Welcome To Mission Bay!

 Mission Bay Community Association represents your master association and is responsible for areas common to all ten communities - the Fitness Club, Tennis Center, main streets, lakes, landscaping, streetlights and signage. When you purchase a home here, you automatically become a member of the Club and are entitled to use the amenities. Mission Bay collects your quarterly maintenance assessments for maintenance of these areas, in the amount of $428.50 per quarter.  Payments are due on the first day of each quarter - January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.  A statement is mailed to each owner approximately thirty days in advance of each due date.

New owners should receive documents (Protective Covenants and Bylaws) from the seller/agent at or before closing. There is a $50.00 charge for documents if the exchange is not made. Access cards are used to gain entry to the Club area and will be printed for new owners after all paperwork is processed and the home has closed.  New cards and Replacement Cards are $15.00 each.

There is an established collection procedure in place for unpaid maintenance assessments. After fifteen (15) days of the due date, a $25.00 late charge is posted to the account; at thirty (30) days, the account is sent to the Association's legal firm for collection. This is when additional fees get expensive for the homeowner. All of the collection steps have fees attached to them, so we kindly ask that your payments be prompt. Should your address change or you leave the area to travel, it is your responsibility to notify the administration office of any forwarding address.

Club amenities information can be obtained from the administration office. There are a variety of excellent fitness classes available to residents, along with a top-notch tennis facility. Basic television cable service is included in your quarterly maintenance assessment. Should you desire premium channels or have problems with your cable, please contact Comcast Cable directly, 561-266-2278.

When you plan to make exterior improvements to your property, you must make architectural application and receive approval before the work begins. This includes but is not limited to, pool/spa installation, roof replacement, painting, landscaping changes, satellite dish installation, addition of patio, screen enclosure and more. There is a standard form that must first be processed through your village association for approval, then it proceeds to Mission Bay Community Association for review. The application can be obtained from the Mission Bay office (Note: Form is downloadable from this web site) or your sub-association property management office. Please follow the directions on the application.

Owners in the communities of The Isle, Laguna, Las Flores, Reflections, Regatta, Sonata and Ventura should receive similar items listed above from their respective village association. Residents of these villages belong to two associations - the village homeowners association and Mission Bay Community Association. There are two separate maintenance assessment payments, as well as different management companies.

Should you have questions concerning your account or if you require assistance with other master association matters, please call us at 561-479-1900 during business hours. Enjoy your new home in Mission Bay.



The following items must be transferred from seller to buyer, at or before closing of a home in Mission Bay:

1. Association documents for both Mission Bay Community Association and the villages of The Isle, Laguna, Las Flores, Reflections, Regatta, Sonata and Ventura. The communities of Cordova Estates, Harbour Springs and La Costa do not have separate homeowners associations - they fall under the jurisdiction of Mission Bay Community Association. If documents are not available, they can be purchased for the Community Association at the administration office, located at 10555 Diego Drive South, at a charge of $50.00. For the individual communities listed above that are homeowner associations, please contact the respective management company/manager for that community.

2. Access cards for the Fitness Club and Tennis Center - Mission Bay has a card access system whereby cards are activated and deactivated as needed. New owners must complete an affidavit, from which information is input into the card access computer system. New cards will be issued only after this information is obtained. Cards belonging to people who move away will be automatically deactivated. Both new Cards and replacement Cards are $15.00/ea.

3. Maintenance assessments for Mission Bay are collected on a quarterly basis, due on the first day of each quarter. The amount of the maintenance assessment is $428.50 per quarter.  This assessment is for Mission Bay Community Association only (the master association). The communities listed above also have maintenance assessments.

A welcome letter (attached or enclosed) will be given to every new buyer so he/she knows exactly what is expected in the community. An architectural design handbook will also be given to all new buyers and can be obtained in the administration office, along with other pertinent information relating to Club amenities. Before an owner can make any type of addition or revision to a property, he/she must obtain approval by submitting an application. A copy of the current budget will be given to real estate agents on request and to new owners as they come in. A copy of the warranty deed must also be received in the administration office as soon as it is available.

It is your responsibility to assist your client with their introduction to Mission Bay.  For an estoppel, the charge is $100.00 in advance of information being received.  For a "rush" estoppel, the fee is $150.00.

Thank you for your cooperation with procedures. We enjoy having informed and happy residents in Mission Bay - you will help by advising them of these procedures and making their arrival a pleasant one.


Copyright © 1999-2007 Mission Bay Community Association, Inc., All Right Reserved