The Unofficial
Sophie Dahl
Viewers' Comments Part 1
(Some of the e-mail I got about these
Please Note:
When you send me an e-mail about this
site, I keep the right of publicising your message (or part of it), unless you
specifically state that you don't want me to... Your e-mail address can be kept secret,
but only under your request.
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 07:12:55
From: Gregory Bochow <>
Subject: website
I can't believe what I am seeing! This
site falls into the "Anyone can be a model" list.....anyone with enough dosh to
back them, that is. It is also, I'm afraid, a testament to the fickle nature of
mankind....that proves that the best friend anyone can have (anyone who aspires to feed
their ego that is) is a good P.R. Firm. No offense, Sophie...but get real! Model
material??? Yeah right!!! You are on the wrong side of the!! I hope for
everyones sake the next appearance by this model is on the cover of "Delusional
Weekly"....and then, I hope forced retirement from "modeling". It blows my
mind how many magazines have chosen to print images of this "model". I am sure
that the driving force behind this models capaign is a deep, familial bank account that is
attempting to buy her way ti fame and fortune. Assuredly, I am no "expert" on
beauty (although I myself have been a published model, and yes, beauty is in the eye of
the beholder....but...I am still searching in this case. Get real....this girls body
belongs more in "Architectural Digest" facially, her eyes sit closer to her ears
than to her nose, her camera presence is more a testament to minimizing her physical
shortcomings and her career decision to pursue modeling is along the lines of an Anna
Nicole Smith Fan Club! Get fucking real people! This ain't modeling....This is HYPE!! and
as the old philosopher Flavor Fav says....."DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE" !!!
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 03:23:04 EST
Subject: to be put on comments page
I am 17, fairly voluptuous (5'5", 125
lbs,34D-26-37) and I would like to congratulate you on this site. Those who call Sophie
"fat,"and "ugly" are
shallow, and blind. She has a perfect hourglass figure, adorable face, AGHHH! she's
sexy!!! Curves were the ideal aesthetic for centuries, what's happened with the
later part of this generation? Any one can be beautiful and have a nice body,
whether they are a size 4 or 18! Everyone is genetically programmed to have a
certain body type. People need to stop trying to have a body type that was not meant
for them. I hope to see many more curvaceous supermodels in the future. Keep up the
good work!
From: "Heather Sweeney"
Subject: Sophie
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 17:09:20 EDT
I too was a friend of Sophie's when
we were young, and I am so happy to see how successful she has become! Would
you believe that she used to HATE eyeliner? She said she hated the way it felt when
she put it on.
Webmaster's Note: I adore receiving
little dirty details like this :>>>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 22:31:51 EDT
Subject: sophie rox!
Just wanted to tell you how much it
means to me to see a REAL SIZE WOMAN on the net. I think Sophie is
just beautiful, and I am so glad to see that many more people are coming to their
sense about what a woman should look like. It is really difficult looking at
"Ally Mcbeal" and then myself,and comparing the two. I am a size
10/12 woman, and I know that I am NOT FAT, but the women in
Hollywood, and modelling today are too thin to believe ! Kate Dillon and Kate
Winslet are also a true reflection of real women, and I just hope that the world
(women in the media) stop putting their sisters down. Power to the real women,
and ,man- UPDATE YOUR SITE!!!!!!!!!!!
From: <address withheld by
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 15:38:59 +0100
Subject: [no subject]
I think that sophie is gorgeous and one of the best looking women
around. I get fed up with all the anarexic models and anyway she isn't
fat but just not skinny. This is a great site with great pics keep up the good work.
From: "Azambuja"
Subject: The Nick Knight pictures
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 01:59:04 -0300
I am a big fan of Sophie Dahl, and I was wondering where can I find those pictures of her
taken by Nick Knight, where she poses nude. I
couldn't find them on your web site!
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Webmaster's Note: I'm looking for those
pictures, but I doubt I'd ever be able to publish them on my site... Still if any of the
visitors of tese pages has them, please send them to me. I plan to create a Sophie
newsletter that will not be subject to Geocities limitations regarding nudity, so that
everyone interested receives them.
From: <address withheld by
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 12:38:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Sophie Dahl
I really enjoyed the images.
Sophie has a great figure and beautiful eyes. I personally prefer curves.
When I met my wife, she was finishing up a ten year modeling career. The
problem is, when I met her in 1996, there was no market for curvey women...unless you were
Anna Nicole Smith. My wife and I married and she abandoned the urealistic
expectations and the horror she was doing to herself through starvation,and startied
eating, She was in a horrible accident and due to being bed ridden for a year, she
went from size 8-22!! When she finally started moving about and relearned to
walk....her ventures outdoors only lasted 5 minutes..She would cry..She establshed an
eatling plan and exercised in moderation. She is now a 12-14. People
tell her if she lost 30 lb. she could be a model...
She tells them.." I did model, and had a good run...I got sick of starvation and 8
hours of exercise a day..losing my hair and bad acne. i finally stopped when the
bullimia/anorexia got out of hand I ended up with meningitis (the doctors pointed
out her chronc purging set of a sinus infction..and etc...).
She also said she got sick of men boasting of dating her because she did model. She
also is fearful of the camera now..and says..she'd like to
be a size10 at best...but size 12 would be fine too. Being 5'9 and
Russian..she has broad shoulders and hips. Personally I prefer her with
When people ask her why models are rakishly thin ..she will respond with this
answer..." Having studied fashion illustration, the boyish tall
figure makes for an even design, aka models are basically well paid human clothes
hangers..even Linda Evangelisa said that."
I am glad there is Mode magazine and models like Sophie. This month's edition of
marie claire has Sopie in it, when my wife saw it she squealed. She was thrilled a
body type like hers made into non-plus size fashion magazines.
Of course I love curvey girls, and some of the "thin ones" as my wife will
say...One of my wife's old modeling buddies is anorexic..still. She will tell her pal of
the dangers she in putting herself through. She doesn't force her values on her though,
In America, the "ideal"
figure is 5'8, 110 lb, with a 36d chest.
And having just gone through chemo for skin cancer....she double swears off modeling,
saying.." Yup, a tan is ideal in America, My mom who i feel was far more
prettier than me died of melanoma, I do not want the same fate." She was so happy to
see a porcelain skinned model~such as Sophie.
When my wife complains of how ugly she is, I show her Sophie's pics. She wants to put them
on the wall as a reminder YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A SIZE 4 TO BE BEAUTIFUL. She will be
first to say she felt horrible at size 22, but if a size 22 woman can be confident, more
power to her. If you ask how she felt at size 5, which was her lowest modeling
weight, she will reply, "Worse than size 22, I was stressed, too skinny, and
HUNGRY~thus making me insane." Sophie and my wife are a lot alike physically,
tall curvey, blonde, wide eyed. My wife gets comparisons to Sharon Stone face
wise, which makes her blush. She was very flattered when I compared her too Sophie.
Thank you Sophie.
My wife is happy with the acceptance back to the more classic figure of 1950's.
She is quick to point out, Sophie is a Brit and the British are way
more open minded than Americans, and advanced socially. She isn't fond of the
"V" girls. She refuses to even think of being one, even though
people have apporached her on going back to modeling...
She is happy that Sophie's agent was willing to give Sophie a try. Obviousy, Sophie is
making an impact.
When I ask my wife why she was anorexic, she will admit it was more due to pressure put on
her by her parents to look perfect. She will confess that in modeling your weight is
put on trial.
Hoepfully with Sophie breaking down the so once restricted fashion barriers, she will
encourage women to maintain a realistic weight and
not try to whittle themselves to Aly McBeal proportions.
I have to write to you from the web tv, because, my wife crashed the PC. Models can
sometimes be temperamental~like the one I married.......
Thanks for the great site.
From: "Heinrich
Saint-Germain" <>
Subject: Finally . . . a comment!
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 19:24:37 GMT
Dear Mr. Poupis:
Having been a regular visitor to your site almost since the day it opened, I finally
decided that I needed to thank you, both for helping the rest of the world discover the
ravishing beauty of Sophie Dahl, and for inspiring others--including myself--to follow in
your footsteps. Thanks to your Web site, I decided to create a tribute of my own to
another famous plus-size model. Furthermore, like the Webmaster of the TKDS site, I don't
mind telling you that I simply copied the format of your "Unofficial Sophie
Dahl" pages when I created my site. Anyone who is interested in seeing another
astonishingly beautiful model can visit my "Liis Tribute Pages" at:
I also put Sophie up against other plus-size models in a survey page that I call "The
Judgment of Paris," which visitors can see at:
Thank you once again for your tireless efforts on behalf of one of the world's loveliest
goddesses. Since classical civilization produced the
finest ideal of femininity that the Western world has even known, I have always considered
it appropriate that it fell upon a *Greek* Webmaster to champion the cause of Sophie
Dahl's untimely beauty.

A picture of the lovely Liis from
Heinrich's Site |
Webmaster's Note:
Heinrich has submitted many pictures to this site in the past and it's a real pleasure for
me to be able to at last give him some credit for that... It's even a greater pleasure to
present you his wonderful site. Thanks for your long-lasting support and kind words mate!
Date: 15 Jul 2000 18:39:49 -0000
From: "Joćo Ricardo" <>
Subject: Thank You !
I thank you so much for creating this beautiful site !
I was truly fed up with Kate Moss and all those anorexic skeletons.
Sophie is gorgeous, sensual, huggable (GOD, she is cuter than a Teddy bear !!...), has
lovely breasts and most of all, truly feminine, which is what I admire most in beatiful
women such as Sophie or Sarah Michelle Gellar...
However, I landed on this site in search of wallpapers for my desktop and I couldn't find
any. I wish you could optimize some of the best pictures you have available at your pool.
I would thank you even more...
Keep up the good, decent, hard and honest work !
Joćo Ricardo
Subject: Comments(Sophie Dahl
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 21:07:22
Thank you, thank you, thank
you! Finally, a page devoted to the most beautiful woman on the planet. As a woman who is
5'8, a size 18, and 42 DD, I
could never identify with the
heroin-chic supermodels because no realistic woman can look like that. Sophie looks
huggable and cuddly. Also she looks as if she actually eats on a daily basis. How
refreshing! More pictures, please! I think she's the greatest(and my boyfriend likes her
Subject: Sophie Dahl is
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 12:23:45
From: "Ryan Harrison"
I think your site on Sophie
Dahl is generally very good; i did not expect that there would be one entirely about
Sophie Dahl. I think
Sophie is easily the most
attractive "Super model" and in my opinion, perhaps one of the most gorgeous
women in the country. I think your
site could be improved by
perhaps giving some more general information about Sophie. Lastly, all these people who
call her "big" must need
glasses or something. Her figure
is absolutely perfect, certainly NOT fat. Keep up the good work!
Subject: Sophie
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:52:01
From: "Mikael
Str?mgren" <>
Well, I see you've taken the
H&M-pictures from my site. But don't worry. I'm not going to sue you! After all it's
H&M we must give credit for their beautiful pics. Good luck with your site and keep up
the good work!
Webmaster's note: A
very very warm "thanks" from me to you Mikael !!
Subject: Sophie rocks
Date: 25 Oct 1999 14:45:42 -0200
just writing to say that I
think Sophie is great, she's so sassy and funky and doesn't really give a shit what anyone
else thinks, that's why I think she's great. Your web sight is awesome, you obviously put
heaps of time into it, it looks primo. I'm hoping to get into the moddeling industry, as a
fuller figured model, check out my portpholio if you're ever bored it's on my home page at
I would send you a picture with
this but I'm abit of a computer retard and don't know how. Feel free to put a photo with
this e-mail if you can work it out!
Cheers again for the top
love buzzy-bee
Subject: <none>
Date: 18 Oct 1999 16:51:02 -0200
don't have a photo of Sophie
Dahl - and don't want one - beauty is in the eye of the beholder -- in this case obviously
a blind one.
Webmaster's note: Funny
how some search engines can take you to websites you actually don't want to visit!
Subject: sophie
Date: 14 Oct 1999 13:14:18 -0200
hi maels.
i'd like to thank you for a
wonderful site. i have just spent the last 10 minutes wanking like mad over sophie.
have you any pictures of her
with her tits out? if so could you please send some.
Webmaster's note: Nude
pictures of Sophie do exist, e.g. the 1999 Pirelli calendar shoot. See for the links at a
message below, and happy ... inspiration! :>
Subject: Recent Sophie
Date: 22 Oct 1999 15:01:22 -0200
Please, please post the
To whoever posted the last
message slagging Sophie off but didn't have the balls to put your email address (pussy!)
Firstly, you must be blind if you think that Sophie is bigger than Dawn French (not that
anything wrong with her either).
She isn't. And that's a fact not an opinion. Secondly, if the site is so bad and you hate
Sophie so much why did you come here in the first place. Dimwit.
Thanks, Chris :)
Subject: <none>
Date: 24 Jun 1999 20:38
From: <address not shown by
request >
MY friend and i think this
site is boring and full of a fat tart! How can anyone say that she looks good ,she looks
like Dawn French only fatter!!!! By the way whoever sent the pictures of Geri and Sophie
is BLIND !!!!!
Webmaster's note: A fan site
of the site suggested a while ago that negative comments should not be posted here. I
disaggree. Everybody has an opinion as inspector Callaghan once said :>
Subject: Sophie Dahl
Date: 03 Jun 1999 19:26
Unfortunately I don't
have a pic for you, but I would like to congratulate you on your site. In the past I've
spent ages trawling through a sea of crap trying to find pics of Sophie but to no avail.
Here's to a
celebration of 'big is beautiful', and I hope your site goes from strength to strength.
All the
best, Chris :)
Subject: Sophie Dahl
Date: 17 May 1999 16:35
Wonderfull site! I thought
the photos were great,and I think she's gorgeous.
AS for the comments of a
retarded yank,Im'e amazed he spent so much time on the site to make those outrageous
comments! Keep up the good work.
Would love to get a pic of the
pirelli calender shot,where could I get a copy?
I liked her comment in the press
She's NOT doing this to
represent,or motivate larger girls;she is merely doing it for herself.
Im'e not a" fat chic"
nut, but I think Sophie is a very attractive girl. Iv'e seen plenty og ugly "skinny
chics" too!
Cris Tandy
Webmaster's note: For all of
you who wish to see the 1999 Pirelli calendar picture, go to a search engine (e.g.
Altavista) and search for "Pirelli Calendar". You'll get more than a few hits...
Subject: comments
Date: 28 Apr 1999 04:37
I'm italian guy.
I like very very much
Sophie...She's the most beautiful and good looking girl I've seen. I don't like very much
anoressic model...I love not slim girl...and she's my preferite...
I would give anything to meet look her in her eyes...and I'd like to view some her nude photos.
Webmaster's note: Well, I'll
say it once again, the policy in Geocities does not allow nude pictures to be posted
online. I had some of them myself, but I brought them down. And just to tease you all, she
looks very pretty in them! >:)
Subject: :)
Date: 26 Apr 1999 21:36
Before I begin, I love your
site :) I'm quite a fan of Sophie Dahl and I think that she is gorgeous. I think
that she was gorgeous as a size 16 and gorgeous as a size 12 (Au sizes) I think that
Sophies decision to lose
weight was a good one, not
bagging her or anything. Personally, I admire Sophie, as I myself would love to be a
plus size model. She challenges the stereotype that people that are plus size
immediately are 40+. (I'm 16 and
I'm a plus size) For that, she
has won a place on my list of heros and i aspire to be like her :)
I've enclosed a pic of me to show that not all plus size people must be old and ugly (not
being vain hehe :)
Here's Fiorella's pic.
She's very pretty indeed!
Subject: Sophie losing
Date: 12 Apr 1999 23:21
i was amazed to see in
today's english daily telegraph that sophie is attempting to lose weight because
"none of my clothes fit me...i want to have a fierce body...a fantasy where I'm
wearing cowboy boots and have
bronzed, slender limbs a la
Sandra [bullock]".
surely if your clothes don't
fit sophie, the thing to do is buy bigger clothes and not starve yourself into the shape
which fashion dictates? what happened to the examples you wanted to set? the belief that
you'd let
people down if you conformed to
the pressure to look anorexic? it's a shame to see that your goal now is to get into a
size eight mcqueen dress.
a let down admirer
Subject: <none>
Date: 10 Apr 1999 12:47
Sophie is ugly
Subject: Sophie Dahl,
Date: 27 Nov 1998 08:16:02
Hi -- just wanted to tell you
that your Sophie Dahl page is great! Sophie is not as well known in the US; I didn't know
much about her before I found your site.
Your site inspired me to
create a site dedicated to the "plus size" model and total goddess Kate Dillon
(who was one of the Venezia V-Girls along with Sophie). You can find the Totally Kate
Dillon Site at
best regards
joe michaels
Kate Dillon from the TKDS |
Webmaster's note: Joe has done a
wonderful job with the "Totally Kate Dillon Site". Be sure to pay a visit there
to admire another beautiful woman.
Subject: Damn that bitch is
packing some weight...
Date: 26 Nov 1998 11:41:30
To the creator of this
Hey man is this site a joke?
Look buddy when I look for chicks on the net I'm looking to see something special,
something that turns me on, something less that 300 lbs. Shit if I wanted to see some fat
chick thinking she looked good I'd get my ass off the sofa and go look at my old lady in
the kitchen, eating the donut crumbs that she finds hidden in the rolls of cellulite that
makes up her "body"...if you want I'll send you some snap shots, you fat loving
freak....When I got your site I went back and made sure I had looked up "sexy
chicks" NOT "SHAMU"....Your wierd obsession with this Sophie Dahl girl is
SICK, get some taste, the way you are giving overweight chicks in this country hope is
almost criminal...they don't look good they look fat and the sooner they realise it the
better, freaks like you are just hampering there progress to an attractive body... We owe
it to them to put them to shame over their disgusting cellulite engulfed bodies...uugh it
makes me sick just thinking about it....the thought of Sophie Dahl sitting on my cock
makes me want to gag...I mean come on, she's 5 pounds away from being bed ridden...
Your friend, Matty D. Stuart
ps. the pictures of my fat
ass wife are in the mail...god damn that bitch is fat.
Webmaster's note: Dear Matty,
I have never thought that this site is a bad example to girls over there in the United
States. I promise I will create a site against donut consumption to make up :> As for
you "fat loving freaks" that visit this site, Matty has not yet sent me the
pictures he told me :>>>>
Subject: Sophie Dahl in new
pirelli calendar
Date: 24 Nov 1998 00:52:08
Hi Great looking site but not
as good looking as sophie Just thought you might like to know that Sophie is appearing in
the new pirelli calander (you might already know) Keep up the good work
thanks Craig
Webmaster's note: Indeed
Sophie is appearing in the Pirelli calendar as the girl for the month of February. I have
the picture but it can't be published in Geocities since (although very artistic) it is a
full frontal nude. Thanks for the picture go not only to Craig, but to many of you,
especially Miki from Yugoslavia.
Subject: pictures
Date: 21 Nov 1998 21:55:56
From: < address not shown by
request >
keep up the
good work. I just adore Sophie, I thought I sent you these images, the first one,
comparing sophie with gerrie from the spice girls. See if you can use them....
Do you have a comment or a suggestion?
Please send it to me at
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