My Gene collection has really grown over the past year. It all began with Monaco. I ordered her from Georgia's Gift Gallery and the rest is history. Even before I saw her in person, I called the next day and ordered King's Daughter. Since then my collection now includes the following dolls and costumes: Monaco, Red Venus (two of them), Blue Goddess, Bird of Paradise, White Hyacinth, Sparkling Seduction, On the Avenue, King's Daughter, Night at Versailles, Midnight Romance, Blossoms in the Snow, El Morocco, Sea Spree, Pink Lightning, Blonde Lace, Afternoon Off, Goodbye New York, Pin-Up's costume, The Kiss, Forget Me Not, Promenade, Mandarin Mood, Striking Gold, and the extra rehearsal outfit from Georgia's that came with Bird of Paradise. I may be forgetting something, but that is a pretty good list to start with. I also have a few things like buttons, frames, fashion cards, etc. New for 98 I have preordered Ransom in Red and Midnight Gamble. This page will be updated frequently so keep checking back! BGH!

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