
This page is all about my son, Orion. He was born on Feb. 15, 2000 He was my Valentine's Gift! He weighed 6lbs 10oz and 19" long. He is the love of my life.

Orion August 2001 Most Current photo of Orion, taken on Feb.13, 2005, we are going to the Maroon 5 concert together, so I got him a shirt! :) Orion on a pony!
Easter 2001 Photos!!
Mindy,John,Robin,Jon Paul,Toni and Orion

Orion also a year old! Feb. 2001

This photo was taken right after his first birthday
Orion August 2000
Orion grabbing his toes August 2000
Orion celebrating his birthday at his daycare Feb.13 2001
Orion at his daycare Feb.2001
Orion at his baby beauty pagent Feb.2001
Orion and Mindy Feb. 16 2001
Orion on our bed Feb.2001
Orion and half of myself Feb.2001
Orion being licked by a puppy Feb 2001
Orion Standing all by himself Feb,2001
Orion Feb,2001
Orion Looking at himself in the mirror Dec.2000
Orion trying to open a gift Dec.26,2000
Orion and his grandma Nov.22,2000
Mindy and Orion downtownDec.2000
Orion with a candy caneDec.2000
Mindy and Orion by the battleshipDec.2000
Mindy and OrionAugust 2000
Mindy John OrionOn Thanksgiving 2000
Family Group Pic on ThanksgivingNov.2000
Another family group pic Nov.2000
Mindy,Orion,Claire, and Julienne Dec.2000
Mindy and OrionMarch 2000
Mindy and Orion at the beach
John and OrionCUTE! at Darrell's wedding
Orion with a cute pouty lip
Such a happy boy and such a nude :) little boy!

Here is my Birth Story:

On the 12th of February I woke up to what I thought was my water braking, it was about 4:30 in the morning. I woke up John and told him I wanted to go to the hospital to get checked out. So we gathered up our things and went. Well after many hours of waiting and finally getting checked out we were told it was not my water and to go home. So a little disappointed but at the same time relieved since he was about 3 1/2 weeks early we went home. Well I continued to be leaking constantly and I really didn't think this was normal, so on the 14th I couldn't take it anymore. Around 10 a.m. I drove myself back to the hospital to get checked again and this time they had confirmed my suspicions and told me infact that it WAS my water!!! So they decided to go ahead and admit me and to induce my labor with pitocin to reduce the risk of any infections. So I called John and told him to bring my things and to call my relatives. They put me on pitocin around 11:00 am and around 7 pm I was in hard labor. I was wanting an epidural right then but they told me I had to wait some.. so around 10 pm they gave it to me .. finally and after that everything was fine. I was fully dialated soon after..so then the doctor came in and said it was time to push. It went fine and after about 4 or 5 really hard and long pushes my little angel baby was born. He weighed in at 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. No complications followed except for a little jaundice which went away after a few days. Now he is 6 months old and weighs 17 lbs and is a little over 24 inches long. He is my miracle!!!