1. He opens his mouth.
  2. The Happy Ones.
  3. The salt Of The Earth.
  4. The Light Of The World.
  5. The Law.
  6. Murder.
  7. Make Peace.
  8. Adultery.
  9. The Impossible Divorce.
  10. Tell The Truth.
  11. Turn The Other Cheek.
  12. Love Your Enemies.
  13. Do Good Works For Father Not For Men.
  14. Pray To Father Not To Men.
  15. Pray This Way.
  16. Father Only Forgives Those Who Are Forgiving.
  17. Fast For Father Not For Men.
  18. Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be.
  19. The Eye.
  20. Slave For God Not For Money.
  21. Stop Being Anxious.
  22. Seek First The Kingdom And Father's Righteousness.
  23. Qualified To Teach.
  24. Dogs And Swine.
  25. Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking.
  26. The Golden Rule.
  27. The Narrow Gate.
  28. Wolves In Sheep's Covering.
  29. Not Everyone Gets Into The Kingdom.
  30. Is Your House Built On The Rock Or On The Sand?
  31. He Was Not As Their Scribes.