I have lived in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada for all of my life (so far), so I should include something about this place, right? I can't say if it's the best city or anything because I've never lived in any other city to compare it. It has been pretty good living here, you get a sense of small townness, after all, it's Saskatchewan! But it's also a sense of big cityness since it's the biggest city in Saskatchewan.

Basic facts about Saskatoon:
- named after the Native word for the red berry that grows along the area
- population of 205,000-215,000 for area

- largest city in the province of Saskatchewan
- largest university is located in Saskatoon (University of Saskatchewan)
- home of Canada's only synchotron
- home to many celebrities including Wide Mouth Mason (band), Catriona LeMay Doan, Gordie Howe, Joni Mitchell

Local Saskatoon:
Issues: East/West side divide, Native ghetto, urban sprawl
Scenery: Meewasin Vallery trails, Cranberry Flats, Saskatchewan Crescent, Spadina Cres., Whiteswan Dr
Parks: Kiwanis, Victoria, Gabriel Dumont, the Weir, Diefenbaker
Attractions: Beaver Creek, Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Mendel Art Gallery and Conservatory, Diefenbaker Canada Centre, Ukrainian Museum, Broadway district, 21st St/2nd Ave shopping, Fringe festival, river boat races, Folkfest


Some links to find out more about Saskatoon:
City of Saskatoon
Tourism Saskatoon

And some links about Saskatchewan:
Virtual Saskatchewan
Tourism Saskatchewan

Aerial view of the university and the river

Last updated May 23, 2004.