Miss World 2001: November 16th in Sun City, South Africa

Agbani Darego, Miss Nigeria, was crowned Miss World 2001 on November 16th, 2001, in front of a sold-out audience at the 'Superbowl' in Sun City, South Africa. This 18 year-old Computer Science student and model beat 93 other contestants from across the world for the title, and is the first Black African woman to hold the title. First Runner-Up was Zizi Lee from Aruba. Second Runner-Up was Scotland's Juliet-Jane Horne. Coming in Fourth and Fifth place, were Ligia Arguello from Nicaragua and Bing Li from China, respectively. Finishing the semi-finalists were Macarena Garcia from Spain, Oleksandra Nikolayenko from Ukraine, Irina Kovalenko from Russia, Jo-Ann Strauss from South Africa and Tijana Stajsic from Yugoslavia.

Miss World 2001:
Nigeria - Agbani Darego

Agbani presented herself as a young, classy and hopeful woman during her interview. Her stylish gown and African-fashioned hairdo all created the right image for a Miss World. Still, I think she was a wee bit "fake"

First Runner-Up:
Aruba - Zerelda Candice Wai-Yien “Zizi” Lee

Exotic, like a koala bear...that was the way Zizi Lee was described by the host. Zizi held a natural, down-to-earth girlish appeal which left no surprise to her high finish. Facially, she is a mix of so many cultures we are left with a completely exotic woman. To top it off, she knows how to sway her florid evening gown onstage to catch the judges' eyes...and even then, her voice added to the projection, the way she spoke was almost sexy, in a way.

Second Runner-Up:
Scotland - Juliet-Jane Horne

The most serious and "ready" contestant of the ten, Juliet-Jane was classy, polished and yet icy-cold. She knew absolutely what she was talking about during her interviews, but unlike Nicaragua who came off as charming, it almost seemed as if Juliet-Jane was trying way too hard to win. Nonetheless, Scotland finally got the recognition it deserved for its beautiful women, after Stephanie and Michelle were left in the ice.

Third Runner-Up:
Nicaragua - Ligia Arguello

THE personality of the pageant. Ligia is a big change from traditional Latin American beauty queens. Her choice of hair, make-up and evening gown all reflect a conformity to a certain style that pushed her ahead of others, such as Miss Venezuela, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Brazil, etc. who chose a very traditional approach. Her answers in both the semi-final and final interviews (not to mention her smile) are her best assets. I am almost sure that the judges found her to be the favorite to talk to

Fourth Runner-Up:
China - Bing Li

The most overhyped, over-publicized contestant left a bittersweet taste in my mouth. She was tall, yes. She was polished, yes. She was well-dressed and styled appropriately, yes. However, she lacked stage presence, had horrible teeth and had the same dumbfounded expression on her face all night long. To top it off, her interviews left her seeming clueless.

Top Ten:
Spain - Macarena Garcia

Another model prototype in this competition. Like Yugoslavia, Macarena chose a more offbeat evening gown choice (It looked like something out of old Europe) and hairstyle, and it worked for that much, but like her predecessor Lorena Bernal, she fell short during the interview portion, and especially rubbed me the wrong way by having to bring up Nelson Mandela (A Sun City tradition)

Top Ten:
Ukraine - Oleksandra Nikolayenko

The MOST beautiful, breathtaking woman I have seen in pageants in the last few years! Oleksandra gets the golden apple for the biggest "Miss" of Miss World 2001. She was 2nd after pre-judging, and during her interview, she spoke eloquently (She is a law student) and thoughtfully. It is very upsetting not to see her among the final five.

Top Ten:
Russia - Irina Kovalenko

Irina was one of my favorite contestants of the night, because her originality and personality. Even though she was asked one question to which there was really no possible "impressive" answer, her hand and facial gestures showed off bits of her personality...young, playful and fun. Her evening gown in light pink and hair combined to bring back a sort of "Bond Girl" image that I am sure the judges picked up on.

Top Ten:
Yugoslavia - Tijana Stajsic

An absolutely BEAUTIFUL woman, with those most sex appeal in the pageant in her tight red (leather?) evening gown. Her choice not to use a translator cost her dearly. The audience was almost laughing as Jerry attempted to make her understand the question about women leaders, to which she giggled and replied "OH...yes."

Top Ten:
South Africa - Jo-Ann Strauss

Jo-Ann Strauss was obviously saved for last to allow for a gigantic applause by her audience. She made a drastic improvement from Miss Universe, and it showed...she made all the right moves, but that certain "oomph" was missing. I will compliment her new sense of style, especially the hairdo and the gown, as they both made her stand out this time around. As with all Miss South Africa's, eloquence was no problem. When Jo-Ann sat down with Jerry, she knew what she was doing. However, there was something forgettable about her in the top ten group.

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