Welcome to our web page. The purpose for our site is mainly to educate in areas we feel are important. Some may agree, some may not. These are only our thoughts on certain issues. We have been involved with Australian Shepherds since 1998, and already have come to the conclusion that this breed will be our forever breed ;o) We love all animals, and own many, but the Aussie holds a special spot in our hearts. The Australian Shepherd is a very versatile breed, but unfortunately is not for everyone. People need to be realistic in their search for a pet, and understand that this breed was originally bred with strong herding abilities, and drive to control large numbers of stock. They still *can* have (more so than not) very strong herding/prey instincts. Because of this, it takes a certain kind of home to be able to completely fulfill an Aussies needs. Because of the certain lines of Australian Shepherds that are available today, I do believe that with research most people can find an Aussie that could possibly be able to fit their lifestyle. With that said, I have chosen to be extremely honest and forthright in helping people find a line, breeder or breed of dog that will best suit them. If you need help or would like more information on Australian Shepherds, please feel free to contact me. I can help educate and I will try to guide you in the right direction if possible. I also highly recommend looking into Rescue groups of all breeds. You will most likely find a perfect match for your companion as well as possibly saving a life. In these pages you will find information on Hip Dysplacia, Rescue, Breeders Links, B.A.R.F, Puppies, and for fun, some information on our Farm and our Family. Enjoy browsing through our pages, and come back to visit as we add more information in all areas. I highly recommend checking out all of the links I have provided. Have fun! I also sell Country Charm Essence, bodycare for the discerning woman. Please click here to go to a page with more information! Randy and Pam Arlitt * Vancouver Island, Canada *
Copyright© 2004. All information, pictures & graphics contained on this website belong to Starlitt Australian Shepherds & cannot be reproduced without written consent. All Rights Reserved. **