://www.thelittlemiss.co.uk/ash My Email:Yaharlimarcus@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: All of them! Do you like: The what? | Comments: This si a cool webbie, the only thing I would say, is, try to change your first page background, it is too busy and hard to look at, but apart from that, well done on the knowledge and stuff! |
Ashley - 11/15/00 16:40:48 Favorite bracelet style: bacic Do you like: what? | Comments: HI I think that your web site is the bomb I love it you are so crrative I have always loved tto make friendship bracelets please e-amil me and give me some more ideas thanxs |
phaedra - 11/03/00 16:08:07 My Email:d_phaedra@hotmail.com | Comments: would you like to send me ideas? |
Just a cool girl... - 10/23/00 23:47:23 My Email:chen_cool@yahoo.com Do you like: What's that? | Comments: Your idea for the brecelet website is creative, but there is one problem I want to ask you about: I don't know if it's just my computer or the site has a problem but... When I went to the basic knots and designs category, but when I pressed the "flame", "diamond", and "arrow" links nothing happened. Please answer me! Thank you. |
SARAH TOMKA - 10/12/00 22:31:28 My Email:setomka@satx.rr.com Do you like: yes | Comments: |
bratty - 09/26/00 00:29:33 My Email:cant tell ya Favorite bracelet style: all of them Do you like: yes | Comments: I REALLY LOVE YOUR SITE,GREAT JOB!!!!!! |
maggie - 09/24/00 23:56:07 My Email:jjones11@earthlink.net Favorite bracelet style: I like all of them Do you like: yes | Comments: I think you have a great website. You have creative ideas. |
zoey liz lee - 09/21/00 07:33:44 My Email:sugarplum_fairy@yahoo.com.sg Favorite bracelet style: colurful Do you like: its okay! | Comments: this websites is just for me ! i love friendship bands alot! |
jackie - 09/17/00 18:17:54 Favorite bracelet style: little beads Do you like: yes of course! | Comments: I hope you can teach me how to do a friendship bracelet on the web THANK YOU!!!! |
Ashlleeh - 09/16/00 22:36:05 My Email:ashlleeh@hotmail.com Do you like: good movie | Comments: Nice page you got here. Keep updating it. =) -Ashlleeh ^..^ |
- 09/12/00 15:50:32 My Email:marijess@samlink.com Favorite bracelet style: I'm a novice | Comments: I'm an adult, but I have a question regarding instructions in a child's book. They're talking about left and right knots, also included square knots, which I understand. What I don't comprehend is....they say always remember to tie twice. Are they sayi g to make 2 left or right knots; and if so why don't they say so. Also a square knot is made by tying twice (in opposite directions). So, I feel very silly for asking, but I am confused by this "childs" instructions book which I purchased in Walmarts. hank you for any help on the subject. |
Staci - 09/10/00 22:12:58 My Email:cottonmonk@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: The basic | Comments: There is a bracelet I cannot remember how to make but it had round knots. |
Amanda - 09/08/00 19:54:37 My Email:afullarton4@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: arrow head with border Do you like: never heard of it | Comments: your braclets are cool. I already know how to make them all. I was looking to see if there were any instructions on how to make a bracelet with letters in them, I have tried to figure it out but no go. my favorite is one that I made my own design for, whi h is the arrow head with different color borders. But if you could help me with the lettered ones I would very much appriciate it. |
Guardian - 08/29/00 15:22:19 My Email:guardian@NOSPAMbark.cc.usm.edu Favorite bracelet style: knotted Do you like: Ayup! ;-) | Comments: Very helpful! Please work on the beading section when you have a chance. |
Shea - 08/26/00 02:00:20 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on3/HansonCried My Email:TAYtartot@itookmyprozac.com Favorite bracelet style: Dunno? Do you like: No | Comments: Your site is soo nice, but you should explain more.. i didn't understand a word of it. |
Rose - 08/24/00 17:54:17 My URL:http://www.aol.com Favorite bracelet style: beaded Do you like: no | Comments: this is cool and a great hobby |
Kati Rogers - 08/22/00 23:05:19 My Email:klrulzs@yahoo.com Favorite bracelet style: braided Do you like: yes | Comments: Hi, my name is kati to. I think that is so cool. I'm 17 also! |
Magaly - 08/19/00 12:06:19 My Email:magaly.dupont@freebel.net Do you like: yes | Comments: Dear Katie, you site is quite good. You seem to love making friendship bracelets. But I must admit that you don't give enough information about how to make them. I also make friendship bracelets, I can make more than 40 different types and I've tried to learn friends how to make them many times and even if it seems very easy to me (I can make one in less than an hour) it's difficult for those who have never made one. I also wanted to say that I've sold more than 1000 bracelets this year (at school, to friends,...) and anybody can e-mail me to have more information about my prices,... anyone can buy one, they are very very very cheap. So don't hesitate to send me a message people... |
Chris - 08/04/00 17:17:51 | Comments: You don't give enough info on how to do them i don't understand. I'd sort it out cause i'm of to find a better site!!!!! |
Amy Davies - 08/03/00 08:21:03 My Email:Can't give that info Favorite bracelet style: not the knot! Do you like: The wot? | Comments: Can't be bothered writing! |
scott woodruff - 07/19/00 23:23:04 My Email:woodro46 Favorite bracelet style: silver Do you like: yup | Comments: please send me info about nice pricey silver braclets for a boy and a girl thanks for your time love scott |
Caz - 07/19/00 21:17:57 My Email:cazhurst@barclays.net | Comments: I've tried to e-mail you, but no joy. Did you know when you try and click on the different designs (flame, arrow etc) that nothing happens? I enjoy making bracelets too, so it would be great if you could mail me with any different designs! |
kyla - 07/18/00 02:28:11 My Email:jackw@attcanada.com Favorite bracelet style: skinny bracelets | Comments: |
Caz - 07/13/00 16:38:31 My Email:cazhurst@barclays.net Favorite bracelet style: Luv all of them! | Comments: Brillaint website! |
- 07/11/00 15:25:24 | Comments: Your website is kind of confussing. I only got to veiw one bracelet, and even then the directions were confussing. Great opening page. Love the clouds! |
Kari - 07/08/00 21:57:39 Favorite bracelet style: EVERYTHING!! Do you like: Neva Heard Of It | Comments: Your site is awesome! I luv it! You must make them and this website alot. Good Job! |
Michelle - 07/05/00 16:32:48 My URL:http://www.chat_box_3.homestead.com My Email:michelle_slominski@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: um........i dont know what they are called but the ones that have like 4 rows of knots Do you like: um..........whatever i dont even know what it is but i am a girl and so i guess i would have to say no cuz i dont like lesbians | Comments: um........well i wasnt even lookin for a friendship bracelet website. i went to ask.com and it just brought me here. but i am just signing this guestbook cuz i want some really hot guys to email me. so byebyebye luv ya! michelle |
Pat - 07/04/00 12:42:52 My Email:patw@freewwweb.com | Comments: I cannot remember how to tie a bracelet that looks square. I know I had to use loops. Can you help. |
elizabeth - 06/30/00 16:28:34 Favorite bracelet style: twist Do you like: yes | Comments: nice work!!! My friends and I love to make bracelets. |
Katie Hart - 06/27/00 23:47:16 Favorite bracelet style: Love em all! Do you like: My Fav | Comments: My Favorite part is when they are stuck in the Fire Swamp.=) |
Katie Renner - 06/27/00 23:30:53 My Email:hamish1 Favorite bracelet style: I like all different kinds Do you like: I love it ! | Comments: |
MILA1988 - 06/27/00 14:12:26 My URL:http://bracelates.com My Email:MILA1988@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: i dont know yet Do you like: i have not seen it | Comments: yes i want u to e mail me and can u tell me how to do more bracelets ok |
Jason Danz - 06/26/00 18:17:41 My Email:jdanz79@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: not sure yet Do you like: yes | Comments: hey this is a cool site. I like it alot, im going to make one for my girlfriend and my slef for when she goes away to college do u think, if i need some help i could email you? |
kristie - 06/24/00 11:00:17 | Comments: i liked all the braclets and I think your web site was good |
Holly .V. - 06/20/00 23:11:15 My Email:merc@kwic.com Favorite bracelet style: any kind mostly 5 braded Do you like: ??? | Comments: I love making friendship braclets they are so cool !!!! |
Hahahahahaha - 06/17/00 15:08:11 My URL:http://duno My Email:turnbull@telco.co.zw | Comments: Well I thought it was pretty damn useless coz it all made NO sense to me!!! U must email me if u get this ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
tara - 06/14/00 18:20:28 My Email:starfive@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: not got one Do you like: no | Comments: |
jessica - 06/12/00 22:56:29 My URL:http://PETSWHOHAVEQUESTIONS.com My Email:silver_cloud44@hotmail.com | Comments: |
nonna ur buisness - 06/10/00 19:56:07 My Email:stinker@dontknow.com Favorite bracelet style: the ones that are not katies Do you like: too mushy | Comments: fzjkdfj hdjsf;uh |
your worst nightmare - 06/09/00 16:05:06 My Email:i wont say Favorite bracelet style: they ere all hidious Do you like: not if katie does | Comments: you stole my man you fool. i know what you did last summer. |
bizzy lizzy - 06/09/00 15:59:23 My Email:e-lizybizy@*******.com Favorite bracelet style: the ugly ones Do you like: ???? | Comments: your braclets are cool(j/k) |
this is your neighborhood hoochy - 06/09/00 00:18:44 My Email:clumseyfreak@hoochy.com Favorite bracelet style: there all gay Do you like: eewwee.... | Comments: hummmmm... i wonder what i should say. well i guess i don't know what to say, mabey it's better that way. yea i think so |
Ren & Stimpy - 06/09/00 00:10:49 My Email:Ren&Stimpy@nonnaurbuis.com Favorite bracelet style: we love them all dont we ren? uhhhh nope Do you like: sure whatever that is..... | Comments: |
me myself and i - 06/09/00 00:04:28 My Email:my mommy said not to tell nobody Favorite bracelet style: the dookey brown ones Do you like: oh yes baby | Comments: poop all over your stinky braclets HAHA |
Penallepy - 06/09/00 00:01:18 Favorite bracelet style: i luv u katie Do you like: i luv you katie | Comments: i luv you, luv you, luv you, luv you, so, so, so, so, very, very much katie(but not your braclets). |
Mertial&Elli May - 06/08/00 23:57:09 My URL:non of your buisness My Email:ya wanna know, well thats just to bad Favorite bracelet style: well non of yours Do you like: no way | Comments: your braclets sound really, really, really ugly REJECT |
Lara Clark - 06/08/00 11:20:02 My Email:the_bird_lara@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Diamond Do you like: ???? | Comments: Brilliant page, I wish it was here 5 years ago when I taught myself how to make bracelets. I'll definately recomend it to anybody who wants to know how to make bracelets! |
lizzyjones - 06/07/00 17:37:09 My Email:lizzyjones@sexychick.co.uk Do you like: yes | Comments: |
lizzyjones - 06/07/00 17:36:10 | Comments: |
Amanda Murray - 06/05/00 18:09:17 My Email:Flamingo1287@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: all Do you like: yes | Comments: |
- 06/05/00 14:26:14 My Email:040091@hkis.edu.hk Favorite bracelet style: 5 strand braid Do you like: it's pretty good | Comments: i can make a 5 stranded braid in less than 5 minits and it looks good too. |
Leigh-Ann - 06/05/00 14:19:07 My Email:leigh_anndraheim@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Beaded braclets (the kind on a loom) Do you like: it's ok | Comments: I like your idea's and my best friend jennifer will too (i sent her your site) she likes to make bracelets. Because i'm moving to England after being in HK for my whole life i can make braclets for my friends to rember me by. thnk you leigh-ann |
Rachel - 06/05/00 09:26:58 My Email:N/A Favorite bracelet style: don't know! Do you like: never heard of it | Comments: well, brillant work Katie. thanks for the friendship bracelet site now i can make some. groovy! |
yiwen - 05/29/00 13:38:31 My Email:yiwen11@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: all types Do you like: wats tt? | Comments: i'm really glad to find this website n really hope tt u can show more pictures on how to make the bracelets coz its alot easier to follow. lastly, thanx 4 cumin up with this website. |
yiwen - 05/29/00 13:36:25 My Email:yiwen11@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: all types Do you like: wats tt? | Comments: |
mary - 05/29/00 01:58:42 My Email:mary@noahsmom.com Favorite bracelet style: the BASIC bracelet Do you like: i don't even know what that is | Comments: hi katie... well, i was searching for a site on how to make friendship bracelets and i came upon urs ... omi..i really like it...i actually understand what ur saying =)...well...i'm really glad u made this site...it's great...byebyebye mary |
katie - 05/24/00 19:13:02 My Email:princessblue10@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Flame Do you like: yes very much | Comments: I think it's cool thet you thought up a friendship bracelet page.Where did you learn how to make them all? |
lala - 05/22/00 00:24:31 My Email:don't have one Favorite bracelet style: knots Do you like: no haven't heard of it | Comments: |
Julie - 05/20/00 15:34:10 My Email:Moonlight1487828@aol.com and BabyVernon@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: Rainbow Do you like: It's all right | Comments: Your the best!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jennifer Greene - 05/19/00 13:41:11 My Email:jennifergreene@ev1.net Favorite bracelet style: I'm not sure!! Do you like: It's been a long time since I've seen it be I do remember liking it a lot. | Comments: I am so impressed with your website. I'm a fourth grade teacher and I was wanting to teach my kids how to make friendship bracelets. I thought I could remember from when I used to make them but I just couldn't remember. Thanks so much for the informati n you've put out here for us. |
Valesha Hooper - 05/16/00 21:01:47 My Email:esha.b @ mailcity.com Favorite bracelet style: weaved Do you like: yes | Comments: Thanks for all yuor help on making bracelets for friends. You and your web site is great |
kaedean - 05/15/00 10:16:28 | Comments: |
D.F. - 05/11/00 21:53:49 My Email:babyd2000@chickmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Knotted Do you like: The movie, yes. It was my favorite when I was a little girl. | Comments: Hey WZ^?U sound pretty kewl. I am supposed to make a 'how to' presentation in school, and I wa gonna do different ways to fold notes, but decided this would be better. T2UL> D.F. |
Sasha - 05/08/00 20:26:01 My Email:Draemchaser411@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: braded Do you like: i dunno | Comments: i really like ur website on scale 1-10 1 is the lowest 10 is the highest i give it a 10 |
Chrisserz - 05/03/00 21:38:44 Favorite bracelet style: the kind u can wear on ur wrist. Do you like: um...i am a princess | Comments: ummmmmm......no comment! |
Sarah - 04/30/00 16:50:32 My Email:Sazariah_100 Favorite bracelet style: Knotting style Do you like: i don't know what u mean1 | Comments: a cool website. it has helped me a lot! Thanks! luv Sarah =^..^= |
Megan Johnson - 04/30/00 01:21:50 My Email:GirlPower Favorite bracelet style: braided Do you like: Yes | Comments: |
Orange Jello - 04/27/00 20:09:56 My URL:www.freddycooker.com My Email:Redneck@juno.com Favorite bracelet style: I like it made of glass Do you like: no i hate her | Comments: Who are you crazy person who is trying to get hold of my butt |
andy - 04/26/00 23:44:12 Favorite bracelet style: basic Do you like: never seen it | Comments: |
Em & Rache - 04/22/00 19:16:12 My Email:Mike@Galligan30.freeserve.co.uk Favorite bracelet style: Haven't looked yet (first time) Do you like: Never seen it | Comments: We live in England and have been best friends for 7 years |
Francesca - 04/20/00 22:45:54 My Email:fgilbert@sterlingpub.com Do you like: You bet!! | Comments: Do you know how to weave letters into friendship bracelets? I'm trying to figure out how to do that. Thanks! |
- 04/20/00 20:32:07 | Comments: |
kelli layton - 04/18/00 19:21:25 My Email:jlayton@accesstoledo.com Favorite bracelet style: lemon spiral Do you like: don't know it | Comments: i need to see pictures of each step to help me make it and it would be cool if i could see your finished product so i know if i did it right |
Kati - 04/18/00 14:08:11 | Comments: |
Kati - 04/18/00 14:07:37 | Comments: |
Chrissy - 04/16/00 22:09:00 My Email:www.koala988@yahoo.com Do you like: I love it! :) | Comments: Hello! I don't know how to use your site! |
Ana Lovelady - 04/16/00 01:31:37 My Email:smamlovelady@mindspring.com Favorite bracelet style: Beaded Do you like: Yes | Comments: Let's be e-mail pals |
Lauren - 04/13/00 22:40:28 My Email:lgrant@hyde.edu Favorite bracelet style: i like to many Do you like: yes i love it! | Comments: hi ya! i just love your site, i come here every day to see whats new! |
Lauren Archer - 04/13/00 20:34:49 My Email:manchester.united@fsmail.net Favorite bracelet style: knotted Do you like: no | Comments: Do WELL AND WELL DONE |
Angie - 04/08/00 18:31:09 My Email:fluffy55@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: All! | Comments: Great page! |
Angie - 04/08/00 18:30:47 My Email:fluffy55@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: All! | Comments: Great page! |
rachel - 04/08/00 14:59:06 My Email:soccergirl140705 Favorite bracelet style: just like cute and friendly Do you like: yes | Comments: will u make me on or i will be mad i like when peopole make me stuff thank u bye |
Annie - 04/07/00 20:36:58 My URL:http://tiggernut.supanet.com My Email:not aloud to tel you Favorite bracelet style: dunno Do you like: ????what??? | Comments: I think this site is too complecated and very very very very very very very very very very very very boring |
jackie - 04/01/00 15:31:11 My Email:Luv_Me_00@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: i have a lot Do you like: yea | Comments: cool web site smiles jackie |
Charmaine Folette - 03/31/00 22:19:20 My Email:abc248@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: arrow Do you like: yes | Comments: I think you r really cool like a loser |
jordan t. - 03/31/00 00:53:24 Favorite bracelet style: beaded | Comments: |
malissa brook - 03/27/00 04:08:33 My Email:littlemattmatt Favorite bracelet style: power bracelets Do you like: yes | Comments: |
elise - 03/25/00 21:57:11 My URL:http://members.xoom.xom/uramunkey/elise.hmtl My Email:magic_colors@juno.com Favorite bracelet style: ones that dont take much room-i like making them at school Do you like: dont remember it | Comments: Nice page. |
Sammy - 03/24/00 23:22:34 My URL:http://www.msnhomepages.talkcity.com/CerfSt/crazysocks/ Favorite bracelet style: like them all Do you like: yeah | Comments: I like your page but the only thing i would recommend is you have some pictures of the bracelets |
Fluff - 03/22/00 20:01:52 My Email:Pollaka@paulsmiths.edu Favorite bracelet style: Triangular? Do you like: " Its possible pig!" | Comments: Please don't take offense to that comment. It is from the movie, and yes its quite possibly one of my favorites! I was wondering if you knew of, or know how to make a triangular braid. I saw a triangle braid once, many years ago and it has iluded me since. |
Kelsey Palmer - 03/19/00 01:22:44 My Email:kmppalmer@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: power bead bracelets Do you like: no | Comments: You need more things about power bead bracelets. Thank you for letting me in your website. Kelsey |
laura and ashley - 03/18/00 17:24:41 My Email:nllb@rma.com Favorite bracelet style: green, blue and purple braded Do you like: yes | Comments: |
laura and ashley - 03/18/00 17:20:46 | Comments: |
NIcole Greene - 03/14/00 23:33:47 My URL:http://aol.com My Email:nag385@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: too many to name Do you like: yes | Comments: |
danielle vernooy - 03/14/00 22:58:50 My Email:daniellev41AHATMAIL.COM Favorite bracelet style: pale Do you like: defontally NOT!!!! | Comments: e-mail me OK? its daniellev41@hotmail.com |
britne lavergne - 03/12/00 02:03:29 My Email:britism@bboy.com Favorite bracelet style: beads Do you like: no | Comments: |
- 03/10/00 20:55:52 | Comments: |
- 03/09/00 03:17:31 | Comments: |
Megan - 03/08/00 23:25:11 Favorite bracelet style: Arrow Do you like: Yes it is one of my all time favorite movies! | Comments: I just love your web page! |
Janessa - 03/07/00 23:15:14 My Email:sugarapple5@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: All Do you like: Yes | Comments: Hey you made a good homepage!!!! |
lulu - 03/07/00 21:45:55 My Email:littlelucy87@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: woven Do you like: Haven't seen it yet | Comments: This is so cool!! But i think this site should have PHOTOS of the bracilits!!!!!!!!!!!! |
smorgan - 03/06/00 00:52:34 My Email:me Favorite bracelet style: necklaces Do you like: no | Comments: hello my best love you |
Ashley - 03/05/00 17:43:08 My Email:Aagawlikmd@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: flame Do you like: what is that | Comments: Katie, I really liked your site! It wa excellent! Your instructions were so easy to follow! Thanx! Ashley |
Anthony Davidson - 02/27/00 19:28:51 My Email:AnthonyDavidson@bun.com | Comments: |
Sue - 02/25/00 06:49:33 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/sanrio_pokemon | Comments: Hi..... Need more things on ur page, otherwise, it's great! I hope you put the heart & the zigzagg one soon. |
Alicia - 02/20/00 06:11:38 My Email:ladybugz052@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: knots!! Do you like: i don't even know what it is!! ( Sorry) | Comments: ~You make GREAT friendship necklaces!!1 they work too i gave one to a friend ever since were Best Buds!! ~Thanx |
stan - 02/17/00 15:00:29 My Email:snap dragon Favorite bracelet style: braid Do you like: i love it | Comments: |
hgbyugfmjgh - 02/17/00 14:59:12 My Email:gdgcgf Favorite bracelet style: gfgfc Do you like: bvdgdhftgryjhrjyrrhy | Comments: |
- 02/16/00 18:51:38 Do you like: LOVED IT!!!! | Comments: You shoud put directions up for the arrow and diamond. I was looking for these two specifically. |
Megan - 02/15/00 12:28:44 My URL:http://www.hotmail.com My Email:nike2321@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Don't have one Do you like: yes | Comments: |
monika - 02/15/00 03:28:47 My URL:http://askjeeves.com My Email:monblat@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: not sure Do you like: ????dont know what it is | Comments: my friend gave me a friendship bracelet for valentines day today and i have to make her one now. this was a lot of help.my web page is a http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/aquariusave/powderpuff33/index.html. please sign my guest book. it is still under con trution though.thanx alot.luv monika |
casey crutthers - 02/14/00 19:38:32 My Email:e3a twox4 Favorite bracelet style: normal Do you like: what? | Comments: great site!!!! ps:you need a little extra touch and make your site better. |
- 02/14/00 00:06:36 | Comments: |
Natasha - 02/12/00 19:37:26 My Email:Natasha_m_lives@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: I'm not sure! Do you like: I din't see it! | Comments: Your page was very helpful for someone who doesn't know a lot about friendship bracelets! Thanks! |
Trish - 02/11/00 19:26:04 My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/BoomerSt/agentpinky My Email:sarcasticsun@hotmail.com | Comments: I was wondering if you know how, or where i could go, to find out how to make bracelets with names in them...with embroidery floss |
Emily - 02/09/00 14:56:34 My Email:emily1@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Funky Do you like: no | Comments: Hey What's up in your part of the hood? Not 2 much going on here??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
Abby - 02/06/00 04:00:27 My Email:Porky71982@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: a type of weave Do you like: what's that | Comments: I am 13 years old and I love to make bracelets and anklets and chokers out of embordry thread. You can e-mail me at: Porky71982@aol.com |
ClareO' Reilly - 02/02/00 23:48:20 My Email:oreillc@tcd.ie Favorite bracelet style: Criss-cross | Comments: Have been searching for a site like this for ages! |
Katie - 01/29/00 22:42:31 My Email:bubbles_2000_3_7@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: anything cute Do you like: what? | Comments: |
Joon - 01/26/00 23:05:06 My URL:/Paris/Arc/3300 My Email:iloveeeyore@email.msn.com Favorite bracelet style: I like them all! Do you like: "Death cannot stop True Love. It can only delay it a while." | Comments: Thank you for having this site! I haven't knotted a friendship bracelet in YEARS and wanted to make one for my 3yr old son but couldn't remember how!! It's all coming back to me now! Thank You!! |
A and - 01/19/00 19:31:02 Do you like: no | Comments: |
hannah - 01/18/00 07:06:09 My Email:trouble_151@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: any Do you like: w.t.f | Comments: I love your page Katie. |
hannah - 01/18/00 07:02:01 My Email:trouble_151@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: any Do you like: w.t.f | Comments: Please can any one send me some new designs and maybe I could give you some new ones. So please help me. |
Marissa - 01/18/00 04:10:01 My Email:Babygurl2369 Favorite bracelet style: flammy Do you like: ya | Comments: I wish i could learn how to do more or i could get more info on it |
- 01/16/00 22:51:27 | Comments: |
manda - 01/15/00 22:19:34 My Email:justint49@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: clay Do you like: no | Comments: |
Lianca - 01/15/00 20:12:31 My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/beads13 My Email:butterflybeads@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: All of them | Comments: Great site!!! I have been beading for five years now. If you want to contact me feel free to do it. I'd love to talk about beads, bracelets, or anything else. I'd also love to share patterns, projects, and ideas. |
Lianca - 01/15/00 20:12:09 My Email:butterflybeads@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: All of them | Comments: Great site!!! I have been beading for five years now. If you want to contact me feel free to do it. I'd love to talk about beads, bracelets, or anything else. I'd also love to share patterns, projects, and ideas. |
Shawna Lin - 01/15/00 03:25:22 My URL:http://cuddlycuties.homepage.com/fanpage.html My Email:kitkatkitty22288@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: The basic Do you like: yes | Comments: I like to work with bracelets. I've been learning for the past 3 years. I already know the chinese staircase, the basic, braids, and I am trying to learn the arrow. |
pumkin - 01/08/00 05:02:06 My URL:http://pumkin baby @ earth link.net Favorite bracelet style: white-black Do you like: yes | Comments: |
Phyllis Kersey - 12/29/99 12:18:31 My Email:jpkersey@alltel.com Favorite bracelet style: not sure yet | Comments: I am going to try and get my granddaughter to learn to make braclets and I want to Thank You for these patterns. |
nikki nguyen - 12/20/99 02:42:57 My Email:ferrari4ever@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: i like don't have one, i think they all are great Do you like: i have no clue what it is | Comments: |
chaanelle - 12/12/99 18:04:34 Favorite bracelet style: wound | Comments: your flame and dimond don't show th instructions. I really like the wwund bracelet but it is haaad to understand the instruction!!!!!!!!! |
chanelle - 12/12/99 18:01:55 Favorite bracelet style: none Do you like: no | Comments: your flame dimond and arrow bracelets don't show the instructions. The wound bracelet is could just hard to under stand the instructions. |
NaYiL - 12/10/99 08:53:35 My Email:nayil@chickmail.com Favorite bracelet style: any style.. Do you like: muaakkss...really like it | Comments: erkk..can you pliz contact me..via email.. coz i want to know more on how to make a braclet.. contact me pliz..pliz..plizz |
Emma - 11/27/99 11:10:05 My Email:emmak@cybergal.com Favorite bracelet style: wound Do you like: used to, bit too old for it now | Comments: Cool page! It was exactly what I was looking for, but I really would love to see the beaded jewellery pages up soon. Keep up the good work |
Megan Stone - 11/26/99 20:17:18 My Email:Megascr | Comments: |
Tammy Hunter - 11/24/99 17:02:49 My Email:thunter@cbmedia.ca Favorite bracelet style: wound Do you like: love it!! | Comments: I like the wound bracelets, but i've never tried to make one before...I need more of a visual explanation! Would you be able to send me one? |
T.J Lewis - 11/22/99 20:32:15 My URL:http://listen.to/smokedgoldie My Email:talfae@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: any Do you like: hope not (i'm a guy) | Comments: kool page girl keep up the work later |
- 11/19/99 19:15:40 | Comments: |
Irina - 11/19/99 01:07:51 My Email:none Favorite bracelet style: all of them are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you like: yes | Comments: I really want to know how to make new bracelets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Irina - 11/19/99 01:03:12 My Email:none Favorite bracelet style: everything Do you like: yes | Comments: |
Carol Hardee - 11/16/99 23:56:47 My Email:wthcuh@nccoast.net | Comments: Thanks for the lesson. I work with girls at church and wanted to do friendship bracelets. I had no idea where to start. Thanks again and God bless. |
Jessi - 11/16/99 22:22:15 My Email:brakeitdown@chickmail.com Favorite bracelet style: any kind Do you like: ? have no clue what that is. | Comments: hello i like friendship braclets but every time i make one the always fall apart later like a week later can u tell me y they are doing that? |
Kim Jones - 11/15/99 19:36:56 My Email:kjones@aug.edu | Comments: My church missionary group (girls ages 8-10) has a friendship bracelet project and your web page was very informative. Thanks! |
Mystique - 11/06/99 21:26:32 My Email:JMMLGC@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: Dancing Triangles, my favorite to do and it takes less time than the normal basic diagonal. Do you like: Not really, I like horror movies. | Comments: Hey all, I know of about 20-30 different styles of floss/hemp/beaded bands off-hand. If you wanna trade directions or just "talk floss" email me, or IM me if you're on aol. I do floss work and bead work in both free hand and loom. I've got some on my wn patterns I do too, for the loom with seed beads. Although working with e-beads is easier since they are bigger and a bit easier to control. I don't know if I should say anything on here or not, but I sell my designs too, if you want a really cool loo beaded bracelet/keychain/anklet, let me know. |
laura - 11/06/99 15:01:05 Favorite bracelet style: any that i can do Do you like: princess bridee? | Comments: luv it! |
laura - 11/06/99 14:52:21 My Email:sweet_laura@juno.com Favorite bracelet style: any that i can do Do you like: don't know | Comments: luv it! |
Gaye - 11/05/99 13:56:34 My URL:http://gayegal.com My Email:gayegal1@gayegal Favorite bracelet style: twist Do you like: no | Comments: |
Robin - 11/04/99 03:32:31 Favorite bracelet style: doesn't matter Do you like: never seen it | Comments: I think this a cool page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Robin - 11/04/99 03:32:20 Favorite bracelet style: doesn't matter Do you like: never seen it | Comments: I think this a cool page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jaicea - 11/03/99 21:36:58 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/jaiceastuff My Email:jaicea@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: double zig zag Do you like: ok there | Comments: kool |
Nicole - 11/02/99 22:12:56 My Email:DKNY568597'AOL.COM Favorite bracelet style: Woven Do you like: ?? | Comments: Hiya - your site is really helpful, I can't wait to see the beaded designs!!!! |
Cheryl Bohdan - 11/02/99 21:46:16 My Email:nccj@torchlake.com Favorite bracelet style: arrow Do you like: haven't seen yet | Comments: Thank You! I wanted to make myself a watch band and couldn't remember how to tie the knots. |
karina - 11/02/99 18:01:07 My Email:dancethis@iname.com Favorite bracelet style: fishies Do you like: of course! =) | Comments: Hi, Katie - When are you going to finish our page? I know about 15 different styles of bracelets, so if anyone wants to email me, please do!! =) I am also looking for new styles myself! |
Matt - 10/31/99 06:40:41 My Email:redallstars@yahoo.com Favorite bracelet style: I need one. Do you like: Like? Naw, I loved it!!!! Its a movie that a whole family can see. And nowadays that's rare. | Comments: This page is pretty cool. Those people are right. the background needs tweaking and the links need to be "linked". But those aside I love it. Keep going on it. Rock |
Michele Yong - 10/30/99 12:56:33 My Email:alfred12@tm.net.my Favorite bracelet style: Anything Do you like: I don't know that one. | Comments: Hi. I live in Malaysia and I just love friendship bands. I'd like some intresting instructions to beautiful bracelet. |
Michele Yong - 10/30/99 12:48:26 My Email:alfred12@tm.net.my Favorite bracelet style: anything simple and nice Do you like: I don't know that one | Comments: I'd like some instructions to any intresting simple and beautiful bracelet. |
elizabeth - 10/30/99 11:10:09 | Comments: You have a great idea! Please continue with your instructions - you are doing a great job! The background *does* make it a little hard to read, though - you might want to change it. |
- 10/28/99 16:37:26 My Email:mwaldmann@ac.cc.md.us Favorite bracelet style: braided Do you like: haven't seen it | Comments: I tried to reach you at the e-mail address on your homepage, but it's no longer working. I hope your still using this site. I'd like to know what you think friendship braceletes represent. |
Lenea - 10/27/99 23:17:34 My Email:gymgirl2002@cs.com Favorite bracelet style: arrow Do you like: yes | Comments: I am 6 and I really like bracalates |
SARAH - 10/25/99 22:42:53 Favorite bracelet style: dont know ,just got here Do you like: what is it? | Comments: it a real cool site. people are right. the back drop makes it hard to read so i printed it all out that made it so much eaiser.you were a big help to me and my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Melanie - 10/25/99 10:40:12 Favorite bracelet style: Not sure Do you like: No | Comments: I think your site is a really great idea, although I do agree with the person that said that the background makes it difficult to read. I would also love to see some photographs of your work! |
*Diva* - 10/23/99 18:00:04 My URL:http://www.diva43web.homepage.net My Email:diva_43@juno.com Favorite bracelet style: knotted Do you like: yeah | Comments: I love friendship bracelets, where can I find other links? |
christine - 10/23/99 06:52:36 My Email:christinegooi@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: anything Do you like: up to you | Comments: hi can you plz teach me how to make friendship band thanx |
Sarah - 10/22/99 20:15:20 My Email:Pepsi1311@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: basic Do you like: never seen it | Comments: your site is cool |
Angela Martinez - 10/22/99 19:30:56 My Email:bestsoftballplayer3 Favorite bracelet style: I don't have one Do you like: no | Comments: |
angie lybbert - 10/17/99 19:22:03 My Email:aircandy12@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: weaving Do you like: i love it!!!its one of my favorites! | Comments: hi, email me some time. how old are you? where do you live? i live in alberta, canada. seeya, hope to hear from you! |
deon - 10/17/99 18:40:02 My Email:hgjhfhgdgdd Favorite bracelet style: fure | Comments: |
Becky - 10/17/99 13:08:43 My Email:d.draper@virgin.net Favorite bracelet style: All Do you like: Couldn't find it | Comments: Hi, I love your site, I couldn't find the Princess Bride though! good luck, From Becky |
Shannon Docking - 10/06/99 02:08:22 My URL:not yet! My Email:shannonjoy@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: christmas tree Do you like: Totally Awesome! | Comments: G'day! I've been making bracelets for about 10 years (since I was 8) and I think your site is a really cool idea! I have about a billion designs, (at the moment I have about 200 bracelets that I haven't given away or sold yet) most of which I've made up some are copies but I'm always looking for new designs. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! :-) |
Penny - 09/06/99 22:24:02 My Email:luvmy_gator@yahoo.com Do you like: Yes | Comments: Hi Katie, fell upon your website while searching for craft ideas for my daughter. Nice designs, but the backgrounds that you've chosen makes it difficult to read your directions. |
Kristin - 08/09/99 14:37:49 My URL:http://www.homestead.com/passions7383/passions.html My Email:AngelG1rL7@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: Chinese staircase Do you like: what is it? | Comments: I love making these things! I have a million and make them all for my friends. I just need to find out different patterns. |
Laura Yazge - 08/02/99 18:04:25 My Email:yazg@erols.com | Comments: I am looking for bracelet styles to teach my kids. Your site looks like it has what I need, but I can't access the links for flame, diamond, etc. Thanks for all your hard work |
Jesse - 08/01/99 18:37:48 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/plaza/6919 My Email:bunstihl@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: ??? Do you like: ??? | Comments: This is a really cool page! You gave the best instructions for friendship bracelets I've seen so far! Thanks! Have a peachy one! Jesse |
willee roberts - 07/30/99 04:46:34 My Email:jroberts@slip.net | Comments: Dear katie, I spent a hour trying to find a way to learn to make freindship bracelet and finaly I did.thank you so much your new friend Willee. |
Ashley Palbitska - 07/29/99 20:36:45 My Email:bubbles_fun@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: all different kinds Do you like: yes. That is my favorite movie in the world. | Comments: |
Anastasia - 07/23/99 16:40:21 Favorite bracelet style: chevron Do you like: Never heard of it | Comments: This site would be a lot better if we could actually get to see how to make some of the bracelets! We can't get the instructions. Your page is kinda sucky because you have old patterns that we have seen already. You need some new ones. Sorry if this s unds harsh! |
Lori - 07/20/99 17:35:37 My Email:pippylong85@yahoo.com Favorite bracelet style: Still looking | Comments: Hi! I'm looking for some easy quick but pretty patterns...do you have any? Thanks , Love your site :o) |
ural b. frankenhelder - 07/14/99 07:01:58 Favorite bracelet style: plaid brown green red Do you like: That movie is pumpin' | Comments: your web page is awesome! You are rockin'. I LOVE YOU! YYAAAHHH |
Jessica Hudson - 07/13/99 02:13:27 Favorite bracelet style: All Do you like: Never Seen | Comments: |
agent27 - 07/06/99 22:10:08 Favorite bracelet style: I like them all!!! Do you like: Yes! | Comments: you should put insructions so people can make them too! |
lydia - 07/05/99 00:25:01 My Email:tonymeya@goweer.net Favorite bracelet style: fish Do you like: yes!!!!!!!!! | Comments: I was wondering if you knew how to make the kind of knotting bracelet that has letters in it? i have been doing knotting bracelets for 4 years as well, but I have never figured it out. I can do the basic line, V, spiral, fish, diamond, and something tha I call arrow, but I am not sure if that is what the are really called. It is a lot of fun. I really enjoy it and I hope you can help because I cannot find anything or anyone who can!!!!!!! |
Tara - 07/02/99 02:43:03 My Email:hctrspet@bellsouth.net Favorite bracelet style: all of them Do you like: yes | Comments: I was just wondering... what are you supposed to tell your friend when you give them it to them If they have never had one?? |
Sparkie - 06/24/99 14:37:23 My Email:sparkie13@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Don't know!!!! Too many to pick from!!! Do you like: ??? | Comments: This is a COOL site! I can't access the flame,diamond, arrow page!!! Could you please e-mail those patterns to me???? If you mail them to me I think that I could send you some cool ideas too!!!!!! I am a friendship braclet fanatic!!!!! I collect new ideas for FB's as often as I can!!!! If anybody else has any ideas PLEASE!!!!! mail them to me!!!!! Thanx a bunch!!!! Friends... Sparkie |
Torrential Downpour - 06/14/99 01:21:40 My Email:wsedlace@red-lake.lakeheadu.ca Do you like: Sure did!!! | Comments: |
Torrential Downpour - 06/14/99 01:21:36 My Email:wsedlace@red-lake.lakeheadu.ca Do you like: Sure did!!! | Comments: |
Riina Hurmalainen - 06/01/99 09:45:38 Favorite bracelet style: I've got many favourites. Do you like: What's that? | Comments: I'm sorry to say this but your pages suck. I didn't get any new ideas and the flame aso.. didn't even work. I would like to learn new designs, though I already know 25 designs. Your pages would be really interesting if you only worked on them. Terveisiä Suomesta kaikille maailman ihmisille! PINK FLOYD RULES! |
Riina Hurmalainen - 06/01/99 09:43:18 Favorite bracelet style: I've got many favourites. Do you like: What's that? | Comments: I'm sorry to say this but your pages suck. I didn't get any new ideas and the flame aso.. didn't even work. I would like to learn new designs, though I already know 25 designs. Your pages would be really interesting if you only worked on them. Terveisiä Suomesta kaikille maailman ihmisille! PINK FLOYD RULES! |
Riina Hurmalainen - 06/01/99 09:43:11 Favorite bracelet style: I've got many favourites. Do you like: What's that? | Comments: I'm sorry to say this but your pages suck. I didn't get any new ideas and the flame aso.. didn't even work. I would like to learn new designs, though I already know 25 designs. Your pages would be really interesting if you only worked on them. Terveisiä Suomesta kaikille maailman ihmisille! PINK FLOYD RULES! |
Riina Hurmalainen - 06/01/99 09:42:51 Favorite bracelet style: I've got many favourites. Do you like: What's that? | Comments: I'm sorry to say this but your pages suck. I didn't get any new ideas and the flame aso.. didn't even work. I would like to learn new designs, though I already know 25 designs. Your pages would be really interesting if you only worked on them. Terveisiä Suomesta kaikille maailman ihmisille! PINK FLOYD RULES! |
Jamie B - 05/31/99 17:03:01 Favorite bracelet style: Knot bracelet Do you like: yes | Comments: |
KK - 05/08/99 21:42:03 My Email:Barkerboy@AOL.com | Comments: I'm 7 years old and just learning to make bracelets. Your web page has helped a lot! Thanks! |
cordelia - 04/29/99 00:11:18 My Email:t.cordelia@mailcity.com Favorite bracelet style: totempole Do you like: never heard of it | Comments: your page is great, it helped alot to learn how to make bracelets. Thanx alot Cordelia |
Mouth - 04/14/99 22:05:22 My Email:Duke42@animail.net Favorite bracelet style: all that I have tied Do you like: never seen it, but very interested in tring it can you send me the directions? | Comments: I really like the idea of a site for friendship bracelets, and I'm looking forward to seeing your site all done. The flame pateren is really interesting to me. If you have it could you send it to me. If there is anyone out there who knows how to weave names into the friendship bracelets it would be great if you could send directions to me. My sist r is wanting to know how to put her best friends name in her bracelets that they make for each other. I think that she has about 20 bracelets on her wrist right now. Anyone with cool paterens please send them to me. Thank you, Mouth |
Rebecca Elvick - 03/28/99 04:38:48 My Email:Rebekka420@webtv.net Favorite bracelet style: All kinds, especially hemp "wave" style Do you like: The movie? I guess so. | Comments: I'm 24 years old from Northern California and I've been making bracelets off and on for years. I'm always on the lookout for new styles. |
Megan Morrison - 03/14/99 14:23:52 My Email:john523@webtv.com Favorite bracelet style: chevron Do you like: I don't know | Comments: YOUR WEBSITE IS GREAT! CAN YOU SEND ME SOME MORE INSTUCTIONS THAN WHATS ON HERE? Megan Morrison |
Megan Morrison - 03/14/99 14:23:38 My Email:john523@webtv.com Favorite bracelet style: chevron Do you like: I don't know | Comments: YOUR WEBSITE IS GREAT! CAN YOU SEND ME SOME MORE INSTUCTIONS THAN WHATS ON HERE? Megan Morrison |
Bethany Posthuma - 03/13/99 01:24:29 My Email:beep17@excite.com Favorite bracelet style: I don't know yet Do you like: YES!! IT IS AWESOME!! | Comments: My siblings and I have just gotten hooked on friendship bracelets, so I don't know that much about them. I have to get more floss, because we sort of wasted it in the process of trying to figure out how to make bracelets. Do you know how to make the rag r g pattern? It caught my eye and I'd like to know how to make it. You sound like a pretty neat person. Some info about me- I'm 15, have 3 siblings (all younger and annoying :) I like to make bracelets. And the Princess Bride is awesome! I've seen about 5 t ousand times :) Inconsthievable! :) |
Gwen - 03/12/99 00:09:39 My URL:http://geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/8723 My Email:peternity@geocities.com Favorite bracelet style: None- just learning Do you like: I own it. | Comments: Your site is the best one I have found for making friendship bracelets. The only suggestions I have for you is to finish the knotting section (cause that's the one I'm learning) and to add a few more diagrams. Thanks! |
Liao Bu Qi - 02/17/99 11:16:00 Favorite bracelet style: Too many to name | Comments: I realised that I cannot acess the Flame, Diamond, (and so on) page. Can you please find out what's wrong? |
Mike Randolph - 02/15/99 09:24:58 My Email:SpcCowboy7@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: I dunno Do you like: The Movie? Sure why not. | Comments: I saw that you had links for the Flame, Diamond, and Arrow patterns but you had no descriptions of how to do them. Could you please write me back and give me the low down on how to do them. I would be most apreciative. I already know how to do the stripy ones and the Vs so I'm very familiar with the basic left and right hand knots just hook me up on the funky patterns. Pleas write m |
karina - 02/03/99 19:50:56 My Email:dancethis@iname.com Favorite bracelet style: all of them! Do you like: yes!!! | Comments: Hi, Katie - I'm still waiting for you to finish your page! I know about 15 designs and I'm always on the lookout for more! Hope you're doing well. Have a great day! |
Leah - 01/26/99 00:52:49 | Comments: Thanks for your help. My daughter is going to make friendship bracelets for her give away for her name she recieved. |
Leah - 01/26/99 00:50:38 | Comments: |
Crystal - 01/16/99 16:47:25 My Email:jst1kis@nemaine.com Favorite bracelet style: beaded bracelets Do you like: Yes. I also like legend,and labyrinth,but my fave movie is the Wedding Singer | Comments: This is a great web page! I also like fat pens at:http//prairiecraft.com/fatpens.html,or origami,and sanrio beaded bracelets at Lambs,sanrio and other things at:www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/3107/ I use Winky-Pinky as a bookmark. Please let me know about any updates to your page. Thanks,Crystal |
Shannon Walker - 01/05/99 19:02:01 My Email:shannabannan@yahoo.com Favorite bracelet style: criss-cross Do you like: no | Comments: This is a really good page with very easy to follow instructions! Keep up the good work! |
- 12/31/98 00:21:11 | Comments: |
Sandy - 12/28/98 22:52:59 My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/makingjewelry My Email:sjones@juno.com | Comments: I am making a webpage that tells or shows how to make bracelets and necklaces so all the instructions are in one place. I'm adding your website. Do you know of any more I can add? Thanks! |
Daniel - 12/26/98 19:06:42 My URL:http://denizen.8m.com My Email:asmodeus@denizen.8m.com Favorite bracelet style: Anything with beads :) Do you like: yesyesyesyesyes! | Comments: Cool site, you explain things really well. Now I have something to do during the stupid boring holidays :). Well, nice speaking to/at you! |
Liao Bu Qi - 12/15/98 11:43:58 My URL:Not allowed to tell My Email:Not allowed to tell Favorite bracelet style: Arrow Do you like: What's that? | Comments: Add more designs and update your page more often. I also hope that you could add some links. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH! |
Charlotte - 12/05/98 13:32:08 My URL:have none yet My Email:http://www.Gnarly_girl@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: bordered chevron with beads Do you like: never heard of it | Comments: I found this site very informative and helpful and it was also very well put together.The only disappointment was that the best part of the site wasn't finished and also the other parts of the site that I couldn't access so it would make me very happy if ou could try to complete the instructions and finish the site.If you or anyone that signed your guestbook needs some new instructions not listed on this site I would be very happy to give them to you free so that you could enjoy them.Please e-mail me for hese whenever you feel to. |
Charlotte - 11/28/98 22:10:32 My URL:Have none My Email:http://www.maddgal@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: enhanced flame style Do you like: never seen it | Comments: This site was very informative and I have been making friendship bbracelets since I was 3 years old.I basically had forgotten about the good old simple friendship bracelet but you reminded me of that.You can e-mail me if you want some expert designs becau e I have started selling them and some of my designs are becoming very popular so if you want to start selling some merchandice you should e-mail me and some really cool designs. |
Stephanie - 10/29/98 03:44:49 My Email:sbridgeto@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: diamond Do you like: I LOVE that movie!!!!! | Comments: I really like this web page. I am a big fan of friendship bracelets since I was in third grade. I'm thirteen now. I think its great that I found someone with the same interests as me! |
Casey - 10/13/98 03:50:57 My Email:hell.n.bak@xtra.co.nz Favorite bracelet style: Colour Core Bracelet Do you like: ?????? | Comments: I need some new Bracelet designs.HELP!!! |
Jessica - 10/11/98 00:12:42 My Email:jjjpe@wave.co.nz Favorite bracelet style: not sure Do you like: no | Comments: hi, Katie, your site is such a good idea, i've been looking all over the internet, an haven't found anything like your page. please, please hurry up and finish it, because i wan to find out how to make the arrow, or the flame. bye. |
cheryl frost - 10/07/98 17:26:52 My Email:frosty4@prodigy.net | Comments: |
Lorna McLaughlin - 10/06/98 12:46:51 My Email:L_McLaughlin@fccc.edu | Comments: My daughter is trying to learn how to make friendship bracelets and wants to know how to make the "V" stich, and how to do things like the flame and diamond. Let me know when you have completed your page!! i really liked your page. My daughter is ninete n years old. |
rosie - 10/04/98 05:46:03 My Email:rosie_lly@hotmail.com | Comments: your link about basic braiding is only half way done. pls correct it. i need the instructions fast. TQ for the patterns. they'r cool. |
Jeanne Frescino - 09/24/98 13:14:20 My Email:frescinojj@AOL. com Do you like: ?????? | Comments: Hi KATIE, I'm new at this and looking for directions that I can share with a group of 7-12 year old girls. Your page is a great help. Can you direct me to any books or pamphlets that I might get a hold of as some more how to material? |
Kristen Vanderziel - 09/19/98 22:05:27 My Email:PennyLane@Looksmart.com Favorite bracelet style: N/A Do you like: never seen it | Comments: I am 16 years old, and I have been making these friendship bracelets for a long time. I keep looking for new ideas. |
Kristen Vanderziel - 09/19/98 22:05:01 My Email:PennyLane@Looksmart.com Favorite bracelet style: N/A Do you like: never seen it | Comments: I am 16 years old, and I have been making these friendshiip bracelets for a long time. I keep looking for new ideas. |
Kristen Vanderziel - 09/19/98 22:02:39 My Email:PennyLane@Looksmart.com Favorite bracelet style: N/A Do you like: never seen it | Comments: |
Shannon & Brynn Ann Fox - 09/18/98 17:07:05 My Email:sbfox@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: all styles Do you like: yes | Comments: I am a parent of an 8 year old girl who loves friendship bracelets and all crafts. Please help us to make other styles and fun things with beads so that we can make unique presents for our friends and families. We are always excited about making new friends and sharing ideas. We hope to hear from you soon. Shannon and Brynn Ann Fox |
Asako - 09/18/98 02:45:41 My Email:asasko9@intnl.doshisha.ac.jp | Comments: I've been making friendship bracelets for years. I'm doing a project in school, and I chose my topic to be frienship bracelets, |
bethany - 09/13/98 16:23:37 My Email:poooh@home.com Favorite bracelet style: Stair case | Comments: I really like friendship bracelets and have been making them for half my life, I get the thread from , joann Etc. |
- 09/12/98 19:42:15 | Comments: hey cool site, I was looking for a place that told some different styles so i could make a strap for a bag. Thanx for the help |
Liz - 09/11/98 15:53:22 My Email:lizwiz@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: twisted rope Do you like: yes! I've read the book at lest 20 times! | Comments: I make many kinds of floss friendship bracelets. If you'd like new designs, please let me know! Liz lizwiz@hotmail.com |
Cindy - 09/08/98 11:54:35 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Kathy Estherman - 09/08/98 11:54:33 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com My Email:zecrets@usa.net comment: I like this...... Visit mine thanks | Comments: |
laurie johnson - 09/06/98 01:50:15 My Email:lauriekeren@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: I'm just learning Do you like: love it! | Comments: |
karrie - 08/26/98 23:47:32 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/amphetiminebilly/index.html My Email:veneficas@mailexcite.com Favorite bracelet style: uh i dont know Do you like: ya man! its an amazing movie! | Comments: um good page, i was glad to find a page with like instructions, all the others are just selling them. thanx. |
Chad and Heidi - 08/24/98 19:09:17 Favorite bracelet style: Just Basic right now Do you like: YES! | Comments: Thanks for the instructions. We are just starting out. |
Chad and Heidi - 08/24/98 19:07:45 Favorite bracelet style: Just Basic right now Do you like: YES! | Comments: Thanks for the instructions. We are just starting out. |
mary - 08/16/98 01:32:30 My Email:mcd52@home.com Favorite bracelet style: not sure yet Do you like: never saw it | Comments: thank you for going to the trouble of doing this - i've wanted to know how to make friendship bracelets for a long time. My niece was just here and she made a real simple one for me in several purple colors - really pretty - i'm going to try to make one f yours for her - thanks!! |
Kym Crawley - 07/28/98 02:36:25 My Email:phillip@tcac.net Favorite bracelet style: I only know how to do the basic style so far! Do you like: yeah | Comments: My friend & I have been trying to find some different patterns & ways to make bracelets. I really like your site, I've learned a couple of tricks! |
TTCloonies - 07/27/98 19:27:44 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/ttcloonies/index.html My Email:ttcloonies@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Whatever I feel like liking at the moment Do you like: I don't know what it is......sorry | Comments: Hey, your webpage is turning out cool, I will be sure to visit it in the future. I have been making friendship bracelets for a while and I am looking for some new designs besides the ones in all of the book. I tried to check out the Flame, Diamond, and rrow links, but they just went to the Basic Bracelet page. Maybe I'm just stupid, I don't know. Have fun! BYE! |
- 07/24/98 18:27:45 | Comments: |
- 07/21/98 21:05:49 | Comments: |
Rachel - 07/11/98 01:18:34 My Email:Trollfin@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: Uh i like um all i think Do you like: Yeah, when i was little i did anyway | Comments: Ummm, i really found your page helpful!!! thanx email me if u can, rACHEL |
Brandi - 07/06/98 22:57:04 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/6874/ My Email:brandi@worldchat.com Favorite bracelet style: Arrow Do you like: I haven't seen it yet.../-: | Comments: Hi, I was just surfing and came to your page, as I need some help on how to make a arrow friendship bracelet. Your page is great!! You should bold your print on your page, to make it stick out more! *smiles* Take care! |
Jay Calion - 07/02/98 02:46:51 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/pagecreator My Email:calion1@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: chevron Do you like: It's my fav movie, but I have to read the book soon | Comments: I think your page is kewl, it needs a little work, and maybe a little more description. But over all it's pretty good. check out my page if you want some help with building your page. Oh, and can you e-mail me? I need help finding more difficult types of friendshipbracelets. Bye! (-: SMILE :-) |
Mindy Lawrence - 07/01/98 15:47:31 My Email:servo@bellsouth.net Favorite bracelet style: Double Chevron Do you like: Yes | Comments: You're site is really cool!!!! E-mail me,please.I'm twelve years old by the way. |
Steph Arnold - 06/29/98 03:01:50 My Email:lizarnold3@juno.com Favorite bracelet style: sidewinder Do you like: yeah! | Comments: Your page is really cool!! If you ever get the extra time send me some more info. You're the greatest!! |
Sara - 06/16/98 02:01:51 My Email:ChefSmo007@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: Knotted Do you like: No | Comments: You sound really cool! I love your web page! I hope it will be done soon! |
ChefSmo007 - 06/16/98 01:58:39 My Email:chefSmo007@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: Knotting Do you like: No | Comments: Your instructions are pretty good! When will your page be done? |
Teri Luzio - 06/10/98 14:25:30 My Email:taluzio@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: anything Do you like: yes | Comments: Katie, I have three children of my own (ages 11, 9 and 6) and I love the look of these bracelets. I was very impressed when I read that you were only 12! Your directions are very clear and concise. I look forward to reading the directions for Flame, Diam nd and Arrow. I am watching two other children for the summer and everyone is into making bracelets or bead creatures. Thanks for the directions. |
Keith & Linda Hauenstein - 06/09/98 23:54:56 My Email:keithnlinda@dclink.com Favorite bracelet style: haven't tried one yet | Comments: Hi, we were looking for a simple bracelet to teach our 6 year old daughter. Thanks for the instructions! I think we're going to try and teach her the wound bracelet (the one where you wrap the strand around the other strands and then switch). Thanks ag in for the instructions, we didn't find too many friendship bracelet pages out on the web. |
Sarah - 06/05/98 04:58:18 Favorite bracelet style: Wrap | Comments: Cool page! I'm a beginner, so I've never heard of some of these. I love making them! |
Sharon - 06/04/98 00:31:52 My Email:fairyal@webtv.net Favorite bracelet style: knotted chevrons Do you like: my favorite movie | Comments: I'm glad to find your site! There are few sites that talk about friendship bracelets. If you want to start a correspondence, let me know! |
Cristina - 06/01/98 13:57:35 My Email:crismun@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: My Style Do you like: Indubitably | Comments: Very impressive page you've got. I've worked with the basics for a good eight years or so and am ready for something NEW (though I have my own variations). Anyone can e-mail me. My mail box gets a little lonely. |
Rachel - 05/30/98 04:34:20 My Email:Rayndrop81@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: diamond Do you like: yep | Comments: I want so badly to learn more difficult designs. if anyone has any ideas, please write me! |
Amy Tentinger - 05/29/98 16:45:46 My Email:Alex@nwidt.com Favorite bracelet style: All of them Do you like: Have not seen it | Comments: |
JESSIE GOLEM - 05/17/98 20:11:06 My Email:GOLEMS@WCL.ON.CA Favorite bracelet style: ALL OF THEM Do you like: YES | Comments: THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP. MY MOM AND I ARE JUST LEARNING! |
Vickie - 05/14/98 22:54:58 My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/Valley/6317 My Email:thejourneyhome@weebtv.net Favorite bracelet style: basic and V Do you like: didnt see it | Comments: was searching with the word friendship braclets and found this page, i have been making the basic ones for my class in childrens church. I like the page visit mine sometime vickie |
Lynne Ramming - 04/11/98 18:20:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/4621 My Email:grannylemmin@hotmail.com Favorite bracelet style: Wound Do you like: yes | Comments: Cool page! I love making these bracelets, and I also loved to play Kid Icarus on NES! Hopefully you'll add the beading section to your page b/c I need some ways of beading bracelets. Thanks :) Keep up the great work. |
Joe Binderson - 04/08/98 00:25:39 My Email:jbinderson@techstop.com Favorite bracelet style: wound Do you like: yes | Comments: |
Anna - 03/25/98 16:59:32 My Email:Sproulie@aol.com OR QueenAnnaS@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: "V" or "chevron" with interwoven designs (fish, X and O, y, candy stripe) Do you like: You kill my father...prepare to die! (In other words yes) | Comments: This was a really cool page! Feel free to Email me to discuss friendship bracelets....I adore making them and have some tricky patterns to weave into the "V" design. These were tought to me locally as opposed to by an internationally published book, so I dunno who has them and who doesn't. |
- 03/16/98 06:31:50 | Comments: |
Andrea Sandrone - 12/26/97 19:36:57 Favorite bracelet style: SWAPS Do you like: yes | Comments: |
Karl Kruse - 12/07/97 01:37:03 | Comments: Thanx Katie!! My daughter and I were having problems understanding how to knot a bracelet and your page was just the trick! Keep up the great work!! |
Amber-Marie - 11/07/97 01:24:29 Favorite bracelet style: Knotting Do you like: yeah, was ok | Comments: Hi! Nice page |
Shanna Fish - 10/31/97 04:29:02 My URL:http://come.to/shanna My Email:jschiln@aol.com Favorite bracelet style: fish Do you like: never seen it | Comments: this page has potential, all you need is some more info. but it looks like it's gonna be cool! keep it up! if possible i'd like to know when you finish this page because i love making friendship bracelets and i'd like to see if you know a way that i do 't know. i usually make knotted friendship bracelets btw. :) |
Patty - 09/15/97 19:31:33 My Email:MrLooney@msn.com Favorite bracelet style: None Do you like: Never heard of | Comments: |
Jeff "Refreshment18" - 08/11/97 16:52:53 My Email:jkfaylor@ctlnet.com Favorite bracelet style: Undecided-They are all cool Do you like: Yea. Excellent Movie | Comments: Hey!! You really spent some major time on your homepage, didnt you? When did you start it? Well, anyway... Ill either send you some E-Mail, or chat with you later. Till then, Jeff. |