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Miss Universe 2004: May 10th - June 1st (Finale) in Ecuador

Australian Surfer girl Crowned Miss Universe 2004

Miss Universe 2004: Jennifer Hawkins (Australia)
First Runner-Up: Shandi Finnessy (USA)
Second Runner-Up: Alba Reyes (Puerto Rico)
Third Runner-Up: Yanina Gonzalez (Paraguay)
Fourth Runner-Up: Danielle Jones (Trinidad & Tobago)
Top Ten
(6) Colombia - Catherine Daza
(7) Ecuador - Susana Riverdeira
(8) Jamaica - Christine Straw
(9) India - Tanushree Dutta
(10) Costa Rica - Nancy Soto
Top Fifteen
(11) Norway - Kathrine Sorland
(12) Chile - Gabriela Barrios
(13) Switzerland - Bianca Sissing
(14) Mexico - Rosalva Luna
(15) Angola - Telma Sonhi
Miss Photogenic: Puerto Rico - Alba Reyes
Best National Costume: Panama - Jessica Rodriguez
Miss Congeniality: Italy - Laia Manetti
Rahul's Final Predictions
Miss Universe 2004: Miss USA, Shandi Finessey
1stRU (Ukraine - Oleksandra Nikolayenko); 2ndRU (Venezuela - Ana Karina Anez); 3rdRU (Ecuador - Maria Susana Rivadeneira); 4thRU (Greece - Valia Kakouti)
Top Ten: Jamaica, Norway, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Australia
Top 15: Aruba, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia and Brazil
Close Shots: Egypt, Curacao, Turkey, Germany and India
The realistic crown contenders There are a number of delegates who I could even see reach the first runner-up spot, but to actually wear the crown I list the following eight delegates and why they would be a good move.
- Australia (A tall, blonde bombshell who fits the bill and could possibly generate more interest and possibly even a bid from a city over there. )
- Ecuador (Decent-looking, a nice gift for the host country, especially in uncertain times)
- Greece (Beautiful, tall and Olympic host site for 2004 - could it be more perfect?)
- Jamaica (Beautiful, great performance, a Caucasian Miss Jamaica and could generate MU interest in not only Jamaica, but the other non-Hispanic Caribbean islands, and solidify hosting bids).
- Paraguay (Sticking with the Latin market, and boosting Miss Universe in another country, as had happened with Panama and the Dominican Republic)
- Ukraine (Classic beauty, tall, intelligent - Oxana V2.0)
- USA (Irrefutably gorgeous, and well-received by the American media as a Miss USA)
- Venezuela (Influence).
May 31st: News Updates
  • While Ecuador prepares to show itself to the world, the political situation in the country is intense, in recent days, has been taking away headlines from the pageant. President Lucio Gutiérrez is facing calls to resign. Gutierrez took over Ecuador in a military coup in 2000, with the support of indigenous peoples and with promises for social justice and no corruption. With strong charges of corruption and no signs of social justice, his indigenous supporters are aggravated. Gutierrez, a colonel, has called on the armed forces to stay alert as opposition parties work to remove him. Ecuador's recent history has been marked by repeated change in leadership and major problems, such as poor harvests, a high level of poverty, a banking collapse and high inflation, as well as regional unrest. Gutierrez had gone to New York City to convince investors to put their money into Ecuador, and Miss Universe was one of the projects he prided himself on.
  • Much too friendly... Kwame Jackson, the first runner-up of the famed show "The Apprentice", was originally scheduled to judge the final of the Miss Universe Pageant. As he went to meet a couple of friends at a hotel, a couple of delegates recognized him and went to shake his hand. Too bad for him, because he was immediately disqualified for having contact with the delegates. It is against the rules!
  • The Queenmaker Osmel Sousa, President of Organizacion Miss Venezuela, has been awarded the Miss Universe franchise for Argentina. Not unprecedented at the state level in Miss USA, now national directors are doubling up or working with business partners across multiple countries.
  • Insurgence Indian women dressed in multilayered skirts and embroidered blouses wore sashes with phony titles like "Miss War" and "Miss Missile." Carrying ears of corns, they shouted against the government for spending millions of dollars on the event instead of providing support for their crops. The demonstrators screamed insults against President Gutierrez, calling him "a liar," "a thief" and "corrupt," and protested against the government's plans to negotiate a free trade agreement with the United States.
  • Special Guest Hatie Pritz of Texas has been chosen as the public's Miss Universe judge.
    May 28th: Contestant Commentary, Part I
    Disclaimer: The commentary, Part I, is purely based on personal opinion, and covers those of the first 40 delegates I felt worth mentioning from a purely competitive standpoint.
  • Antigua & Barbuda - Highly overlooked. Does not seem to be a fan favorite, but I think she is pretty and performed better than some more-hyped contestants from the region.
  • Aruba - Zizi has failed to re-create her Miss World performance, but she has not lost all face, either. She stood out in both competitions, enough to likely secure a top 15 positioning.
  • Australia - In the swimsuit round, Jennifer's killer catwalk, body and overall look made her one of the stand-outs. She did well in gown, but it was a let-down from the first competition. Still, she is a beauty and should be able to make the top 15/10
  • Bolivia - Like last year, a consistent performance, but still failed to stand out enough to make her a sure bet. Possibly a surprise.
  • Brazil - A very conventional, pageanty style has not done well for the Brazillian. Likely to fall close to the semi-finals, like most Brazillian MU contenders. The possibility of Brazil hosting next year's pageant should be recalled.
  • Chile - I would not call her a beauty, but she gave a consistent performance and moved ahead of other South American contenders (Bolivia, Brazil being examples). The possibility of Chile hosting next year's pageant should be recalled.
  • Colombia - Here is a real surprise. Facially speaking, I still do not believe Catherine will be able to stand out from others, but she made classy, tasteful choices (especially in eveningwear) and could pull a surprise.
  • Curacao - Good performance in swimsuit, superb in the eveningwear segment. Her overall styling was tasteful as well as walk and presence, but her features are stronger than in Miss World. Strong shot at making the top 15/10.
  • Czech Republic - Here is a strong contender in both categories. After reviewing the evening gown choice, hot pink and see-through was not the best pick, but shifting from Miss World, she went for a natural, glamourous look and carried it off well. No Katerina, but has ended up with strong chances to follow in her footsteps.
  • Ecuador - Unlike last year, I can not possibly see the host country placing on its own merits. Susana's long-awaited performance was fairly disappointing. She has a strong shot to be in the top 15 based on hosting, but this is not ensured, either.
  • Egypt - In terms of modernity, fashion sense, catwalk and overall star power, Heba is one of the leaders at Miss Universe 2004. I was blown away by her presentation and if politics does not affect her (which it very well could), she should be up in the top 15-10-5.
  • Estonia - Rated as a pleasant surprise. Excellent presentation in preliminary swimsuit and fair in eveningwear, as well. More likely to go unplaced, but watch out for her!
  • Finland - Facially one of the most beautiful delegates, Mira made a disastrous choice in eveningwear and does not have the presence which would help her make the cut.
  • France - Here was another let-down. I was earlier sure she would be a shoo-in, but a so-so presentation has put that seriously in doubt. She still has a chance, but making the top 15 is more hit-or-miss than anything.
  • Germany - Another good, consistent performance, but not to the level of surely securing a top 15 spot. Its hit-or-miss for her, but she seems to be at an advantage against the likes of Finland and France.
  • Greece - A clear knock-out in both segments of competition. I get the feeling that after making the initial cut, she really could land just about anywhere. Top 15-10-5
  • India - A consistent performance in both swimsuit and eveningwear. She has facial beauty, but her petite frame puts her at a disadvantage. She is another delegate who I would classify in the hit-or-miss group.
  • Honorable mentions for both Costa Rica and Ethiopia

    May 31st: Contestant Commentary, Part II
  • Jamaica - Christine Straw was one of the knock-out delegates in Thursday night's presentation show. She solidly delivered with a great body and bold gown choice which worked well for her. She has really come on strong in the past few weeks, something I did not expect her to do so well. Really could land anywhere after making the top 15. I am beginning to the think the crown is not impossible, either.
  • Nigeria - I have wavered back and forth with this slight Agbani Darego-lookalike. She is a pretty girl who gave a fair performance and probably Sub-Saharan Africa's best, although I can not say this necesarily means she will place. I would put her on the look-out list.
  • Norway - Although I was not left as amazed as I would have hoped by Kathrine's performance, she is still a 'hot blonde' and did not make any extreme choices. She should slide easily into the top 15, but I am less optimistic on her chances of going beyond that.
  • Paraguay - One of the most incredible performances onstage during the Presentation Show in both segments! Yanaina combined modelling skills with fashionable choices to enhance her existing beauty. Aside from USA, Paraguay is the other hot contender from the America's. Definitely in the top 15 with a strong chance of making the top 10-5.
  • Peru - Facially attractive, but in the end, I think Peru's likely defeat from repeating Claudia's performance is her plastic, Barbie-like posing, hair, make-up and an atrocious gown choice. Could pull a surprise, but even less likely with Paraguay coming before her.
  • Poland - Is it finally Poland's turn? On the one hand, Paulina has a beautiful face and managed to get herself noticed in the onstage presentation. A downfall was her strange facial expression. Still a strong contender for the top 15/10.
  • Puerto Rico - Strong performance during the swimsuit segment, but in the eveningwear portion, she did not impress much. Her modelling style is not very appealing, either, but given the overall package, she still deserves to be classified as a hit-or-miss candidate.
  • Russia - I was not a fan of her stiff posing onstage, but in the beauty department she is not lacking, but she does not stand out compared to some other European beauties who are posing stiff competition. I would declare her a hit-or-miss.
  • Spain - I have not really been a fan of Maria Jesus Ruiz. I still think she is a more pageanty version of Vania Millan), but fans seem to feel she is a stand-out, and she has great stage presence. All factors being considered, it is hard for my to deny that she has a strong shot at becoming a semi-finalist, especially in the midst of other W. European candidates.
  • Switzerland - What a beauty! In terms of hair and make-up, Bianca has cleaned up on a few Miss World mishaps. She went for a clean look and her presentation was strong in swimsuit, as well as eveningwear. It is undeniable that she will be among the semi-finalists and probably the top ten, but she needs to stand out more to truly find a spot close to (or possibly even at) the crown. She has the potential to do it, but will she?
  • Turkey - Originally, I was captivated by her astounding catwalk and bold sex appeal. The major downfall for me is that her features are very strong. That and her evening gown choice could end up shocking the judges too much. Politics could also cause a problem. Still a very strong contender for the semi-finals.
  • Ukraine - There are two sides to the story. On the one hand, I still believe she has one of, if not THE, most beautiful faces in the competition. The woman was truly robbed in Miss World, but I am not as impressed in this pageant. Still, you can not ignore the face, the fact that she still managed a consistent performance (despite a lousy gown choice), and that she is no dummy, either. She is a beauty and should easily land in the top five, and she will has a strong shot at becoming the next Miss Universe.
  • USA - As expected, Shandi was one of the true stand-outs once again, and will likely continue that way to the end. She is one of the most beautiful Miss USA's that I have seen in a long time, and with all factors considered (A great body, beautiful face, being Miss USA and trendy choices), there should be problem in hitting the top five. What I can not say for sure is if she will be welcoming a new Miss USA on her arrival back, but its a strong possibility.
  • Venezuela - I do not personally find her physically appealing, but she will be in the top five most likely, possibly even the next Miss Universe.
  • Vietnam - Here is one of the biggest disappointments of all. A poor choice of hair-style, make-up and eveningwear left Haong generally high and dry during the presentation show. She still did well on the ramp, but it seems unlikely she will be able to make the first cut.
  • There are some other contestants that deserve mention, but I do not feel they will be able to realistically place. They include Singapore, Philippines and Uruguay.
    May 30th
  • Miss Universe 1991, Lupita Jones, is in Ecuador and met her own Rosalva Luna after the weekend interviews, which have now finished the preliminary judging. Rosalva complained that the translator performed poorly.
  • According to the Miss Belize, the interview format was similar to the past couple of years. Two rooms were set up with half of the judges in each. The delegate moved from the first room, where she was asked simple questions for five minutes (Did you bring a lot of luggage, have you made a lot of friends at the pageant, etc.) to the next room for five minutes, where they were asked serious questions. The focus is still on beauty this year, and judges are asked not to choose delegates who excel in interview but are mediocre or poor in beauty terms.
  • Miss Chile, Gabriela Barros, has signed a contract with an Italian modelling agency after her reign. Miss Ethiopia, Ferehiyewot Abebe, has reportedl received an offer from Milan to work as a ramp model, and that too, at a very nice price.
  • On that note, Chile is the frontrunner for hosting Miss Universe 2005. The tourism ministry of that country would like to host the pageant in Santiago next year, and has made a substantial bid to ensure it goes that way, with little help from outside sponsors. The downside is the Miss Universe fears the level of interest is low. Miss Chile Universo this year was a low-key casting because of lack of interest from the public and sponsors.
  • Chile is not the only one in the game. Bangkok, Thailand and Shandong, China, are also in the race. The downside is that the Thai government expects most of the cost to be covered by corporate sponsors, which have not turned out en masse yet. The downside with Shandong is that Miss World is being held in China this year, and chances are it will be held there next year as well, according to Chinese news sources.
  • ...and thats not all. Donald Trump explicitly mentioned his hope of seeing Miss Universe in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. This is probably not very realistic, but you never know how things end up working themselves out.

  • Greece's Valia Kakouti heads to intense last-minute rehearsals

    Sweden's Katarina hopes for a few moments rest during these strenuous prep periods

    Presentation Show Updates
  • Fierce competitors in the eveningwear round: Curacao, Czech Republic, Egypt, Jamaica, Paraguay, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine and USA.
  • Fierce competitors in the swimsuit round: Australia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Jamaica, Paraguay, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, USA.
  • After Amelia and Juan Fernando introduced the judges, a local singer took stage. The swimsuit competition will begin momentarily.
  • Most of the delegates have gone for a very clean, simple look in terms of hair and make-up. Some of the real stunners onstage include Ukraine, USA, and Jamaica.
  • The opening number featured the delegates coming out in their wine-colored cocktail dresses. The music used was a strange concoction of 80's techno mixed with Incan flute music. Once the dancing was over, the delegates introduced themselves as had been done last year. There were some glitches, such as the alphabetical order being thrown off. Miss Lebanon, Marie-Jose Hnein, did not even get to introduce herself! I am giving a strong thumbs down to the opening
    May 27th
  • Tonight's Presentation Show begins at 8:00 local time at the Cemexpo Center out of Quito. This is the first time the final set will be shown.
  • Local personality Juan Fernando Velasco will be on hand with the reigning Miss Universe, Amelia Vega, to host the event tonight in both English and Spanish.
  • Cemexpo does not have a proper parking lot, nor is it located conveniently for visitors. Only the first 1,000 vehicles will be able to park on the field outside of the Cemexpo, and after that, the parking lots of two nearby schools will be opened, and a bus service will be offered to the center.
  • The Ecuadorian President made a brief visit to the Cemexpo today, to make sure everything looks good for the world to see. He has asked Ecuadorians to keep peace in the country while the event is being held. He answered no questions to the press.
  • Security will be tight. Metallic objects, cell phones, video cameras, large purses, food and weaponry or any sort are not advisable, and may be confiscated upon check-in.
  • The nine judges for tonight's competition are: Thom Allcock (Rolling Stones, U.S. Weekly, Men's Journal editor), Art Arellanes (Hispanic entertainment executive), Duane Gazi (Trump Model Management talent manager), Mpule Kwelagobe (Miss Universe 1999), Kate Roberts (AIDS Activist), Kristen Ingersoll (Editor of Hearst Group Magazines), Marc Malkin (Journalist), Rona Menashe (Public Relations executive) and Beth Sobol (Modelling executive).
  • As has been done before, the judges will see the delegates up-close and personal Thursday during the day to take notes. The personal interviews are scheduled for this weekend.
  • Who are your picks? Pre-Presentation Show, my best bets would be on: Aruba, Australia, Barbados, Canada, Cayman Islands, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Jamaica, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Norway, Paraguay, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, USA and Vietnam. Of course, there are other possibilities that should not be overlooked, such as Peru and the Philippines. One thing is for sure...the private and onstage judging will be a hit-or-miss for many of the delegates above. This is the only time when it really counts, as 65 of the 80 women will not get to compete further.
  • El Comercio criticized comments made during an interview by Miss Bolivia, Gabriela Oviedo. She mentioned that she was ashamed that people believe Bolivia has many 'Indians, poor and low-class people' and that people should rather look at her, who is non-Indian and from the upper class. Perhaps Miss Bolivia should watch what she says for her own good. Ecuador and Bolivia both have heavy Native American populations and the majority of the people in both countries live under the U.N. Poverty Line.

  • Jamaica's Christine Straw on her way to the Cemexpo Center

    Singapore's Sandy Chua takes her equipment for tonight's show

    Paraguay's Yanina Gonzales shows excitement over the big judgement

    Panama has won the national costume round
    May 24th
  • Late-breaking news: Miss Panama, Jessica Rodriguez has won the 2004 Miss Universe National Costume Competition on May 25th, 2004. Her costume, Costume of Gold, contains gold-plated pieces and feathers to represent indigenous peoples.
  • The First Runner-Up was Miss Mexico, Rosalva Luna, in a cosutme which represents corn production, and the Second Runner-Up was Miss Trinidad and Tobago, Danielle Jones, in a costume which represents the colorful birds of her country. (Confirmed)
  • The remaining 7 semi-finalists who were announced onstage: Ecuador, Egypt, India, Puerto Rico, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela.
  • The winner takes home a trophy and cash prize. It is yet to be announced if national costumes will be shown during the telecast. They will not be used in the opening.
  • After catching the show via satellite, it was quite well-done. The stage was minimalist, the music was decent and overall, the production was professional and 'tight', something that I did not expect from a preliminary event. The national costume show was entirely organized and produced by a local team.
  • The judging panel included: Cayetano Uribe (interior designer), Andrea Jácome (Miss Ecuador Universe 2003), Soraya Hogonaga (Miss Ecuador Universe 1998), Raúl Pérez Torres (President of the Ecuadorian Culture House), Raúl Izurieta (Lawyer of the Miss Universe Ecuador 2004 Committee), Milú Espinoza (fashion designer), Mónica Moreno (jewellery designer), Alicia Yánez (writer), Jaime Araque (actor), Oswaldo Viteri (painter) as well as two foreign judges, Lebanese journalist Viviana Redde and Miss Universe 2003, Justine Pasek
  • El Universo asked their readers who their top pick was. Curiously enough, Ecuador's own was beaten by Miss Canada, Venessa Fisher. Like last year's delegate, Venessa has gone under the radar, but in last night's costume show, showed the sexy prowess and film-star quality that won her a national title in the first place.
  • There are only about 120 publications covering the event, of which 25 are Colombian!
  • There are intense rehearsals today, aside from another benefit dinner for charity, as well as a special event at Cemexpo, where local artesanial products will be offered. This is only for invited delegations, and not open to the public.
  • May 25th
  • Tonight's National Costume Show begins at 7:00 at the Teatro Nacional. 10 judges have been chosen from local personalities, but they are unknown as of yet. Singers Juan Fernando Velasco and Daniela Guzmán and the musical group Voz Veis will be brought in to add some spice to the event. The three winners will be announced at the end of the event, but it will be televised delayed.
  • The minister for foreign trade, Ivonne Baki, announced that American actor Kevin Costner called the office and will come as a guest of the pageant. Whether this is or true or not has to be seen.
  • Is it fair? The 10th judge for the 2004 Miss Universe Pageant will be chosen through a special contest. This is nothing new to the pageant world, but is it fair that the applicants can only come from the mainland United States?

  • Turks/Caicos poses for photographers during Tuesday morning's interview session

    Uruguay poses for photographers during Tuesday morning's interview session

    Costa Rica poses for photographers during Tuesday morning's interview session

    Turkey poses during rehearsals

    Italy on her way to a shoot

    Brazil practices dancing during rehearsals
    May 24th
  • Norman Bock, President of the Quito Hoteliers Association, is severely disappointed in the turnout of tourists to Ecuador during the pageant. Only the three host hotels, the Swissôtel, Marriott and Sheraton, have been fully booked during the pageant's final week. The other hotels in the area reported very little increase in occupancy. Apparently, the tourism administration did not look into past frustrations by other local organizers in other years.
  • Today, there is not much on the agenda of the delegates, aside from a special event in which they will donate gifts as part of a fight against Cancer.
  • The stage construction is still not finished, even as the Presentation Show is 3 days away. The design by Shaffner/Stewart required a lot of work, because of its numerous levels and stairs, and approximately 7,528 seats are going to be available. Tickets for the final night are between 70 and 250 dollars.
  • Rehearsals will take up the bulk of this week. Tommorrow morning, the delegates will have their second round of interviews with the press. They will then continue to rehearse for the final and the national costume event, which will begin at 7:00 local time. On Wednesday, there will be a benefit dinner for children.
  • May 23rd
  • This morning's parade in Quito's historic district will begin at 11:00 A.M., and yet again, the delegates will be taken on floats. It is only expected to last for a little bit over an hour.
  • After the parade, the delegates have been invited for a special lunch. Many exotic delicacies will be served to them, such as caramellized duck, salmon roses and mandarin sorbet with ginger and mint. Be careful girls, the presentation show is only a few days away!

  • Greece was heavily applauded on the catwalk

    Paraguay is being seen as a strong contender by some fans

    Nigeria during a swimsuit shoot at the Marriott today

    Guatemala during the swimsuit shoot

    Angola poses for press at the Marriott
    May 22nd
  • It was a hot day in Guayaquil as the delegates began parading this afternoon, mostly dressed in casual tops and jeans. Thousands of people lined up to watch the parade.
  • Amelia Vega was one of the most watched, as she danced upon her float and carried the city's flag. Spectators blew her kisses and threw her flowers.
  • Among the most applauded and noticed were the beauties from Canada, Panama, Ecuador and Spain, mostly for their excitement and dancing on the floats.
  • Immediately after the morning parade, the delegates were taken to the venue for the evening's fashion show, which was also televised live locally.
  • The set for the show features a gigantic crown and numerous tropical plants all over. The delegates paraded in swimsuits and eveningwear created by local fashion designers, with local music talent in-between. This has been a staple of Miss Universe in the past few years.
  • The delegates proceeded to a private dinner after the fashion show and by the end of Saturday, they yet again proceeded back to Quito. After a lot of travelling back and forth, they will finally stay in one place and continue rehearsing and go in for the final events of the pageant.
  • During tommorrow morning's visit to a historic center, the delegates will parade once again.
  • Another one down! Miss Egypt is another delegates that succumbed to the extreme climate changes and had a fainting episode.
  • May 21st
  • They came and went: The delegates who went to yesterday's event in Guayaquil were greeted by several hundred onlookers at the airport. Thankfully, the weather was not a problem this time in getting the best photo opportunities and posing all over the city.
  • Miss Bulgaria only stays clamped to Miss Russia and Miss Ukraine. This is because she does not speak English, Spanish or French, so she has a lot of trouble communicating with others.
  • El Universo had the chance to sit in on a rehearsal. The reporters mentioned the excited delegates, waiting their turn to take the ramp in mock-style.
  • The opening number (which will be live for the Presentation Show and only the end will be live in the telecast) consists of Latin movements, with a lot of local rhythm and turning. The stage is incredibly packed with stairs and the delegates are constantly taken up and down in the right path, to ensure they understand the direction.
  • Scott Grossman, choreographer for Miss Universe, mentioned that the best dancers go in the front. This year, they include Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Canada and the USA. He also mentioned that those who do not dance well are stuck in the very last row. El Universo observed that this consisted of a group of Asian and European delegates.
  • The groups even have names! The best dancers are grouped into 'Islas Galápagos', and the ones who are average go into the 'Tortugas de Mar' group, and finally, the rest are bunched into 'Pétalos de Rosa'.
  • The evening gown competition rehearsals are more intense, because they require mastery of all of the stairs, but the swimsuit semi-final will be more relaxed and less reliant on the steps.
  • Miss Vietnam, Haong Ngoc, requested that a Vietnamese person be found for her to be able to communicate with the other delegates. Not surprisingly, it took almost a full day for the volunteer staff to find one for her.
  • The Misses from Turkey, Hungary and Spain are said to be receiving the maximum amount of packages, mostly in the form of new clothes and shoes.
  • With the National Costume Show only a few days away, the Fundacion Ecuador announced that they are still finalizing the judges who will participate in the show!

  • Czech Republic admires Galapagos wildlife

    Colombia enjoys the natural beauty of the Galapagos Islands

    Turkey poses during rehearsals

    Italy on her way to a shoot

    Brazil practices dancing during rehearsals
    May 20th
  • The delegates were onto their next stop in Ecuador today: Guayaquil. In the late afternoon, they will arrive at the airport and be met by the mayor, Jaime Nebot Saadi, where they will pose for photos in a couple of key city landmarks.
  • In the evening, a private dinner is planned at the Club La Unión. Only organizers of the Miss Universe Pageant and local committee have been invited, as well as some other involved locals. There will be an introduction of the delegates at the event.
  • The pageant has caused inconvenience to many. In Quito, protests were raised over the closing of important traffic ways for shootings, sometimes 7-8 hours at a time.
  • Due to intense rain and low temperatures, the delegates have spent most of their time indoors. Yesterday, they were rehearsing for the pageant at the Marriott. Miss Ghana, Menaye Donkor, twisted her ankle during rehearsals and sat aside. Cemexpo, the official venue for the pageant, is still not ready
  • Amelia Vega, Miss Universe 2003, accompanied Colombia, Aruba, Angola and Czech Republic to the Galapagos Islands, where they will be shooting a special tourism spot for the telecast.
  • The food being cooked at the hotel is carefully being examined for safety reasons. Organizers mentioned that around 5 delegates have been suffering from stomach problems around this time.
  • The delegates' stay in Guayaquil today is limited. They will be back on a plane tonight after the dinner to Quito. Tommorrow, in Plaza San Francisco, a small festival is being thrown in their honor. Then, they will return to Guayaquil for Saturday's parade and a national fashion show in the evening. Once they are done with that, they will head back to Quito for a press luncheon on Sunday and to prepare for Monday's National Costume Show. From then on, they are in Quito to rehearse, attend a few more events, and get ready for the preliminary judging and final show.
  • All information here compiled from Ecuadorian newspapers.

  • Australia in Cuenca

    Philippines arrives at the end

    Ghana shooting for the opening
    May 19th
  • In Sickness and in health: The change in climinate and current weather in Quito has not been easy on the delegates. Only 67/80 of the delegates were able to go to yesterday's visit to 'Mitad Del Mundo'. A report says one delegate had suffered from malnourishment and a 911 team had to arrive at the Marriott to tend to her.
  • The celebration at 'Mitad Del Mundo' (literally the 'Center of the World') began at noon with cultural presentations such as traditional dance. Unfortunately, excessive rain washed out a group photo in front of the monument and the museum visit.
  • Miss Guatemala complained of a twisted ankle on Monday, during the shootings for the opening number, which will be done all across Ecuador. For example, a group of 9 delegates is getting ready to tape in the Galapagos Islands. In the opening, the delegates are wearing reddish cocktail dresses and introducing themselves in the same style as last year.
  • Miss Holland, who fainted at the Presidential reception last week, still mentions feeling tired because of the altitude and commitments of the delegates. Miss Malaysia is also another delegate who constantly feels unable to keep up with the events.
  • Miss Egypt does not know how to speak English, which is probably why she never leaves Miss Lebanon's side
  • All information here compiled from Ecuadorian newspapers.
  • Gallery of Arrivals for May 14th, 2004: Photos by the Hindustan Times



    Antigua and Barbuda






    Gallery of Arrivals for May 13th, 2004: Photos by the Hindustan Times


    Slovak Republic

    Puerto Rico


    Dominican Republic




    Gallery of Arrivals for May 12th, 2004: Photos by the AP Wire








    May 12th
  • Little more news is available, as delegates continue streaming in but the press has little or no access to them until they appear at the welcome dinner on Friday night. For now, the press center has opened for use and Miss Japan, Eri Machimoto joined Miss Canada in taking part in a couple of charitable activities in the locale. The school-children were excited to meet the beauty queens.
  • For Wednesdeay, some big-wig contestants will be arriving They include Misses Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, USA and Puerto Rico! A total of 32 contestants in all are expected today, with 20 more on Thursday, including Miss Ecuador and Miss India. On Friday, the last delegate scheduled to arrive is Miss Vietnam, Hoang Ngoc. The circumstances surrounding her selection for the pageant in place of the original winner are mysterious. Miss Chile, Gabriella Barros, is expected late as well as Miss Curacao, Angeline Da Silva.

  • Japan attends a social function

    Panama was the third to arrive

    South Africa arrives

    Panama arrives

    May 11th
  • Representatives of the pageant have confirmed the following arrivals as of Tuesday: Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, South Africa, Panama, Bolivia, Austria, Trinidad and Tobago, México, El Salvador, Belgium, Germany, France, Uruguay, Czech Republic and Aruba. (In addition to Japan and Canada)
  • The press and photographers have been complaining that due to the strict security under which the delegates were whisked off to their hotels, they haven't really had a chance to see or talk with the girls.
  • The delegates began arriving on May 9th with the arrival of Miss Canada, Venessa Fisher and Miss Japan, Eri Machimato . Delegates will continue streaming into Ecuador on the 11th, 12th and 13th.
  • Schedule of Activities

  • Welcome Dinner: May 14th, evening, at Convento de La Merced
  • Dinner with the President: May 15th, evening at Palacio de Carondelet
  • Walk in Austro: May 16th, morning in Cuenca. Delegates will visit a touristy area.
  • Delegate Luncheon with the press: May 16th, afternoon, Cuenca
  • Miss Universe in the center of the world: May 18th, afternoon in Quito's "Centro Del Mundo"
  • Delegate Dinner (Private): May 20th, Guayaquil, evening
  • Quito salutes the world: May 21st, evening
  • Parade: May 22nd, morning, Guayaquil. Delegates parade on trucks.
  • Fashion Show: May 22nd, evening, Guayaquil. Delegates show off designs by local designers.
  • Historical Visit and Parade: May 23rd, morning, Quito. Delegates parade on floats in a historical street.
  • Charity Auction: May 24th, Quito. Delegates donate one item to benefit Cancer patients.
  • National Costume Show: May 25th, Quito. Delegates are judged in their national costumes.
  • Presentation Show: May 27th, Quito. Delegates are judged onstage in swimsuit and evening gown.
  • Presentation of the hosts: May 31st, Quito. Billy Bush and Daisy Fuentes are introduced to the press.
  • Final Show: June 1st. Final election and crowning of the new Miss Universe.
  • Coronation Ball: June 1st/June 2nd. Festivities after crowning.