- He opens his mouth.
- The Happy Ones.
- The salt Of
The Earth.
- The Light
Of The World.
- The Law.
- Murder.
- Make Peace.
- Adultery.
- The Impossible
- Tell The Truth.
- Turn The
Other Cheek.
Love Your Enemies.
- Do Good Works
For Father Not For
- Pray
To Father Not To Men.
- Pray This
- Father Only Forgives
Those Who Are
- Fast For Father
Not For Men.
- Where Your Treasure
Is, There Your
Heart Will Be.
- The Eye.
- Slave For God
Not For Money.
- Stop Being Anxious.
- Seek
First The Kingdom And
Father's Righteousness.
- Qualified
To Teach.
- Dogs And Swine.
- Keep Asking, Keep
Seeking, Keep
- The Golden Rule.
- The Narrow Gate.
- Wolves In Sheep's
- Not Everyone
Gets Into The Kingdom.
- Is Your House
Built On The Rock Or On
The Sand?
- He Was Not
As Their Scribes.