Dan Melinger
2355 Alberta Court
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 241-2644
email: dan.melinger@compaq.com

Operating systems: Guardian, Unix (Sun 4.1.3), NT 4.0
Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL, Tal, COBOL, Pascal, Fortran
Over 21 years experience working in Software Development


August 1983 to Present
Software Engineer at Tandem Computers, later a Compaq division
I am currently working on the COBOL compiler for Tandem's NSK systems. I have also ported this compiler to the PC.

Previously, I worked on DWF, a product that provides remote access to the NSK's environment by making its API available remotely.
Before that, I worked on TRANSFER, a data transport product that also functioned as the backbone of the mail system. I wrote 2/3 of an X.400 Gateway, and enhanced TRANSFER to support shared objects.

Before that I was enhancing/supporting FAXLINK, a TRANSFER client that enables the mail system to send and receive documents from Fax machines.

My original assignment at Tandem was designing and coding a text formatter (Tform) that functioned with a word processing station or as a standalone product.

November 1980 to August 1983
Senior Systems Programmer II at Four Phase Systems, Inc.
I wrote a symbolic debugger for the Pascal compiler, rewrote string and I/O routines, co-designed a new code generator, and later transferred to a UNIX development group where I developed a profile editor.

August 1978 to November 1980
Systems Programmer/Analyst at Control Data Corp.
My duties included maintenance of compilers, runtime libraries, and the loader. My responsibilities also included training for new employees.

January 1978 to August 1978
Systems Programmer at Harris Data Communications.
I maintained and enhanced several utilities and a compiler for a minicomputer system.

September 1976 to May 1977
Teaching Assistant at the University of Kentucky.
I taught Fortran classes to engineering students.

April 1974 to May 1976
Student Consultant for the Computing Center, SUNY at Geneseo
I consulted for students and faculty on various programming languages, and wrote a series of chemistry lab programs.

M.S. in Computer Science, University of Kentucky, December 1977.
B.S. in Management Science, SUNY at Geneseo, May 1976.

Peer Award, Tandem Computers
TOPS Award (Tandem Outstanding Performers)
Employee Excellence Award from Control Data Corporation
Fellowship from University of Kentucky
New York State Regents Scholarship

References furnished upon request.