Here you will find dolls, Fashions,
and Accessories I have aquired throughout 1998.This will not
include this years birthday or this Christmas as those will be on
new pages of their own!
I took part in the first anual Deboxers Ornament swap and recieved a very pretty ornament from my partner she later found a 1990 Barbie Ornament it is real cute. There is also a certificate of authentisity that comes with it. Here is a picture of the ornament back and the bottom of the box is included this ornament was only removed for scanning then placed back into it's box with certification. I also got this cute set Barbie Sticker valentine kit for Valentines Day! they are sweet. I also have aquired the 98 Olympic Skaters Barbie & Ken! the set, I liked the set and since hubby is now collecting Ken It made a doll for each of us.
are a couple New dolls I got this year.
Sweetheart Barbie the hard to find redhead!
Barbie Supermarket Special Edition Here
is a picture of a doll I won on Ebay she just arrived and I
scanned her immidiately.Radio Shack Earringmagic Barbie and
Software Pak Here is Barbie displyed out of RS box still in her
box. Earring
Magic Barbie More dolls as I aquire them! Chic Barbie Dinner Date Barbie This is
the brand new Sam's Club doll I spotted her yesterday and picked
her up she was never announced in the 98 previews so it was nice
to find a very new special edition doll!
More 98
dolls this page is being constructed
with Geocities new Geobuilder let me know what you think of the
new lay out.
This is my personal home page located on my server.
Dolls for sale or trade Just what it says Dolls I own, wish to either sell or Trade.
Dream dolls Barbies to Dream about!
Mega links page Lots of information about Barbie and more!
the Barbies Old & New personal Chat Room!
Phone #s you may need!
My Bio Learn a bit about who I am!
Birthday Page
The Fashion Designer theme page
Dispay Learn how to show off those homemade and vintage fashions here!
My hubbies Kens Finally a page devoted to Ken thanks Cy for starting to collect him.
Deboxed Barbie & Kens. These are my Freed Ladies and Gents. Free your Babies today they'll thank you in the long run!
Lady Unica's Gossip here's where to get some of the Mattel items of interest. :D Aunt Barbie's If your looking for that hard to find doll or accessory Aunt Barbie has lots of great dolls and accessories to offer and she is one of the best people to deal with IMPO (In My Personal Opinion) go there and tell her Lady Unica from BabsTalk sent you!
If you
use ICQ and I am online give me a Page here!
Please don't forget to sign my guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Read my Dreambook! | ![]() |
Page has been accessed
times, since 06/23/97.
AGKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I wish to thank everyone who has contributed to this page with pictures etc. Especially my husbands for his gracious help and support in getting this page online!
DISCLAIMER:© 1997 Copyright© 1997,Laura J. Cordery. All rights reserved. Barbie® is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc and I am in no way affiliated with Mattel. All other trademarks are copyright of their respective owners.
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page last updated 01/15/98 The time is now do you know where your body is
right now? :oD
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