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Normal Links
Sybertec Superstore Affiliate Program - Associates are paid for click-throughs of advertising banners AND receive GREAT DISCOUNTS on items purchased for personal use.
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Handy Links
mySimon Hobby & Leisure - The unbiased site for comparison shopping on the Internet. Shop at many online hobby shops simultaneously with one simple search at mySimon. We've got everything from cigars to vintage guitars.
I Seek It - The commercial search engine. If you want to purchase something, you'll find it here. Also, horoscopes, maps, reverse directories, casinos, travel services and much more.
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Mountain Dog Media - Fast, easy shopping for music cds. Music catalogs include cds from classical, rock, pop, rap, opera, techno, country, R&B, new age, alternative and more.
Showbits - Gifts and jewelry for anyone interested in theatre, music and dance. Showbits also features a calendar of performances and a cast party cookbook.
Duncans E-Shops - E-Shops is an online shop selling everything from books, music, software, videos, DVD's, gifts and even computers.
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