Updated 05-nov-1998
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All pages are now hosted with Geocities. Some of the pages were previously hosted with www.xoom.com, but they continue to send me spam, even after I had requested them to stop. On 4th November 1998, I terminated hosting with Xoom, since I found their practice unethical, and had no other means in trying to get off their spam list.
The Tight Blue Jeans Page has been on the web for some time now. In the beginning, the page was made because no other pages about tight jeans, were on the Internet. Since then, many new pages have occurred, and while some of them disappeared again, quite a lot exists, and they are well made and are frequently updated. When I look back, I can see that I simply don't have the time, to keep the page updated as much as I want to. I have realized that there are these options:
I will like to hear from you, the viewer, what you think. Let me know, the good things and the bad things.
PS: Thanks to all who send me material: I still have some, and they will naturally be published - thanks for your patience.
The webmaster
If you are interested in women wearing tight jeans, you have come to the
right place. You can have look at these pictures and download them for your own enjoyment.
Here are two pictures in B/W with sizes
at 93K and 44K. They are from newspapers, so the quality low. But rather poor quality than
no pictures at all.
Here we have one picture from a front cover of an
1978 electronic and Hi-Fi magazine (175K), and on the right hand side, a picture from a
ladies magazine (56K).
Vanity, a former Prince-babe, and now calling herself my her real name, Denise Smith, is wearing a pair of Tight Jeans. Notice the slanted zipper. The picture has to undergo several manipulations on the computer, to get the picture shown.
This girl is wearing some tight red trousers. Allthough it isn't jeans, I think it looks
By clicking on the image, you get an image with much higher resolution!
Other picture pages:
Remember to show respect for the women wearing tight jeans. Even if you really, REALLY, like those Tight Jeans, remember that she is a PERSON with feelings!
If you don't have the posibility to scan a picture, send it to me and I will scan it for you. You will get the picture back, of course.
After being off the Internet for some time, the Tight Blue Jeans Page is back. On June 22, 1997 this page re-appeared on www.geocities.com.
Copyright © 1996-1998