Dennis Harfield
Model Railways and Railroads "O" Gauge specialist.
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Welcome to our Stock Page.
Updated 8th November 2000
We are always in the market for additional stock and would be interested in any stock that you have surplus to requirements. We also consider part exchange and will often buy items in poor condition for spares. We buy and sell Model Railways of any make any condition, any gauge any age. A trade buyer interested in our entire stock would receive a substantial discount, as the proprietors are of retiring age. We are members of the Hornby Railway collectors Association and of the Gauge "O" Guild.
Below is a short list of some of the fine locomotives we have in stock for the full list send e-mail with Full Name and Address Thank you
The Blue Link (photo) will take you to a photograph of the locomotive.
Code No. + Description + Price
S 01 Fine scale Great Western, "City of Bristol", 2 rail e/l 4-4-0, and six wheeled tender, No. 3712. Superb cab detail, sprung buffers, riveting, break detail, etc. Superbly finished in Green/Black/Gold. a real beauty. £600.00 UK Sterling.
S 02 Honby
0-4-0 loco No. 2710. Beautifully refinished in Caledonian Blue with four wheeled
tender. Clockwork M.L. Ltd., transfers to side. Excellent. £195.00 UK
S 03 No.2
Tank Loco GWR, No 7202, 4-4-4, Green/Back/Gold C/W Superb Restoration A £315.00
UK Sterling.
S 128 No.
2 Tank locomotive, LNER, 4-4-4, c/w, Grn/Blk/Gld, No. Beautifully Restored. £275.00
UK Sterling
S 61
No 3E Loco and Tender, 4-4-2, LNER, e/l 6v, No 1876,
Green/Black/Gold. Good condition and runner. unusual body modifications, C+ £335.00
UK Pounds.
S 05 Superbly finished scratch built 0-4-2 (ex LBSC) loco and six wheeled tender. 2 rail e/l named "Hastings", now in southern livery No B182. Finished in Green/ Black/white. superb vintage style loco. £320.00 UK sterling.
S 06 M & G.N. 0-6-0 loco and six wheeled tender. 2 rail e/l No. 91 in black with gold lettering. Sprung buffers, brake and cab detail. £250.00 UK Sterling.
S 07 No.
2 Loco & Tender ( Coal Rail ), 4-4-0, LMS, 12v e/l No 2711, Red/Blk/Gld,
Superb Restoration, Added 12v e/l motor, A £360.00 UK Sterling.
S 08 LMS 0-6-0, 2 rail e/l, side tank loco. Finished in black. No. 1729. Highly detailed. Gold numbering LMS red background. Excellent. Out of Order. £275.00 UK Sterling.
S 103
Hornby No 4 loco, 3R, 20v, e/l, southern "Elton" loco
and tender.4-4-0 No 900 green/black/gold. Excellent. In presentation box. A £1000.00
UK Sterling
S 10 LMS
Royal Scot & Tender No. 6100 4-6-0 e/l Red/Blk Very Good Condition Bassett
Lowke £495.00 UK Sterling
S 11 Substantial 2-6-2 loco and six wheeled tender. British Rail "V2", 3 rail e/l No. 60806. (Photograph ) Sprung buffers finished in green/black/red. Difficult to find. £675.00 UK Sterling.
S 12 Substantial 4-6-0 loco and six wheeled tender. ( Photograph ) 3 rail skate e/l. LMS No. 6102 Smoke deflectors, well finished in maroon/black/gold. Very good example. £290.00 UK Sterling.
S 136
Bing Gauge 1 L&NWR Precursor Tank Locomotive No. 44, 4-4-2 In black
Livery part finished. C/W. Beautiful Specimen £850.00 UK Sterling
S 14 Honby
4-4-0, e/l "Yorkshire" Locomotive and Tender No. 234,
Green/Black/White, Good Condition £750.00 UK Sterling
S 15 Hornby
C/W "County of Bedford" and Tender, 4-4-0 No. 3821.
Green/Black/Yellow Lining Good Condition and Runner £550.00 UK Sterling
S 16 NBR
0-6-0 Locomotive and Tender No 8 Finely Painted in Brown/Black NBR Livery. 2
rail e/l running. coal rail and coal to six wheeled tender 12 volt Excellent
condition £325.00 UK Sterling
S 17 Hornby 4-4-2 "Caerphhilly Castle" loco and six wheeled tender. No. 4073. 3 rail e/l, 20v. Superbly refinished in original GWR livery, green/black/gold. £400.00 UK Sterling.
S 18 Southern.
0-4-4 M7. Side Tank. No 379. 2 rail electric 12 volt Finished in SR Green
Livery. Good External Detail including Brake and sanding gear, pipe work, etc.
Good condition £320.00 UK Sterling
S 19 Southern
Bachmann G Scale Tank Loco, 2-4-2, e/l, E762, 2 Rail Grn/Blk/Yellow. Named Lyn.
Boxed. excellent condition £200.00 UK Sterling
S 20 Hand
Built GWR Dock Shunter No 1028 2 rail e/l Green/ Black 0-4-0 12 volt outside
cylinders Very Good condition A £225.00 UK Sterling
S 21 LMS
4-4-0 Loco and Tender No 579, Maroon/Black Hand Built With Fly wheel motor, 2
rail e/l 12 volt Very good condition A £380.00 UK Sterling
S 22 LMS
Loco and Tender 4-6-0 No 5469 3 rail e/l Black/Red lining Coarse Scale Very Good
Condition £550.00 UK Sterling
S 23 Lionel Lines 4-4-2, 3 rail e/l locomotive and 8 wheeled tender. No. 8800, black. Excellent condition. £200.00 UK Sterling.
S 128
NER Dunalistair loco and eight wheeled tender, 4-4-0, e/l,
unnumbered 2 rail, blue/black/gold, flywheel motor. Rare Loco. Very Good
Condition £495.00 UK Pounds.
4-6-2 Loco and Six wheeled tender No 4476 Royal Lancer 3 rail course scale
Green/Black/White Very good condition but minor work necessary on cab £450.00
UK Sterling
S 26 Substantial
4-6-2 Jubilee Class Loco and Tender 2 rail 12 volt e/l LMS No 5596 " Bahamas"
Superbly detailed with LMS Composite Coach really excellent £1100 UK
S 33 Royal Scot & tender LMS 4-4-2, No 6100, e/l Good Condition. ( Photograph ) £285.00 UK Sterling.
S 37 LNER "Flying Scotsman" ( Photograph ) tender. e/l No 4472, 6v, very nice condition rare green/black £425.00 UK Sterling.
Accessories, Rolling Stock and Coaches.
Plus Lots Lots More Send for Full List With your Full Name and Address Thank you.
We accept all Major credit cards
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