About Ovaltech (a.k.a. Otech Ltd)
Our firm was established in 1988 by a pair of lawyers who had been working in the computer industry. The Revenues package began life as an advice system to demystify the notoriously convoluted Community Charge legislation! Since then it has expanded into 3 modules, covering the related subjects of Housing Benefit, NNDR (Business Rates) and , of course, Council Tax - which quickly replaced the ill-fated Poll Tax. The package rapidly achieved phenomenal success with a customer base exceeding 200 Local Authorities. In 1994 Ovaltech joined forces with a large publishing company - who almost wrecked the business. In the Spring of 1998 there was a famous de-merger and the packages reverted completely to the original Ovaltech team, namely - Keith Bannerman (Barrister), Mike Commins (IRRV + CIPFA) and Steve Goddard (LL.B). Since then we have launched some very exciting products and expanded the customer base once more.
How to get hold of us
You can directly proposition Keith by calling 0115 9201184 or Mike Commins on 01706 642249. Better still, go for a more hi-tech approach and email us direct on the ovaltech.ltd.uk address [try thelads@ovaltech.ltd.uk], keith.bannerman@ntlworld.com , keithB@bannermank.freeserve.co.uk or via our sister site at mike.com@ariesaccounts.co.uk.
For various family reasons, Keith Bannerman spent
a large chunk of 2000 and 2001 in Australia but
dragged back returned (eventually) in February 2002.