Why not skim through what sugar*plum's visitors have to say... check out all their groovy tips on outiside and inside beauty!

Mary-Anne McFarlane - 11/21/99 22:07:58
My Email:shortymare
Where You're From: windsor,ONT
How You Found sugar*plum: just bumped in to it
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: eye make-up
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: 3/4 length shirts
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: just be your self

I really need to find a dress so i stoped by this site. i found alot of nice things. it's really cool!

fred - 06/15/99 03:12:01
My URL:http://www.fred.com
My Email:fred@fred.com
Where You're From: fredland
How You Found sugar*plum: through my friend fred
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: fredstik
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: fredjeans
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: be fred
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: be fred


Gem - 12/12/98 21:22:19
My Email:gemma_lindley@talk21.com
Where You're From: Devon, England
How You Found sugar*plum: surfing the net
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Glitter gel
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Jeans
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Play up your good points by wearing just a little make up.
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Drink mineral water and make sure you eat pleanty of organic products and avoid procceced food

Groovy web site keep it up!!!!!

Gem - 12/12/98 21:15:21
My Email:gemma_lindleytalk21.com


Melissa - 08/14/98 02:45:32
My Email:friendz@mailexcite.com
Where You're From: Panama, Central America
How You Found sugar*plum: Excite.com Search Engine
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: a Lovely Lip Colorant
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Comfy Yet Adoring Tees
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Bring Out your Best Features!
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Be Yourself and DO Care!

Hey all!! This is the CUTEST site that I just simply adore = great job!!! I love looking and feeling great and estatic with and about myself so I've read and learned so much about revealing beauty that if you have any questions, traumas, or are just looki g for a new bud to talk to, I'll be there for you!!! I am 14 years old (1998) and would just LOVE to hear from anyone out there - - :) Send me an e-mail or look me up on ICQ (UIN # 9820399) LUV YA!!!

Kat - 06/21/98 23:40:55
My Email:katherina_boyd@ hotmail.com
Where You're From: Stony Plain
How You Found sugar*plum: Address was given to me
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Good organization
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: well put together


Vero - 06/07/98 17:37:57
My Email:Vero86a@aol.com
Where You're From: Miami
How You Found sugar*plum: exite search
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: lipstick
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: sheer anxiety shirt
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: try to leave some of your natural beuty alone
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: be who U are

how do i get your catalog?

- 04/13/98 02:25:45


valerie - 04/11/98 17:43:23
My Email:Valenda14@aol.com
Where You're From: Maine
How You Found sugar*plum: I found it
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Foundation
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Flar jeans
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Make your makeup not to flashy
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: If a guy says you don't need makeup because you are to pretty for it tell him that you feel more comfortable with some on hopefully he will understand!

I was wondering what kind of place I am in right now ?

Megan Sullivan - 04/05/98 21:48:01
My Email:MS365@aol.com
Where You're From: Washington State
How You Found sugar*plum: Seventeen Magazine


Double-O-Six - 02/19/98 18:58:18
My URL:/Tokyo/Temple/9006
My Email:spicegirl006@hotmail.com
Where You're From: Florida
How You Found sugar*plum: banner ad
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: lip gloss
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: bra


Janine Ostash - 02/05/98 18:27:43
Where You're From: Canada
How You Found sugar*plum: On the net
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Mascara
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Underware


Mallory Parker - 02/01/98 20:04:52
My Email:
Where You're From: Germany
How You Found sugar*plum: on interquest
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: cover stick
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: pants
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: don't wear to much makeup
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Don't smoke!!!!!


STACEY PAINTER - 01/28/98 20:06:18
Where You're From: VA
How You Found sugar*plum: JUST SURFED IN
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: COVERGIRL BROWN MASCARA
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: MY LEVI WIDE LEGS


Keshia - 01/19/98 04:18:11
My Email:free_flower@hotmail.com
Where You're From: Canada
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Cover up
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Bell bottoms
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Don't load on the makeup
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Be yourself!

Delia's magazine is cool!!

Justine Harman - 01/18/98 04:37:09
My Email:jharman@sprynet.com
Where You're From: Washington DC
How You Found sugar*plum: Just Surfed on in!
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Bonne Bell Lip Sheers in Cocoa Berry
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: My grey flared sweatpants with black lnes down the sides..THEY ARE SOOO CUTE ANDF COMFY!
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Line upper lids, and line only the bottom corner of lower lids darkly..it makes you look mysterious
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Take a long shower, put on some comfy clothes, and just think.

I am petite (5'0) Anyway, i have a small bust, do you have any tips on where i could find one of those SOOO cute bathing suits with a halter top, and boy shorts. I have seen them but, they are soo expensive...do you know of any that are in a small size, a d under fifty dollars? If you do..I would be soo thankful. Please e-mail me back!!! -Justine

Amy Sullivant - 01/14/98 20:24:56
Where You're From: Georgia
How You Found sugar*plum: Surfing on Web
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: eyeliner
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: sweaters
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: don't try to look good for just anybody
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: the inside is all that matters


Valarie Alaniz - 01/14/98 17:33:06
My Email:smile702@imap4.asu.edu
Where You're From: Phoenix
How You Found sugar*plum: just looking
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: lip stick
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: shoes
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: your hair
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: personality

send me the inside scoop on fashion!

Ely Gonzalez - 01/14/98 17:28:30
My Email:ely69@hotmail.com
Where You're From: Phoenix
How You Found sugar*plum: Just looking
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: lip stick
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: pants
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: look cute
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: have confidence


Lauren Weber - 01/11/98 01:04:05
My Email:weber@gte.net
Where You're From: California
How You Found sugar*plum: i don't know
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: eye shadow
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: jeans

Please send catalog.

April Shubert - 01/07/98 23:05:49
My Email:sshubert@nponline.net
Where You're From: Nebraska
How You Found sugar*plum: Delia's Magazine
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Foundation
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Jeans
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Like how you look
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Get your heart right with God

Cool Website.

april - 01/04/98 01:54:08
Where You're From: wentzville, mo
How You Found sugar*plum: 17 magazine
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: eye shadow
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: ae sweater
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: keep it simple
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: none


- 01/04/98 01:46:28


Allison J. - 01/02/98 00:17:15
Where You're From: Kansas
How You Found sugar*plum: Through a LinkExchange banner.
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Mascara
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Jeans
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Always carry around lipgloss- smooth, shiny lips are irresistible!
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Treat others as you would have them treat you.

I really like this new, remodled look much better then the old Rainbow Girl Fashion Magazine. The name is cute too!!

Ashley - 01/01/98 06:12:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~haggledonk/index.htm
My Email:ashley-o@usa.net
Where You're From: Sunny California
How You Found sugar*plum: From my pal Emily
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: Bag Balm (it's like vaseline, only better)
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: My red lounge pants
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: Go light on makeup. Your skin should look clear, not full of makeup.
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: Don't let words get you down. Be un-touchable.

I LOVE the new look! Are you going to have a new logo? I have the old one on my homepage and I would love to get one for the NEW site. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see the finished product! The Ashley Chronicles

Nicole Saunders - 01/01/98 01:57:23
My Email:dawnm@theonramp.net
Where You're From: Baltimore,MD
How You Found sugar*plum: Seventeen Magazine
The Makeup Item You Just Cannot Live Without: mascara
The Clothing Item You Just Cannot Live Without: jeans
Your Best Tip On Outside Beauty: none
Your Best Tip On Inside Beauty: none


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