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Hellenic Tactical Air Force Squadron Badge

From September 1st, 1999 this site's webmaster is a proud member of the

HAF F-16 Fighter


This site now hosts more than 100 pictures of Sophie Dahl!

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The Unofficial 
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(Latest update on December 14, 2000)

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Click on the logo and send
a message titled
"Sign me up"

This is a Geocities Community Leader Site


Click on the logo for details and some info on me

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If you wish to make a submission to this site, read on:

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There have been

visitors to this site
since its creation

This site is created in


Webmaster's Notes:

Welcome to the Xmas version of this website, which is entirely dedicated to the astonishing beauty of Sophie Dahl. As you can see the site has put on its holiday outfit, and I want to wish you all very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2001. And as the season calls for gifts, in this update there are twenty two new pictures added in two new galleries, Various Images Galleries Part 11  & Various Images Galleries Part 12

Most of the new images were contributed by HSG although some were found in his wonderful website (a visit there is strongly recommended!! ). Lots of my most sincere thanks go  as well to all of you who sent me pictures and comments regardless whether they were published or not.

As you may already know, Sophie is starring in a campaign for Yves Saint Laurent's Opium perfume. I have to thank Lance Morgan, Ray Emery and Christophe for pointing this out to me. But it's only thanks to Betsy Hasman that I'm able to present you with the picture from the advertisment right here in the first page... Additionally, last time I asked if someone had a larger resolution copy of this image, and well... here it is thanks to Yves Dudognon and... me.

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195 x 280
450 x 318
800 x 1114

Although it's a nude photograph, I am posting it, since it's a picture you can find in every magazine and newspaper, and it's not offending to anyone. Thanks go also to Steve Illingworth who pointed out that the original picture had to be rotated 90 degrees.

I believe that Sophie is appearing in more more pictorials in various magazines. If you come across any of them, and are unable to scan it and send me the pictures, please inform me of it, and I'll try to acquire them.

Debbie has sent me more of her drawings of Sophie, so I decided to create a new gallery dedicated to them. Many many thanks go again to Debbie for taking the time to create those wonderful sketches... Along with these drawings Debbie suggested that more visitors of this site send in their own drawings of Sophie. I think that this is a very good idea, so everyone who gets inspired by Sophie, go ahead!

I also received a message including a URL where a girl looking very much like Sophie, often goes on Webcam. If you have the curiosity to see her try http://xoompop.camarades.com and keep your fingers crossed :>

Furthermore, many of you will be delighted to know that I have found a postal mail address you can use to send a letter of appreciation directly to Sophie. It's the address of her model agency in London, so until I get her home adsress  (not likely anytime soon!!! :> ) you can give it a try: c/o Storm Model Management, 1st Floor, Jubilee Place, London SW3 3TD, UK

As a reminder of how it all began, you can take a look at the very first Unofficial Sophie Dahl Pages by clicking here

Starting as of now I am  creating a newsletter so that I can be able to inform the frequent visitors of this site of the (quite irregular...) updates and much more. A pilot issue was already sent out to the most frequent picture submitters, but the aim is to include in the list as many of you as possible...  If you wish to be included in the list please send me a message stating your approval, titled "Sign me up".

Remember that I am always happy to receive your comments about the site or Sophie, through an email. The "Comments" section of these pages is always proving to be a very interesting part and I'm sure it's the first page that Sophie reads when visiting the site! :)

You can navigate through the site by using the buttons below:

Photographs from 
various magazines  and newspapers

Interviews and 
other info on  Sophie Dahl

Viewers comments.
What you think about  the site and Sophie

The ten best pictures 
of the site 
(for those in a hurry)

What was added and  changed in the 
latest update of this site

Notable messages I have
received about

these pages

These pages were originally created on July 25, 1997 
(yes, they are the first Sophie Dahl pages on the Net!!)
by websys2.jpg (2309 bytes) using:

Don't forget to check the latest addition of the "Unofficial Pages" Family:

You can e-mail me with comments or suggestions at maels@bigfoot.com
Sophie is getting known to you through these pages, 
thanks to Geocities

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