Welcome to the Fashion Boutique

Hello there, I am an ex-Community Leader for Fashion Avenue ^_^, so if you need any help regarding HTML coding, design or layout, just drop me an e-mail and ask me, though it might be awhile for me to get in touch. At the mean time, you can check out the Fashion Boutique.

Site still under construction

Some topics...

In helping me with this site are my friends Aaron and LOcKY, but I want these two out there to help along too! These are Chun Li, and WoOL@N ^_^ So come on and give us a hand.

Also, if you think you got some really cool designer clothes or hair styles, then send us a picture of yourselves and we'll stick it up here.

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© 1997 Cool Guy Eddie ^_^

Last Updated: 14th July 1997

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