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           * Working Appliances
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We Buy one piece or housefuls.

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Rossville High School Alumni
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this page last update 03/13/2009
created 08/10/2002
Buying misc. furniture and odds &  ends for over 20 years as Harris Furniture and as
H&H Furniture
I buy furniture in Chickamauga, Apison, Collegedale, Brainard, Chattanooga Tennessee, Red Bank, Rossville, Ringgold, East Ridge, LaFayette Georgia, North Chattanooga, East Brainard, Fort Oglethorpe, East Lake, Flintstone, Lafeyette, Trenton, Tiftonia, Lookout, Walden, Ooltewah, Lakeside, Hixson, Harrison, Dallas Bay, Mission Ridge, Rivermont, Saint Elmo, Boynton, and many more places..... Are you looking for someone to buy furniture in Chattanooga? Looking for someone to buy your working appliances? Looking for someone to buy your antiques?  You have found us!
The Furniture Store on McFarland Avenue
Almost Always looking for the following ---
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We buy the following
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We Buy one piece or housefuls.
Looking for great deals on used furniture?
Peerless Review
Chattanooga Metro Area and NW GA 706.866.4330
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