Movie Of The Month

"Clue" has been one of my favorite movies for years now. I still remember I could recite every line when I was younger. The whole appeal of the movie was my love for the Parker Brothers game. I couldn't have selected a better cast. If you haven't seen "Clue" yet, stop by your local video store and pick it up some night. My favorite part of the movie is when Colonel Mustard says to Mrs. Peacock, "This is WAR Peacock, you can't cook an omlate without breaking an egg... every cook will tell you that!" to which she responds "BUT look what happened to the cook!!!... AACCK!" LOL... sorry, I guess I got a little carried away there. I don't think I will ever get tired of watching "Clue". The cast includes Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry, Martin Mull, Madeline Kahn, Lesley Ann Warren, Christopher Lloyd, and Michael McKean. So..... Who did it? I'm not going to tell you!

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