

Click here to see Elizabethan Blackwork Collection

The following designs are my interpretation of Blackwork.
Stitching the "outline only" will produce close image of Blackwork.
I've also added color for these modern times.
These designs look striking with or without colors.


Actual size= 3.9"x 3.0"

Outline only

Butterfly design (outline only) looks beautiful when done in metalic gold on black dress or blouse
Monochrome or colored looks great on pillows, table cloths, placemats an dish towels

Butterfly design with fill variations(block included in the set as well)
Actual size= 3.0x3.9"
Actual size= "
Actual size= 3.0"x 3.9"

Actual size= 3.0"x 2.7"

Outline only

Ms.BEE design (outline only) looks beautiful when done in metalic gold on black dress or blouse

Knoted Heart
Actual size= 3.6"x 2.8"

Same size as above -Done in red outline

Actual size= 3.3"x 0.9"

GO to Set # 2

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