So you wish to know a little about me, my family, my friends, my city etc. etc. ....I really hope you wont be disappointed and especially not annoyed!

First .... WHO AM I?

Well should I start from the beginning? .... ok! I was born in Modena, I'm not telling in which year because I really don't remember, (he ... he... he..... well not really!). I studied to become an accountant, but my real aspiration was to be a pagliaccio! I worked for a big firm in my town for a very long time, doing wages for a lot of people! They all loved me especially on pay day!

But my real love was to learn how to paint and draw! I realized my dream when I took an evening course on "Fashion & Design" in Bologna, a town 35 km. from mine. I was nineteen at that time with a very strong will power and a lot of tenacity, and I succeeded at the end of the course; two years, I obtained my diploma! Even if I never used it for work, (remember I was an accountant), it was a great satisfaction for my ego!

Feeling the need of a family of my own, I decided to find a nice man to marry me. Yes! I'm married and we have a son, whom we love a lot! I don't wish to tell you all the events of my life! More or less it is close to the average family life, nothing special or terrible.

Because I'm always thinking about things to do, ..... one day, I told my hubby that it would be a good idea if we left Modena and go to live in Canberra, a city I love. We talked about it, we learned about it, we even went in holidays there, just to have a look!

To make a short story long! (click here and see my brain!) we now live in Canberra; since 1980 and we are very happy!

By now you must know that I like to draw; (I paint too), one of my many hobbies, I also like very much to read; especially science fictions, even now that a lot of the mystery of the universe are solved and the moon, mars (remember the green men?) and the rest of our galaxy has lost its fascination! As a consequence I enjoy movies, TV serials, documentaries and more, which are about Sci-Fi, astronomy, science and technologies!

Here, if you really want to see how Canberra looks, I have some real photos and I'm planning to put some of Modena too, if I only remember where I put them!!!

Telstra Communication Tower

Lake Burley Griffin

Aerial view of Canberra

Aerial view of Parliament House and lake Burley Griffin

Aborigines-demonstrating their traditional skills

1-Eastern Rosella. 2- King Parrot. 3-Rainbow Lorikeet. 4-Sulphur crested Cockatoo. 5-Galah. 6-Budgerigars.


Sorry I'm not ready yet ..... I'm exhausted!!!