Did you know that approximately 5.5 million dairy cows in the United States alone live in factory comditions, on slatted or concrete floors that cause legs to brake and buckle and their feet to become deformed. For months at a time they may be chained by their necks in their stalls, the milking machines brought to them. Growth hormones make their udders so heavy and swollen they sometimes dragg along the ground, where teats get bruised, cut and infected. Instead fo their usual lifespan of 25 years, these beings live only 3 to 5 years, most become fast food burgers. "Milk cows" are fed huge doses of hormones to decrease the time between pregnancies. These hormones beef up flesh and can be passed on to humans through milk and meat, causing problmes ranging from dysfunctional reproductive systems to premature sexual maturation. Cows though, are not the only animals treated this way. Chickens for example are put upside down along a conveyer belt to then, one by one go along a razor just along their necks so they bleed to death. If they are still not dead by the time they get to pluck them they simply go on with the proceedure of cutting their body parts off. Also, the pig for example, is treated worse then any known animal. The pig before death, recieves a complete shower, and then is taken to another simalar converyer belt yet it is thrown still alive into a grinding machine by of course a man. If you have ever had the experience of being in a slaughter house and viewing this proceeder you would agree with me that this is dissapointing to the human race. Even, Cattle raised for beef are castrated have their horns removed, and are branded without anesthetics. They are usually born in one state, fattened in another, and killed in a third. The experience of a slaughter house will effect you forever in you thinking and eating habits. Most of the slaughter house workers are numb to the idea of squeeling or even screaching because they hear it everyday.

"The question is not, Can they reason? nor can they talk? But rather, can they suffer?"

"...That which to us is merely a evenings meal, but to them is life itself".


Veganism and Vegatarianism are two different things entirely. Veganism, for example (wich I am) is the non-eating of meat but also exclude animal food products all together. As, in eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, honey, butter, animal fat oil, honey, and gelatin, to name a few. Vegatarianism, on the other hand have three different type. The first is the type of vegatarian to eat only no meat yet they still eat dairy products as well as eggs. The second is the type to eat chicken and fish but no red meat or pork. The third is Veganism in wich as I said before no animal food products at all. If most people new what goes on and in the food that they eat they would change their minds quickly. For, example gelatin is the foam from wich cow bones are boiled and the foam that rises to the top is used for gelatin. As I said before there is hormones in the dairy products that can cause disease or dysfigurment. When they say baloni has a first name, it actually has about 30 names. Including cow, pig, chicken, but not the meat part of these animals, its the organs, eyes, tongues, lips, ears, and mostly anything that falls on the floor or scrapps.


Make the transition to a diet free of meat and dairy by using substitutes, all of wich are better for you, and most of wich are cheaper. Product substitutes are:
Meat: In place of ground beef in tacos, chili, spaghetti sauces, and lasagna filling, use "textured vegatable protien"(soy protein with the fat removed).
Milk: Soy milk has become sophisticated. Edensoy, Westsoy, and other brands come in many flavors, have more character and are lower in fat thatn cow's milk and cholesterol free. Also, I prefer Rice milk wich is naturaly fat free and does not have a bad after taste. They all go well with cappuccino, cereal, and baking.
Ice cream: As dairy products are the leading cause of food alergies in humans and as people are abandoning dairy products for ethical reasons. More, and more non-dairy products are available as in Tofutti and Rice dream.
Cheese: Non-dairy soy cheese, such as Soymage, mimics the taste and consistency of dairy cheese, tofu is also good.
In most women Soy has been none to prevent heart disease that is why most Asian people have a lower percentage of heart disease as well as cancer disease in women and men.
****Recognize meat for what it realy is " A dead cow or sheep lying in a feild passes as a carcass. Yet, dressed and hung in a butchers stall it passes as food".


"The US Department of Agriculture uses the term "4-D" to indicate flesh that's considered unfit for human conumption. The "D"'s are: dead, dying, disabled, and diseased. In all but a few states, flesh from 4-D animals can be sold to pet food manufactures...reported were 15 million pounds of cancerous tissues a year (added to slaughterhouse reject piles-much of which is rendered into) "by products" on pet food Lables" -Barbara Lynn Peden, Dog and Cat's Go vegatarian
"The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous, it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men". -Emile Zola
"We cannot glimpse the essential life of a caged animal, only the shadow of her former beauty. -Julia Allen Field