Mindy's Room

Well here is the page all about me!I have been searching for a long time for some of my old dear and lost friends, if you are on here please contact me: ( Karen Fedemma, Christina Lloyd, Jenn Preston..)
Lets start with a baby picture. I am the baby on the far right(with my hands in the air and smiling) with my cousin, Heather and Grandmom 1972 or 1973..
Now for some background info: I grew up in North Carolina and am currently living in Wilmington, North Carolina.On this page I will put up various photos during my life.
Here is a photo of me and my friend, Erika on our trip to England

Here are a few photos from my sister, Robin's wedding:

Now I will just put up lots of other photos from my past and present for you to click on if you would like to see them..(do you get the feeling I like to take pictures??)
Mindy and Caroline in 1974 or 1975?
Me and my mom 1980?
Mindy and Suren around 1980
Mindy holding a Cure mag.1988?I am the one covering my face
Claire,Me,Jamie(ex-boyfriend)in 1989
Elizabeth and Mindy 1990 or 91?
Mindy and Avery 1988
Mindy and Autumn 1/98
Mindy and the singer of They Might Be Giants
me and me ex boyfriend, Louie
me and some friends at Disneyland 1990
Mindy and Erika
Mindy and Autumn in our 'BIG' hair days
Mindy and Elizabeth
Mindy and a"Bobby" in England 1991
Mindy and Simon 1991
Mindy and Simon 1992
Mindy and Wayne 1990the singer of the Mission
Mindy and Wayne 1990and another
Some Recent Photos..
Mindy 2007 Mindy 2007 Mindy 2007 Mindy 2007 Mindy 2007

Why don't you e-mail me!