Balanced Information on Cross Dressing - Packaged for
Wives, Girlfriends and
Cross Dressers as well as the curious.
Wives can now surf this site without having
to see any pictures of me or any other guy dressed "wrong" for his gender. Why?
Simple. A CD (Cross Dresser) wrote suggesting... well, guess I'll just paste in some
of what he had to say. How's that for being lazy? Most of you won't care though so
I'm going to stick that elsewhere along with feedback I got from a FAB (Female At
Birth) when I asked her about the pictures. Click here if
you want to look at WHY the pictures are gone from this
So, where is everything and what's new? Well, nothing's GONE.
Everything's still here along with some new stuff and more to come.
*** Hey! Finally! My site won an AWARD.
that. ***
Just below are the navigation links. Click on the one that describes your
frame of mind. What's new - I'll fill this in each time I make any real changes on my site.
This will help you find the changes easily and make the above link reflect all
changes. The most recent changes are listed at the bottom.
I put four new pictures on my pictures page (7/25/00). This is reached from my
"ready to have a peek at a picture or two" index or my old home page. Links are
New on July 18, 2000 is a little article I call, "He Knows." In it I'm trying to
give you some insight into the cross dresser's heart and mind. Well, that's probably
a little strong so lets just say I'm sharing some of What
He Knows. I'd like to think of this one as a "must read."
New (May 21, 2000) are the various index pages AND the SONGS page.
There's a new story posted on my stories page since I
have finally been getting a little feedback on some
stories. This one's called "The Warrior" and it's a little different for me. You get to
my stories page through my "Old" home page. I also
put in a TS (Trans Sexual) page for wives whose men are on
that path. It was something I was working on but it's far
from done. I thought
I might as well put what I had out here while I was messing with everything else,
especially since a year has gone by since I worked on it at all.
New (June 26, 2002)... Another picture of Shirley taken a couple of days ago
was added to my pictures page. Sure wish I had time to do a lot more, but I'm
working on a Cross Dressing Information book in hopes that someone will be
willing to publish it. If it works out, this information could become available to
anyone who needs it (as long as they can get to a book store or a library) and not
just to
those with Internet access and know-how. Wish me luck since I don't have time for
this either.
New September 10, 2002... I messed with my Music
page, removing old links and outdated information and adding some songs of
TG interest. Some are quite good - I think.
Another new picture added to my picture page - 9/21/02.
Yet one more new picture added to my new picture page - 5/15/03.
New May 18, 2003... Finally put some new songs on my
Music page. Each of these songs has at least one point of interest (my opinion)
for a cross dresser. Besides, they are some very good songs. Enjoy.
Oh WOW!!! June 6, 2003 - I won
an award. Jeez, it sure took a long time. But my site finally won an award.
Now I can say I have "AN AWARD WINNING SITE." Is
that cool or what? And just having won something sure makes me feel great. So
anyway, here's my Open Directory Cool Site Award.
This page hosted by Last update 6/6/03
The following words are only placed here in hopes that search engines that do
not use META
NAMES will still be able to find this page. transvestite, trans gender, M2F, TG,
wife, French Maid uniform, TV, SO, Spouse, heterosexual, problems, trans-gender,
trans-sexual, bondage, crossdressing,
M2F, TG, cross dressing husband, cross dressing information
(I'm wearing Full normal street clothes - guy & gal -
we can debate the "normal" later, but you're going to win that one.)
(Stories might be called
adults only though I don't know why - no sex to speak of.).
- - - -
This would be where you'd click if you're a CD - at least it's where I would
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material for your own personal use but you may NOT reproduce it
anywhere without
my permission. If you want permission to use anything here, you should e-mail me
and ask.
Simple enough?